BUSI 240 Quiz 3

BUSI 240 Quiz 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. According to expectancy theory, a skill-development training program would
  2. The best reinforcement schedule for motivating employees is
  3. According to the needs hierarchy theory, the concept of ________ suggests that people are naturally motivated to reach their potential.
  4. According to learned needs theory, people with a ________ desire power as a means to help others.
  5. Four-drive theory recommends that organizations should
  6. Which of the following needs is the strongest according to Maslow’s needs hierarchy theory?
  7. Scenario B Jessie and Paul have worked in the same office at DEF Insurance LLC for 6 years. Jessie has always taken extra care to follow the office norms and ensure that everyone has a happy and harmonious working experience. Paul has been very driven during his years at DEF Insurance, and though he started as an insurance agent, he has since been promoted to the agency manager and proudly displays all of his awards on the wall of his new office. According to learned needs theory, Jessie most likely has a high
  8. Which of the following does the expectancy theory explain about employees?
  9. In expectancy theory, the ________ expectancy is the perceived probability that a specific behavior or performance level will lead to a particular outcome.
  10. A need for achievement is when people
  11. Scenario A ABC Corporation recently held a “Vision Day” event in which all of its employees formed teams to develop 60-second videos for management around how the company is making lives better. Shortly after, the CEO was quoted as saying, “We try to get the best out of everybody.” “Vision Day” was an exercise attempting to increase
  12. Expectancy theory helps us to predict an individual’s
  13. ________ is the process of keeping track at regular intervals of one’s progress toward a goal by using naturally occurring feedback.
  14. In order to have high self-leadership ability, you must also be
  15. Which of the following is an advantage of job specialization?
  16. Scenario D Michael is a new manager for a high-powered company. He has inherited a unit that has low morale, poor performance, and high turnover. He needs to find a way to empower his employees. Based on the information below, identify which dimension he has chosen to employ. While Michael was breaking the e-mail habit, he started sharing sales reports and customer satisfaction surveys with the group. He was hoping to give the employees a sense of ________ about their importance.
  17. Which of the following is an individual incentive?
  18. According to Taylor, the most effective companies have
  19. How can companies improve the pay–performance linkage?
  20. Which one of the following types of rewards motivates employees to learn new skills?
  21. Gainsharing plans tend to
  22. Scenario E Staff Up! is determined to begin to grow their own leaders because they see it as being key to success. They know they will have to work with each employee to build their skills. Answer the following questions. As the unit supervisor, Dionne has begun to allow flexible scheduling for those who want to try it. She is hoping by allowing the flexibility, production will increase. Which self-leadership strategy is she employing?
  23. ________ is the degree to which employees can tell how well they are doing on the basis of direct sensory information from the job itself.
  24. Which of the following rewards motivate employees to compete for promotions?
  25. Which of these job design actions is a form of job enlargement?

Set 2

  1. ABC Corp. brought in a performance-based reward system that accurately identified employees who performed better than others. This practice improves employee motivation by
  2. are events preceding the behavior.
  3. A way to increase a person’s ________ expectancy is to measure his or her job performance more accurately and distribute more valued rewards to those with higher job performance.
  4. The desire to seek approval from others, conform to their wishes and expectations, and avoid conflict and confrontations is referred to as the need for
  5. Which of the following statements was not considered by the needs hierarchy theory?
  6. People with a high need for ________ tend to be more effective in jobs that require them to mediate conflicts.
  7. Equity theory research has found that employees who feel ________ tend to alter their perceptions of inputs and outcomes rather than attempt to actually change them.
  8. Goal setting tends to be more effective when goals are
  9. People with a high need for affiliation tend to
  10. The ________ is the value of the inputs you provide divided by the value of the outcomes you receive in the exchange relationship.
  11. A significant discovery in equity theory research is that people tend to keep ________ comparison other(s) throughout their working lives.
  12. feedback tends to provide more complete and accurate information than feedback from a supervisor alone.
  13. Rewards work best when they are valued. Which reward below would an employee value?
  14. A cable TV company redesigned jobs so that one employee interacts directly with customers, connects and disconnects their cable service, installs their special services, and collects overdue accounts in an assigned area. They also decided to do away with scripted customer interaction manuals and allow each employee to determine how best to interact with each customer. Previously, each task was performed by a different person, and the customer interacted only with someone at the head office. This change most likely increased all of the following for each employee except
  15. In order to have high self-leadership ability, you must also be
  16. According to the self-leadership model, which of the following is true about positive self-talk?
  17. Which of the following steps occurs in self-leadership immediately after identifying goals that are specific, relevant, and challenging?
  18. Staff Up! is determined to begin to grow their own leaders because they see it as being key to success. They know they will have to work with each employee to build their skills. Answer the following questions. Manuel is often seen sitting at his desk mumbling. When asked if all is alright, he often comments that he cannot perform like the others on his team. He is engaging in
  19. Which of the following are “golden handcuffs” that potentially increase continuance commitment?
  20. A video journalist’s job consists of operating the camera, reporting the story, and often editing the work, whereas these three tasks were traditionally performed by three people. Video journalism is an example of
  21. Task ________ is the characteristic of a job that refers to how predictable job duties are from one day to the next.
  22. is the process of keeping track at regular intervals of one’s progress toward a goal by using naturally occurring feedback.
  23. is influencing oneself to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed to perform a task.
  24. A large retail organization previously divided work among its four employee-benefits staff into distinct specializations. One person answered all questions about superannuation (pension plans), another answered all questions about various forms of paid time-off (e.g., vacations), and so on. These jobs were recently restructured so that each employee-benefits person answers all questions for people in a particular geographic area. One staff member is responsible for all employee-benefits inquiries from anyone in a particular geographic region. This restructuring most likely increased each employee’s
  25. Which of the following type of reward systems uses job evaluations?

Set 3

  1. To increase goal performance, employees should participate in the goal- setting process:
  2. Which of the following is a way to increase employee motivation by improving the P-to-O expectancies?
  3. Which of these theories states that we are motivated by several needs, but the strongest source is the lowest unsatisfied need?
  4. Which of the following is the highest level need in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
  5. In four-drive theory, the drive ______ is most closely associated with the need for relative status and recognition.
  6. Employees who receive a fixed amount of pay each week and who feel under-rewarded are most likely to:
  7. When people experience procedural injustice, they tend to:
  8. A learned need in which people want to control the environment, including people and material resources, to benefit either themselves or others is referred to as the need for:
  9. According to the four-drive theory, which of the following drives is the foundation of competition and the basis of our need for esteem?
  10. According to expectancy theory, giving more valued rewards to employees with higher job performance mainly increases motivation by:
  11. The desire to seek approval from others, conform to their wishes and expectations, and avoid conflict and confrontations is referred to as the need for:
  12. One of the main implications of four-drive theory is that:
  13. When applied to non-management employees, which of the following has a weak connection between the reward and individual effort?
  14. Team rewards are better than individual rewards when employees work in highly interdependent jobs because:
  15. Which of the following does scientific management include?
  16. According to the survey reported in the text, what percentage of Americans say their pay is “variable, such that a portion is dependent upon your individual performance/productivity” targets?
  17. Which of these job design actions is a form of job enlargement?
  18. is the degree to which the job affects the organization and/or larger society.
  19. A mid-sized city introduced a reward system whereby employees would find ways to reduce costs and increase work efficiency. Every employee would receive a portion of the surplus budget resulting from these cost savings. Which of the following reward systems is this city using?
  20. When are employees said to be empowered?
  21. Which of the following refers to the result of the division of labor in which work is subdivided into separate jobs assigned to different people?
  22. Gainsharing plans tend to:
  23. Which of these statements about self-leadership is true?
  24. A unique feature of Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene theory is that it:
  25. According to the self-leadership model, which of the following is true about positive self-talk?
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  1. BUSI 240 Quiz 3
  2. BUSI 240 Quiz 3
  3. BUSI 240 Quiz 3 2019