BUSI 240 Quiz 2

BUSI 240 Quiz 2 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. In organizational settings, empathy
  2. If John takes credit for work done on time, but blames his coworkers for his delays, his attitude is reflective of the
  3. Which of the following occurs most likely due to confirmation bias?
  4. The statement “First impressions are lasting impressions” best represents the
  5. A manager believes in the philosophy of ________. His self-fulfilling prophecies are likely to improve organizational performance.
  6. Which of the following is true about a global mindset?
  7. According to the Johari Window, the ________ area includes your values, beliefs, and experiences that are buried so deeply that neither you nor others are aware of them.
  8. ________ affects the perceptual process because employees are more likely to remember information that is consistent with their self-concept and nonconsciously screen out information (particularly negative information) that seems inconsistent with it.
  9. ________ help(s) us store information in memory.
  10. In the Johari Window, the ________ area includes information about you that is known both to you and others.
  11. James scans the work area, notices that there is a lot of loud talking and individuals seem frustrated about not being heard. James is trying to make sense of the scene using
  12. The ________ process involves deciding whether an observed behavior or event is caused mainly by the person or by the environment.
  13. Emotions are defined as
  14. Emotional dissonance occurs when
  15. ________ is often called the “father” of stress research.
  16. Scenario D Colleen, an American employee, was just named the new team leader for a transnational team. In the first video conference, she had a difficult time staying on task with all of the employees on the call. In Spain, Ricardo would talk over the other and was so loud, he was hard to ignore. Chen appeared calm, but would not share his opinion. Then there was Katerina, who rolled her eyes and was the first to hang up.  Ricardo is from Spain, where it is more acceptable in his culture to
  17. If emotions are experiences, then attitudes are
  18. Which of the following statements about job satisfaction is true?
  19. The exit-voice-loyalty-neglect (EVLN) model:
  20. Employees’ identification with a particular organization tends to increase
  21. Most often, people reduce cognitive dissonance by
  22. Scenario C John and Jose are both employees at a shoe manufacturing plant. Recently, they went out after work together to discuss their feelings toward a new supervisor who has been causing them stress. John mentioned that he had put in for a transfer to another shift in order to deal with his issues. Jose confessed to John that he decided he still likes other aspects of his position, regardless of his problems with the supervisor, so he would just wait around to see if the situation would resolve itself. According to the EVLN model, Jose is responding to his dissatisfaction in which way?
  23. Emotions will have a greater influence on our perceptions, attitudes, decisions, and behavior than cognition because
  24. Scenario C John and Jose are both employees at a shoe manufacturing plant. Recently, they went out after work together to discuss their feelings toward a new supervisor who has been causing them stress. John mentioned that he had put in for a transfer to another shift in order to deal with his issues. Jose confessed to John that he decided he still likes other aspects of his position, regardless of his problems with the supervisor, so he would just wait around to see if the situation would resolve itself. According to the EVLN model, John is responding to his dissatisfaction in which way?
  25. According to the service profit chain model, workplace practices affect job satisfaction, which influences employee retention, motivation, and behavior, in turn affecting all of the following  except

Set 2

  1. Elaine got a job transfer from Italy to New York. Soon, she started to understand the mental models held by colleagues from other cultures, as well as their emotional experiences in a given situation. Further, she started to effectively use words and behaviors that were compatible with the local culture of New York. Which of the following features of a global mindset occurred in Elaine’s life?
  2. Joanie is an engineer at an architectural firm. She is very proud of this fact and often defines herself in terms of her work to family and friends. She is very skilled at her job and confident in that fact, but often has trouble adapting to changing job duties and environmental conditions. Although Joanie occasionally has trouble adapting to new conditions and job tasks, she exhibits ________ by believing that she can do almost anything and always maintaining a “can do” attitude.
  3. According to social identity theory, people tend to
  4. is the tendency to attribute the behavior of other people to internal factors more than external factors.
  5. The combination of social identity and self-enhancement leads to the process of
  6. All of the following are true about individuals who have developed a global mindset, except
  7. The self-fulfilling prophecy effect is ________ at the beginning of a relationship.
  8. People who define themselves by their work have ________, which explains their tendency to have lower absenteeism and turnover.
  9. Consistency, consensus, and distinctiveness are the
  10. Unintentional discrimination occurs when decision makers rely on ________ to establish notions of the “ideal” person.
  11. When people ________, they are motivated to confirm and maintain their existing self- concept.
  12. exists when the individual’s identities require similar personality traits, values, and other attributes.
  13. Research suggests that people with high levels of emotional intelligence are better at all of the following except
  14. Which of the following is the most common workplace stressor?
  15. Job satisfaction has become an ethical issue since
  16. Jiana is a flight attendant for a large airline. She exclusively works a long flight from Japan to New York and is expected to constantly maintain a positive attitude no matter what situation arises. Over the years, Jiana has noticed that when dealing with Americans, emotions tend to run higher, and she often feels frustrated, as opposed to Japanese flyers who tend to be more reserved in stressful or unhappy situations. Jiana has spoken with her supervisor about the stress caused when working with the American emotionality and hopes some suggestions for resolution will be made. Jiana’s job requires a high amount of
  17. Which of the following occurs when organizations give financial incentives to prevent dissatisfied employees from quitting?
  18. Which of the following is a competency representing the highest level of emotional intelligence?
  19. Shawna is dissatisfied with her boss for not supporting her work or recognizing her job performance. In spite of these problems, Shawna does not complain and does not intend to move elsewhere. Instead, she maintains her level of work effort and hopes the company will eventually correct these problems. According to the EVLN model, Shawna’s response is
  20. Which of the following terms refers to the necessary stress that activates and motivates people to achieve goals and change their environments?
  21. What effect does providing child care support and offering employees flexible work hours have on work-related stress?
  22. Jiana is a flight attendant for a large airline. She exclusively works a long flight from Japan to New York and is expected to constantly maintain a positive attitude no matter what situation arises. Over the years, Jiana has noticed that when dealing with Americans, emotions tend to run higher, and she often feels frustrated, as opposed to Japanese flyers who tend to be more reserved in stressful or unhappy situations. Jiana has spoken with her supervisor about the stress caused when working with the American emotionality and hopes some suggestions for resolution will be made. The difference Jiana experiences between her American clients and her Japanese clients is mainly due to
  23. The competency most strongly associated with social awareness is
  24. The highest level of emotional intelligence is
  25. Emotional dissonance is

Set 3

  1. is the process of filtering information received by our senses.
  2. Joanie is an engineer at an architectural firm. She is very proud of this fact and often defines herself in terms of her work to family and friends. She is very skilled at her job and confident in that fact, but often has trouble adapting to changing job duties and environmental conditions. Most likely Joanie has:
  3. is the mostly unconscious process of organizing people and objects into preconceived categories that are stored in our long-term memory.
  4. Someone who is new to the job and has a low expectancy is:
  5. George believes that women have difficulty coping with the stress of executive decisions. Sally is promoted into a senior management position and George soon complains that Sally won’t be able to cope with this job. George is exhibiting which of the following perceptual errors?
  6. If John takes credit for work done on time, but blames his co-workers for his delays, his attitude is reflective of the:
  7. Joanie is an engineer at an architectural firm. She is very proud of this fact and often defines herself in terms of her work to family and friends. She is very skilled at her job and confident in that fact, but often has trouble adapting to changing job duties and environmental conditions. Joanie always attributes her successes to her high level of personal motivation. However, when she makes a mistake, she tends to blame the situation. This is known as:
  8. The _____ process involves deciding whether an observed behavior or event is caused mainly by the person or by the environment.
  1. The tendency to attribute the behavior of other people to internal factors more than external factors is called the:
  2. The objective of the Johari Window is to:
  3. Which of the following is an example of selective attention?
  4. The _____ area in the Johari Window refers to information that is known to others but not to you.
  5. Emotions are defined as:
  6. Employees with an emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in a particular organization are likely to have:
  7. Which of the following differences is similar to the difference between emotions and attitudes?
  8. Which of the following determine whether intentions translate into behavior?
  9. Which of the following is an effect of emotions?
  10. Stress is best described as:
  11. Emotional labor refers to:
  12. Emotional intelligence is best described as:
  13. Which of the following terms refer to established perceptions about the attitude object?
  14. Which of the following terms best represents the positive or negative evaluations of the attitude object?
  15. The adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s well-being is called:
  16. Which of these statements about emotional labor is true?
  17. Self-awareness is the lowest level of
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  1. BUSI 240 Quiz 2
  2. BUSI 240 Quiz 2
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