EXSC 520 Quiz Fundamental Vocabulary
EXSC 520 Quiz Fundamental Vocabulary
Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1 – Module 3: Week 3.
- A classification of data that doesn’t meet the assumption of normality is
- What results from a measurement?
- What is one way to directly compare two or more sets of data?
- __________ is a raw score expressed in standard deviation units.
- If there is a 36% chance of being incorrect, what is that known as?
- What classication of data is based on order with zero as the absence of a value?
- What percent of the scores lies between the mean and +/-1 Z score?
- What measures an experiment’s ability for its results to be due to the treatment that was applied?
- Placing the full 5% of the alpha area representing error at either end of the curve making it more likely to find significant differences is known as what?
- What classification of data is a ranked order scale?
- What is measuring “what it’s supposed to be measuring” called?
- What classification of data groups subjects into mutually exclusive categories with quantifiable differentiation?
- What is it called when a distribution is disproportionately distributed toward one end of the scale?
- What is the name of the point when a center fraction of the population of raw scores lies at or below that point?
- What classification of data has equal units that are the same distance between each dimension of the scale; with no absolute zero?
- A curve that has a wide range of scores with low frequencies is called what?
- What is the value called that is the square root of the variance?
- What is known by adding random numbers together causing a normal distribution?
- What is affected by one or more other variables?
- Can a test be reliable without being valid?
- What is known as collecting data without bias?
- What is it called when scores are limited on how high they can go and yet they ‘bunch’ up around that limit?
- What is the level of chance occurrence (error factor)?
- _____ is derived from raw data and has a known basis for comparison.
- A confidence interval of 68% is _________than the 95% confidence interval.
- _________ is the average of the squared deviations from the mean.
- Scales that do meet the assumption of normality are classified as_________.
- What is comparing a value to a standard known as?
- What is determining the worth of data?
- What is the study’s generalizability from a sample to a population?
- Variables that are manipulated or controlled by the researcher are known as
- What is a name for the curve that has the mean, median and mode at the center?
- What is determined by the test-retest method?
- What is the shape of the curve that has most scores in the midrange and a tapering frequency toward the tails?