SUBS 608 Quiz 1,2,3,4,5
SUBS 608 Quiz 1 Liberty
SUBS 608 Quiz Sexual Addiction Overview and Treatment Strategies
- The number one commonality seen in all addictive behavior is an attitude of denial
- One of the reasons for the success rate of 12-step meetings is that they are good at challenging the addict’s cognitive distortions.
- Sexual addiction is defined as sexual behavior that is compulsive and continues despite adverse consequences.
- Individual therapy is the most effective type of therapy for the sex addict
- Clients with sex addiction often have the following patterns
- The following is true about most sex addicts
- Most addicts will seek help when the pain of the addiction is worse than the rewards of the addictive behavior.
- Addiction is characterized by the following:
- What is one of the four stages that is critical in the beginning of the therapeutic process?
- Defense mechanisms are often utilized by sex addicts to circumvent the guilt and psychological discomfort resulting from acting-out behaviors. The following high adaptive defense mechanisms often used by sex addicts
- The predominant form of cognitive distortions in the addict is denial.
- The following symptoms are often described by sex addicts
- The function of high level adaptive defenses are to
- The reconnaissance stage includes the following:
- Patterns of sexual addiction very closely resemble other additions such as compulsive gambling and binge eating.
- An intervention is a collective, professionally guided effort in conjunction with family and friends of the addict
- The SAST-R includes the following Addictive Dimension scale/scales to measure the sex addiction construct.
- The PATHOS screening tool includes the following item/items:
- The ideal assessment for sex addiction should include
- One of the primary screening tests for sexual addiction is the
SUBS 608 Quiz 2 Liberty
- Sealy suggests that psychotropic medications were indicated for sexual addicts identified as highly avoidant of any anxiety or other uncomfortable feeling state.
- Central to the issue of sexual addiction is the inability of the individual to adequately bond and attach in intimate relationships.
- It has been hypothesized that the sexually addictive/compulsive borderline is an example of the abused child grown up and identifying with the aggressor.
- The term nonparaphilic sexual behavior has been used to identify conventional, normative sexual behavior taken to the extreme
- It has been suggested that female addicts must discover their identity and worth apart from a relationship, some suggesting 6 months to a year of abstinence from all romantic relationships.
- According to Yalom, corrective recapitulation of the primary family group members experience transference relationships in group.
- Shame reduction and boundary setting depend on the ability to recognize, identify, and process strong emotional experiences.
- Individual therapy is the most commonly used treatment modality in many residential inpatient treatment programs for sexual compulsivity.
- Shame, guilt and affect dysregulation are the three key barriers that prevent addicts from breaking the compulsive cycle of sexual addiction.
- Guilt drives the addictive system of sex addict.
- Universality refers to the client’s faith that treatment can and will be effective.
- The child’s first relationship molds the individual’s capacities to enter into all emotional relaionships
- Sealy suggests that psychotropic medications were indicated for sexual addicts identified as highly impulsive individuals with poor boundaries.
- According to Bowlby, if an individual has confidence that the early attachment figure will be available, he or she will be more prone to chronic fear.
- Teaching borderlines appropriate ways to regulate their emotions is a crucial part of the treatment process.
- Group therapy allows for more complete healing of core shame than individual treatment alone.
- Harlow suggested that proceptive behaviors are important variables to successful primate mating patterns because of their increased capacities derived from a relatively larger cerebral cortex than lower mammal groups.
- Sexual fantasies are useful to the clinician as they often indicate a connection to past trauma.
- The ultimate treatment goal for sex addicts is mastering the experience of bonding and attaching in enduring and trusting intimate connections with others.
- The core dynamics of sexual addiction and the root causes are the same for men and women
SUBS 608 Quiz 3 Liberty
Set 1
- Individual recovery of a sex addict can lead to a sense of independence that can be detrimental to the couple relationship.
- Sexaholics Anonymous recommends that the addict should reveal to their spouses their infidelity before sharing it with the recovery group.
- Typically, pastors who are sex addicts lack intimate friendships.
- In a relationship which either partner is a sex addict, it is quite likely both partners are trauma survivors.
- Rather than full disclosure of the details of infidelity, SA recommends that the best road to couple recovery is to develop improved behaviors and attitudes so that the spouse experiences a changed life over time.
- Sex addicts and co-addicts usually have both never experienced healthy bonding with and nurturing from parents.
- Research indicates a need for full disclosure of infidelity to the partner if the marital relationship is to recover.
- In sexual addiction recovery it is more important that the actual sex addict take responsibility for the dysfunctional characteristics of the relationship than the spouse.
- Like sex addicts, co-addicts must face that they are powerless over their spouse
- A straight forward presentation of an allegation of sexual impropriety by a professional mental health provider is almost always the best approach to take.
SUBS 608 Quiz 4 Liberty
- Family therapy is contraindicated in teenage sexual addiction.
- Many sex addicts act out within clinician’s offices
- The general rule of thumb when working with sex addicts is to have a relatively rigid boundary against touch.
- Crossing boundaries in the therapeutic relationship can have value in the overall therapeutic process.
- Clinicians can easily become ‘victims’ to the sexual addict’s recovery process by taking on the burden of owning responsibility for the addict’s recovery process.
- Psychoeducation is a warranted intervention when the clinician is able to describe where the therapeutic boundary is set.
- Once the therapeutic relationship has been established, all boundary violations are therapeutic issues.
- Heroin is the drug of choice for anonymous sexual activity within the gay community.
- An important aspect to recognizing dual and triple diagnosis is that the clinician’s awareness will help him/her to develop a treatment plan that addresses each diagnosis in the same treatment plan.
- Cultural competence is a necessary skill when working with homeless sex addicts.
- Asynchronous cybersex involves the exchange of sexual information through internet methods that require both or all parties to be online at identical times.
- The intoxicating and interactive nature of the internet are contributing factors to cybersex addiction.
- From an analytic perspective, when clinicians recognize manifestations of the client’s displaced affect (e.g. from parent to clinician), it is best for the clinician to establish clear boundaries by not addressing these emotions in session.
- Most sex addicts trace their initial acting out to adolescence or before.
- The loss of interpersonal trust and sense of control may propel the homeless person to engage in sexual addiction.
- The lack of internet regulation and level of interconnectivity do not create cybersex addicts.
- The bulk of the work the clinician, treating the homeless sexual addicted client, will engage in is psychoanalytic therapy.
- The general rule when dealing with depression as a dual diagnosis is to treat the addiction first and wait at least 2 to 6 drug-free weeks to more clearly determine whether the depression is primary or secondary.
- The cutoff score on the Internet Sex Screening Test, where a clinician should become concerned, is a score of 13 or above.
- Safe sexual practice within the homosexual community is on the rise.
SUBS 608 Quiz 5 Liberty
Set 1
- One of the assumptions of art therapy is every picture tells a story.
- A person’s style and approach to workingwith art materials are good indicators of how he/she deals with people and activities outside the session.
- In the 12-step program any form of spiritual belief is acceptable.
- The most effective assessment tool in classifying problematic sexual behavior is relationship building between the clinicanand
- In working with sex addicts, life-threatening medical illnesses are also a concern that must be addressed by the clinician
- Sexually addicted sex offenders typically report early and extensive memories of sexual behavior or fantasy that have developed into a ritualized pattern of behavior throughout their lives.
- Sexual Compulsives Anonymous was begun primarily to address the issues specific to sexually addicted gay men.
- Art therapy is a good method of challenging the client’s need for perfectionism and control.
- Being a sex offenderimplies that he/she is also a sex addict.
- A Beck Depression Inventory score above 30 is an indication of depression in the client.