SUBS 608 Quiz 5

SUBS 608 Quiz 5 Liberty

Set 1

  1. One of the assumptions of art therapy is every picture tells a story.
  2. A person’s style and approach to workingwith art materials are good indicators of how he/she deals with people and activities outside the session.
  3. In the 12-step program any form of spiritual belief is acceptable.
  4. The most effective assessment tool in classifying problematic sexual behavior is relationship building between the clinicanand
  5. In working with sex addicts, life-threatening medical illnesses are also a concern that must be addressed by the clinician
  6. Sexually addicted sex offenders typically report early and extensive memories of sexual behavior or fantasy that have developed into a ritualized pattern of behavior throughout their lives.
  7. Sexual Compulsives Anonymous was begun primarily to address the issues specific to sexually addicted gay men.
  8. Art therapy is a good method of challenging the client’s need for perfectionism and control.
  9. Being a sex offenderimplies that he/she is also a sex addict.
  10. A Beck Depression Inventory score above 30 is an indication of depression in the client.

Set 2

  1. Art therapy is a good method of challenging the client’s need for perfectionism and control.
  2. Person-oriented art therapy is defined as art therapy that has an introspective focus and concentrates on examination of personal symbols and associations.
  3. Sexual Compulsives Anonymous was begun primarily to address the issues specific to sexually addicted gay men.
  4. Art therapy provides sex addicts with the aesthetic distance necessary for integration of the threatening experience of being seen.
  5. Speaker meetings is one type of 12 step meeting that is common in sex addiction programs.
  6. The Sexual Addiction Screening Test an in depth screening tool designed to detect the severity of sexual addiction a client is experiencing.
  7. Most clinicians agree that it is important to recognize that sexual addiction/compulsivity is not present in groups identified as sexual offenders.
  8. The role of a 12 step sponsor is related more to the sexual addiction behavior than psychological structure of the member.
  9. In working with sex addicts, life-threatening medical illnesses are also a concern that must be addressed by the clinician
  10. One of the assumptions of art therapy is every picture tells a story.
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  1. SUBS 608 Quiz 5
  2. SUBS 608 Quiz 5 Set 2