EDUC 703 Quiz 2,3,4

EDUC 703 Quiz 2 Atlantic World

Covers the Textbook material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. Which culture was most isolated in the fifteenth-century Atlantic world?
  2. The Niger River Valley had Islamic universities in the fifteenth century.
  3. Which one of the factors below is not true of fifteenth-century Europe?
  4. Luther was highly critical of those listed below except for which one?
  5. Luther proposed that city governments be responsible for maintaining schools.
  6. Which educational thinker had the strongest impact on Puritan education of New England?
  7. What philosophy of education did Ignatius Loyola propagate through the missionary efforts of the Society of Jesus?
  8. In South America, which Spanish settlement became a hub of learning in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, known by its universities, printing press, and economic strength?
  9. When King Afonso I of Kongo invited the Jesuit missionaries to his kingdom, what religion was he already practicing?
  10. What characteristic best describes Atlantic Creoles in the context of plantation culture of the New World?
  11. SHORT ESSAY: Choose one of the options below. Respond in a brief essay of one or two paragraphs (8 points). OPTION 1: Describe how the doctrine of the “priesthood of all believers” influenced the concept of mass education for all—male and female, rich and poor, nobility and commoners. OPTION 2: What did it mean in the era of the Protestant Reformation to be a Christian Humanist and what impact did the Christian Humanists have on the philosophy of education? OPTION 3: How does the life and work of Rebecca Protten serve as a model of social responsibility for educators?

EDUC 703 Quiz 3 American Colonies & Revolution

Covers the Textbook material from Module 3: Week 3.

  1. Match the description to the term that best represents it. God’s existence cannot be known for certain. God created the world but is not supernaturally engaged with it. Outward displays of feelings during the Great Awakening. Valuing logical knowledge over authority, intuition, or revelation. Free citizens hold the power to choose their governmental leaders. Rejected orthodox Calvinism and the notion of a trinity. Salvation from sin is only by faith in Christ as emphasized in the Protestant Reformation.
  2. What doctrine is credited with having planted a seed that mass education should teach literacy to every common person?
  3. Which educational thinker believed that human nature was not sinful but was basically good; therefore, children should be free to develop naturally with as little imposition from corrupt society as possible?
  4. Which university was begun by Presbyterians in reaction to concern that other universities were becoming too theologically liberal from the Unitarian influence?
  5. The Older Deluder Satan Act required what action of townships in Massachusetts Bay Colony?
  6. Which example would best represent a meritocracy?
  7. The term praxis is best represented by which notion?
  8. Which statement best represents Scottish Common Sense Realism?
  9. Which of the options is not a commonality shared between Benjamin Rush and Thomas Jefferson?
  10. Who authored the Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge? SHORT ESSAY: Choose one of the options below. Respond in a brief essay of one or two paragraphs (8 points). OPTION 1: How did Isaac Newton and John Locke influence Jonathan Edwards? Answer in a brief essay of one or two paragraphs. OPTION 2: Similar to how Augustine and Aquinas synthesized Christian thought with idealism and realism respectively, how did Jonathan Edwards synthesize Christianity with Enlightenment ideas? OPTION 3: Paraphrase the main tenets of Scottish Common Sense Realism, and explain their contribution to American politics, religion, and education.

EDUC 703 Quiz 4 Common Schools & Civil War

Covers the Textbook material from Module 4: Week 4.

  1. Which movement was not a precursor to the common school movement led by Horace Mann?
  2. Which was not a provision of the Northwest Ordinances?
  3. Which is not an outcome of common schools that Horace Mann expected?
  4. The feminization of education is credited primarily to which educator?
  5. What was controversial about Horace Bushnell’s notion of Christian nurture?
  6. Match the individual with the related educational institution. Samuel Chapman Armstrong Booker T. Washington Oliver O. Howard
  7. Who was the only individual ever found guilty and sentenced for violating the 1849 Virginia anti-literacy law?
  8. What did the Freedmen’s Bureau provide to formerly enslaved people? Choose all that apply.
  9. To the dismay of W. E. B. Du Bois, curriculum at Hampton, Howard, and Tuskegee focused on what approach?
  10. Booker T. Washington concluded that Gen. Oliver O. Howard and the Freedmen’s Bureau had been a failure.
  11. SHORT ESSAY: Choose one of the options below. Respond in a brief essay of one or two paragraphs (8 points). OPTION 1: Analyze the influence of the Second Great Awakening on social reform movements, including educational reform. OPTION 2: In what way does the phrase “except in the South” apply to the development of education in America? OPTION 3: Why were anti-literacy laws passed in the South?
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. EDUC 703 Quiz 2 2023
  2. EDUC 703 Quiz 4 2023
  3. EDUC 703 Quiz 3 2023
  4. EDUC 703 Quiz 2
  5. EDUC 703 Quiz 4
  6. EDUC 703 Quiz 3
  7. EDUC 703 Quiz Common Schools
  8. EDUC 703 Quiz Native Americans
  • Liberty University