PHIL 240 Quiz 4

PHIL 240 Quiz 4 Liberty University

PHIL 240 Quiz Reliability of the New Testament

Set 1

  1. The one below that is NOT one of the reasons listed in class for why we don’t have more external information about Jesus:
  2. The presence of hard sayings and counterproductive features in the Gospels demonstrates a desire to accurately preserve the text.
  3. Most New Testament scholars are of the opinion that no doctrine of the New Testament is jeopardized by textual variants.
  4. A large and significant portion of textual variants in the New Testament involve variants that are both meaningful and viable. These variants comprise roughly 10% of the New Testament.
  5. Currently there are over 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament that are known to exist.
  6. Two claims are made and there are significant differences or conflicts between the claims. According to Dr. Foreman, this is referred to as a:
  7. Generally speaking, in New Testament textual criticism, the preferred variant or reading is normally the one found in the earliest manuscripts.
  8. The story of the adulterous woman about to be stoned in John 8 is accepted as authentic by the majority of critical scholars.
  9. Generally speaking, manuscript evidence points towards a scribal tendency to add to the text rather than delete material from the text.
  10. In New Testament textual criticism, a variant in the manuscript evidence that is found in geographically widespread locations in the first few centuries of the Christian era is more likely to be original than the one that is found in only one location.
  11. The repetition of the same stories about Jesus under the control of eyewitnesses is one piece of evidence of a faithful and substantially accurate oral transmission of the Jesus tradition.
  12. As one compares manuscript evidence for the New Testament, God’s providence is clearly seen in that late manuscripts reveals startling similarity to early manuscripts. Nevertheless, thousands of variants between these manuscripts do exist.
  13. Generally speaking, in New Testament textual criticism, the preferred variant or reading is normally the one found in the earliest manuscripts.
  14. The value of the presence of creeds and hymns in Paul’s epistles is because:
  15. A viable variant is one that has sufficient pedigree to have some likelihood of reflecting the original wording of the text.
  16. The original of an ancient writing is called the:
  17. Textual criticism of the New Testament is necessary because the original documents no longer exist and the copies of these documents are not in complete agreement.
  18. Many of the variants among New Testament manuscripts affect cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith.
  19. In textual criticism, internal evidence concerns the examination of the wording of the variants to determine which reading gave rise to the others and is, therefore, probably original.
  20. The King James Version of the Bible is based on manuscripts that are considerably earlier than the manuscripts used in the translation of modern English Bible translations.
  21. As time passes, we are getting further from the original text of the New Testament. Therefore, older translations are more likely to be accurate than newer translations.
  22. The majority of textual variants between New Testament manuscripts are spelling errors that have no impact on the meaning of the text.
  23. Among the ancient versions of the New Testament, the Latin versions are the most prominent with over ten thousand Latin manuscripts known to exist.
  24. The traditional authorship of the gospels can be defended by:
  25. While translations of the Greek manuscripts are important in the work of New Testament textual criticism, the commentaries of the church fathers are generally not considered helpful in determining the words of the New Testament text.

Set 2

  1. The story of the adulterous woman about to be stoned in John 8 is accepted as authentic by the majority of critical scholars.
  2. The King James Version of the Bible is based on manuscripts that are considerably earlier than the manuscripts used in the translation of modern English Bible translations.
  3. A viable variant is one that has sufficient pedigree to have some likelihood of reflecting the original wording of the text.
  4. The majority of textual variants between New Testament manuscripts are spelling errors that have no impact on the meaning of the text.
  5. Regarding the guidelines of internal evidence for textual criticism, one should almost always prefer the easier reading and the lengthier reading between variants.
  6. Many of the variants among New Testament manuscripts affect cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith.
  7. Textual criticism of the New Testament is necessary because the original documents no longer exist and the copies of these documents are not in complete agreement.
  8. Most New Testament scholars are of the opinion that no doctrine of the New Testament is jeopardized by textual variants.
  9. The presence of hard sayings and counterproductive features in the Gospels demonstrates a desire to accurately preserve the text.
  10. As time passes, we are getting further from the original text of the New Testament. Therefore, older translations are more likely to be accurate than newer translations.
  11. Regarding the guidelines of internal evidence for textual criticism, one should almost always prefer the easier reading and the lengthier reading between variants.
  12. As one compares manuscript evidence for the New Testament, God’s providence is clearly seen in that late manuscripts reveals startling similarity to early manuscripts. Nevertheless, thousands of variants between these manuscripts do exist.
  13. In textual criticism, internal evidence concerns the examination of the wording of the variants to determine which reading gave rise to the other(s) and is, therefore, probably original.
  14. Among the ancient versions of the New Testament, the Latin versions are the most prominent with over ten thousand Latin manuscripts known to exist.
  15. Two claims are made and there are significant differences or conflicts between the claims.  According to Dr. Foreman, this is referred to as a:
  16. The King James Version of the Bible is based on manuscripts that are considerably earlier than the manuscripts used in the translation of modern English Bible translations.
  17. As one compares manuscript evidence for the New Testament, God’s providence is clearly seen in that late manuscripts reveals startling similarity to early manuscripts. Nevertheless, thousands of variants between these manuscripts do exist.
  18. Among the ancient versions of the New Testament, the Latin versions are the most prominent with over ten thousand Latin manuscripts known to exist.
  19. Currently there are over 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament that are known to exist.
  20. Generally speaking, manuscript evidence points towards a scribal tendency to add to the text rather than delete material from the text.
  21. Generally speaking, in New Testament textual criticism, the preferred variant or reading is normally the one found in the earliest manuscripts.
  22. While translations of the Greek manuscripts are important in the work of New Testament textual criticism, the commentaries of the church fathers are generally not considered helpful in determining the words of the New Testament text.
  23. A large and significant portion of textual variants in the New Testament involve variants that are both meaningful and viable. These variants comprise roughly 10% of the New Testament.
  24. The original of an ancient writing is called the:
  25. The traditional authorship of the gospels can be defended by:
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