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PHIL 240 Quiz 5,6,7,8

PHIL 240 Quiz 5 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Jesus and his Divine Identity History clearly affirms that Jesus’ divinity was already assumed by the time that the bishops convened…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 1,2,3,4

PHIL 240 Quiz 1 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Philosophical Evidences of the Christian Faith The logical conclusion of Leibnez’s argument is that God is the explanation of the existence…

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PHIL 240 Christian Evidences Assignment

Christian Evidences Assignment The student will complete 2 essay sets, each set consisting of 3 distinct essay prompts designed to stimulate the student’s thinking and assess the knowledge gleaned from…

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PHIL 240 Essay Sets

PHIL 240 Essay Sets Liberty University *Includes essay 1 and essay 2 The student will complete 2 essay sets, each set consisting of 3 distinct essay prompts designed to stimulate…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 8

PHIL 240 Quiz 8 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Objections to the Resurrection The discrepancies between accounts of the resurrection in the New Testament are irrelevant in refuting the general…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 7

PHIL 240 Quiz 7 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Evidences of the Resurrection One strong line of support for the empty tomb is the fact that Jesus was publically executed…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 6

PHIL 240 Quiz 6 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Exclusivity of Christ and Objections of Skeptics The fact that most of what we know about the pagan mystery religions comes…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 5

PHIL 240 Quiz 5 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Jesus and his Divine Identity History clearly affirms that Jesus’ divinity was already assumed by the time that the bishops convened…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 4

PHIL 240 Quiz 4 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Reliability of the New Testament Set 1 The one below that is NOT one of the reasons listed in class for…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 3

PHIL 240 Quiz 3 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Authenticity of the Gospel and Canon The criterion of embarrassment provides a strong point of support for the authenticity of the…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 2

PHIL 240 Quiz 2 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz The Existence of God Moral values and duties exist independently from God. Ad Hocexplanations are generally considered weak and not looked…

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PHIL 240 Quiz 1

PHIL 240 Quiz 1 Liberty University PHIL 240 Quiz Philosophical Evidences of the Christian Faith Set 1 The logical conclusion of Leibnez’s argument is that God is the explanation of…

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