GOVT 220 Quiz Civil Rights

GOVT 220 Quiz: Civil Rights

Module 3: Week 3

  1. What legal principle holds that evidence collected during an unconstitutional search cannot be used in trial?
  2. What is the notification that police must give a person being arrested that she or he has a right to remain silent and a right to legal counsel commonly known as?
  3. What does the Fourth Amendment prohibit?
  4. The term “selective incorporation” refers to what process?
  5. The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of ag burning in which case?
  6. Which clause of the Constitution is the basis for the separation of church and state?
  7. A judge’s order authorizing a search is known as what?
  8. Which of the following is an exception to the exclusionary rule established by the Supreme Court?
  9. The right of free expression, although not absolute, enjoys a higher status than the other rights granted by the U.S. Constitution. This refers to the freedom from what doctrine?
  10. What is the state required to ensure criminals have according to Gideon v. Wainwright
  11. Why did the Supreme Court demand that the evidence obtained in Mapp v. Ohio be excluded?
  12. What are the first ten amendments to the Constitution collectively known as?
  13. What standard or threshold is necessary for a search warrant to be issued?
  14. Tinker v. Des Moines School District established constitutional protection for which of the following?
  15. In 2007, the Supreme Court allowed a school principal to punish a student for displaying a ag saying “Bong Hits 4 Jesus” based on what?
  16. When adopted, the Bill of Rights imposed limits on which of the following?
  17. Which of the following terms refers to either knowledge of a defamatory statement’s falsity or a reckless disregard for the truth?
  18. Inciting a crowd to violence is not protected speech because it can lead to which of the following?
  19. The establishment clause of the First Amendment does which of the following?
  20. The historical reference to a “wall of separation” between religion and the state can be found where?
  21. Since 1992, what is the constitutionality of having a member of the clergy offer a prayer or an invocation at a public school graduation ceremony?
  22. The Supreme Court’s current definition of obscenity denies free- speech protection to which kinds of materials or activities?
  23. What is true of civil liberties problems?
  24. Which 1868 amendment’s passage allowed the potential for the application of the Bill of Rights to the states, which adds several restrictions on what the states can do?
  25. In which decision did the Supreme Court rule that the establishment clause forbids prayer, even a nondenominational one, in public schools?
  26. Making false spoken statements about another person is an example of what?
  27. Why do conflicts in civil liberties often arise?
  28. What limitation does the exclusionary rule put in place?
  29. What is the term for the practice of law-enforcement officers taking money or valuable property from people suspected of involvement with illegal activity, but not charged with a crime?
  30. What does the incorporation doctrine do?
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  2. GOVT 220 Civil Rights
  • Liberty University