GOVT 220 Quiz The Judiciary

GOVT 220 Quiz: The Judiciary

Module 4: Week 4

  1. Which of the following is the last step of the Supreme Court decision-making process?
  2. Which of the following statements about Supreme Court justices and political ideology is true?
  3. Public opinion can serve as a check on the judiciary in which of the following ways?
  4. Which of the following is true of someone’s right to have their case heard by the U.S. Supreme Court?
  5. Which entity creates legislative courts?
  6. Which of the following is true of judges and justices in the federal court system?
  7. Which of the following statements regarding a precedent is true?
  8. What is fee shifting?
  9. What is the function of the U.S. solicitor general?
  10. Which of the following statements regarding state courts is true?
  11. A lawsuit led by one person on behalf of that person and all similarly situated individuals is known as which of the following kinds of lawsuit?
  12. The legal concept of precedent is expressed by which term?
  13. Which of the following statements regarding U.S. district courts is true?
  14. Which of the following statements describes the idea of precedents?
  15. If California and Arizona sue each other over water usage from the Colorado River, the case can be heard only by which entity?
  16. If a court rules a certain way on a case because previous cases of similar nature were subject to the same rule, that court is relying on which of the following?
  17. An opinion prepared by a judge who supports the court’s decision but wishes to in some way clarify, emphasize, or offer different reasons is known as which of the following?
  18. The concept of senatorial courtesy refers to which of the following?
  19. The Supreme Court’s power of judicial review was established by which of the following?
  20. In addition to funding appeals, what else do interest groups do in the judicial arena?
  21. How has the Court interpreted the meaning of the “Exceptions” clause in Article III, Section III?
  22. In many cases, a third party to a court case will le which of the following to support a particular outcome?
  23. In which case did the Supreme Court hold that the Court could declare an act of Congress unconstitutional?
  24. Federal appellate courts review and can overturn which of the following?
  25. Which of the following statements about the Senate confirming federal judges is true?
  26. Under the doctrine of sovereign immunity, a citizen cannot take which action?
  27. The Supreme Court entered its most active period with the arrival of which chief justice?
  28. How did Alexander Hamilton characterize the Supreme Court in Federalist 78?
  29. When Congress passed a law that forbade anyone from carrying a gun near a school, why did the Supreme Court declare the law invalid?
  30. What is suggested by the behavior of Justices Holmes, Burger, and Blackmun?
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