YOUT 201 Quiz 4

YOUT 201 Quiz 4 Liberty University

  1. The phrase “Word of the Lord” is used __________ times in Scripture.
  2. In relation to philosophy, the __________ is what the ministry is about (individual; disciple):
  3. Regarding presenting God’s Word in God’s way, there are four points of communicating His truth. Which one is not listed in the text?
  4. According to the text, student ministries should have the goal of…
  5. What book of the Bible is this verse taken from: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”
  6. According to the text, within the stated goal of youth ministry we see the need for equipping saved students to be convincing their unsaved peers to follow Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). This is connected to:
  7. The Took of a lesson should take about __________ of the time.
  8. Based on the examples of the four styles of speaking, the author connects the Storytelling Speaker with Peter.
  9. What verse states: “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.”
  10. In developing an Integrity Relationship with lost students, the desired goal is for the lost student to hear the truth of Jesus Christ.
  11. In reference to the difference between youth groups and student ministries, student ministries are about spiritual activity.
  12. In reference to the teaching plan and the great commission, Dr. Brown states we are to make. There are three basic presuppositions listed in this command. They are: information, application, integration.
  13. Based on the examples of speakers within the Bible, we see that each person may have a certain speaking style yet these speakers could also use other styles as well.
  14. Jesus did not use the Hook method because there was no need to since He spoke with so much authority.
  15. In relation to being a guest speaker, what question is not listed before writing the lesson?
  16. Regarding creativity in teaching and especially object lessons, the authors’ concern is “Be sure the audience remembers the physical object of the object lesson.”
  17. According to Dr. Brown, there are two key areas when teaching the Scriptures. First, remember what we teach and next, remember why we teach.
  18. According to the author, the Pharisees would take away from the Scripture while Sadducees would add to the Scripture.
  19. According to Dr. Brown, there are believers who are not called to speak truth to the lost and to believers; rather, they are just called to “live it.”
  20. Which is not a question to ask when developing the lesson?
  21. The author mentioned the utilization of gathering input from others in regards to building a teaching plan.
  22. Semantics focuses on the specific word while stasis focuses on the broad body of communication.
  23. The process of teaching starts with our experiences as God uses these experiences to help us explain God to others.
  24. According to the text, student ministries should reach students by means of…
  25. In relation to being a guest speaker, what question is not listed as one to ask your host?
  26. In relation to philosophy, the __________ is the basic overview:
  27. In reference to the difference between youth groups and student ministries, youth groups are about the program.
  28. One should consider using what topics would match up best during what part of the year.
  29. In the video “How Do We Measure Success in Ministry,” Dr. Brown stated “lost people act lost because they are lost.”
  30. According to Dr. Brown, biblical teaching is defined as presenting and representing God’s Word accurately, completely, clearly, and practically both through our words and through our lifestyle.
  31. Within the author’s High School Department plan, there were four main focuses talked about: How I believe; How I know; How I grow; and How I serve.
  32. For a larger, seeker-oriented type program, the author recommends the use of a three to five week series.
  33. The Took includes two key segments:
  34. In what passage does the author believe is a prime example of the communication concepts of Logos, Ethos, and Pathos?
  35. According to the author, the most important of the elements of the Hook, Look and Took is the:
  36. When questioning your own personal integrity the question “Do I consistently live out the subject matter?” refers to
  37. Which of these is not mentioned as something to consider when making your lesson in location and set up?
  38. In the video “How Do We Measure Success in Ministry,” Dr. Brown used a:
  39. In the video “How Do We Measure Success in Ministry,” Dr. Brown stated “good is bad when it keeps you from the best.”
  40. Which of the following was not a part of the author’s Middle School Department plan?


Set 1

  1. Semantics focuses on the specific word while stasis focuses on the broad body of communication.
  2. The phrase “Word of the Lord” is used __________ times in Scripture.
  3. Within the author’s High School Department plan, there were four main focuses talked about: How I believe; How I know; How I grow; and How I serve.
  4. The author mentioned the utilization of gathering input from others in regards to building a teaching plan.
  5. According to the author, the most important of the elements of the Hook, Look and Took is the:
  6. One should consider using what topics would match up best during what part of the year.
  7. The process of teaching starts with our experiences as God uses these experiences to help us explain God to others.
  8. According to Dr. Brown, there are two key areas when teaching the Scriptures. First, remember what we teach and next, remember why we teach.
  9. Jesus did not use the Hook method because there was no need to since He spoke with so much authority.
  10. In relation to being a guest speaker, what question is not listed before writing the lesson?
  11. When questioning your own personal integrity the question “Do I consistently live out the subject matter?” refers to
  12. The Took of a lesson should take about __________ of the time.
  13. According to the author, the Pharisees would take away from the Scripture while Sadducees would add to the Scripture.
  14. What book of the Bible is this verse taken from: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”
  15. Which of these is not mentioned as something to consider when making your lesson in location and set up?
  16. What verse states: “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.”
  17. In what passage does the author believe is a prime example of the communication concepts of Logos, Ethos, and Pathos?
  18. According to Dr. Brown, biblical teaching is defined as presenting and representing God’s Word accurately, completely, clearly, and practically both through our words and through our lifestyle.
  19. Regarding “How God Reveals His Truth” the second person(s) in the sequential line is:
  20. The Took includes two key segments:
  21. Based on the examples of speakers within the Bible, we see that each person may have a certain speaking style yet these speakers could also use other styles as well.
  22. In relation to being a guest speaker, what question is not listed as one to ask your host?
  23. Regarding creativity in teaching and especially object lessons, the authors’ concern is “Be sure the audience remembers the physical object of the object lesson.”
  24. Which is not a question to ask when developing the lesson?
  25. Which of the following was not a part of the author’s Middle School Department plan?

Set 2

  1. Within the author’s High School Department plan, there were four main focuses talked about: How I believe; How I know; How I grow; and How I serve.
  2. According to the author, the Pharisees would take away from the Scripture while Sadducees would add to the Scripture.
  3. The phrase “Word of the Lord” is used __________ times in Scripture.
  4. The author mentioned the utilization of gathering input from others in regards to building a teaching plan.
  5. According to Dr. Brown, biblical teaching is defined as presenting and representing God’s Word accurately, completely, clearly, and practically both through our words and through our lifestyle.
  6. Which of the following was not a part of the author’s Middle School Department plan?
  7. Regarding “How God Reveals His Truth” the second person(s) in the sequential line is:
  8. The Took includes two key segments:
  9. According to the author, the most important of the elements of the Hook, Look and Took is the:
  10. In what passage does the author believe is a prime example of the communication concepts of Logos, Ethos, and Pathos?
  11. What verse states: “Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.”
  12. Which of these is not mentioned as something to consider when making your lesson in location and set up?
  13. Based on the examples of speakers within the Bible, we see that each person may have a certain speaking style yet these speakers could also use other styles as well.
  14. Regarding creativity in teaching and especially object lessons, the authors’ concern is “Be sure the audience remembers the physical object of the object lesson.”
  15. One should consider using what topics would match up best during what part of the year.
  16. Semantics focuses on the specific word while stasis focuses on the broad body of communication.
  17. Jesus did not use the Hook method because there was no need to since He spoke with so much authority.
  18. The Took of a lesson should take about __________ of the time.
  19. What book of the Bible is this verse taken from: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.”
  20. Which is not a question to ask when developing the lesson?
  21. According to Dr. Brown, there are two key areas when teaching the Scriptures. First, remember what we teach and next, remember why we teach.
  22. In relation to being a guest speaker, what question is not listed as one to ask your host?
  23. When questioning your own personal integrity the question “Do I consistently live out the subject matter?” refers to
  24. In relation to being a guest speaker, what question is not listed before writing the lesson?
  25. The process of teaching starts with our experiences as God uses these experiences to help us explain God to others.
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  1. YOUT 201 Quiz 4
  2. YOUT 201 Quiz 4 2020
  3. YOUT 201 Quiz 4 2023
  • Liberty University