PSYC 810 Quiz Qualitative Studies

PSYC 810 Quiz: Qualitative Studies: Design and Approaches to Inquiry

Covers the Textbook material from Module 2: Week 2

  1. Who among the following was a phenomenological philosopher?
  2. Rigorous qualitative data collection procedures involve:
  3. Where does qualitative research take place?
  4. According to Creswell and Poth, the term for the grounded theory process by which a theory is elaborated in all of its complexity and no new ideas are emerging is
  5. Reciprocity is important because:
  6. Which of the following elements are ideal to include the final report of the study?
  7. Which of the following research approaches involves learning about a culture-sharing group?
  8. In grounded theory, a unit of information that consists of events, happenings, and instances is called a(an)
  9. A researcher conducting a grounded theory study may incorporate any of the following types of coding except:
  10. What is the key instrument of qualitative research?
  11. In a phenomenological approach, the process of a researcher bracketing their thoughts is called
  12. Creswell and Poth noted that the process of research must flow from:
  13. According to Creswell and Poth (2017), which of the following is a type of phenomenological research?
  14. What do Denzin and Lincoln (2011) mean when they say qualitative research “makes the world visible”?
  15. Types of ethnographic studies may include which of the following?
  16. When employing reflexivity, researchers
  17. Creswell and Poth noted that writing in qualitative studies is:
  18. Which of the following approaches to qualitative research is shaped chronologically?
  19. Why is an interpretive aspect necessary for qualitative researchers?
  20. The idea of methodological congruence suggests which of the following are interrelated?
  21. Which of the following references is associated with case study designs?
  22. An emergent design in qualitative research means:
  23. The challenges of narrative research may involve which of the following:
  24. Which of the following research approaches involves the asking participants about a process, determining what was central to the process, determining what caused the process to occur, identifying the strategies involved in the process, determining the strategies used during the process, and identifying the effects that occurred?
  25. According to Stake (2005), which of the following is not a methodology but a choice of what to study?
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  • Liberty University