PSYC 210 Quiz Emerging Adults

PSYC 210 – Quiz 6 Emerging adults

  1. Depression goes beyond a feeling of sadness to actually impair one’s ability to function.
  2. Aging follows a natural progression of events unchanged by our efforts or a lack thereof.
  3. ___________ is cited as the reason why many emerging adults do not eat a healthy diet.
  4. Emerging adulthood is characterized by all the following EXCEPT:
  5. All of the following statements about marijuana are true EXCEPT:
  6. Maria attended college in Maryland, earned her Master’s degree in Florida, and accepted her first job with a firm in California. This illustrates a common trait of emerging adulthood described by Arnett as:
  7. Men tend to ignore symptoms of depression or self-medicate using drugs and alcohol.
  8. Smokers are more than _______ times more likely to die from lung cancer than nonsmokers.
  9. Young adults should engage in at least _______ minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity each week.
  10. ________ negatively affects nearly every aspect of aging and development.
  11. William Perry believed that believing in fewer absolutes, and accepting multiple perspectives was a sign of cognitive growth.
  12. Schaie’s stage theory examines how individuals use _______.
  13. Older students are typically better at judging whether they have sufficiently prepared for a test.
  14. In developing his theory of cognitive development, Schaie focused on changes in the way adults _________ information rather than looking at changes in the way adults _______ information.
  15. Schaie’s first stage of cognitive development, which takes place before adulthood, involves the process of collecting vast amounts of information. It is called:
  16. “Thinking about thinking” is the definition of _____.
  17. Uncompromised acceptance of any/all viewpoints is the surest sign of cognitive maturity.
  18. Women’s friendships tend to focus on intimacy while men’s friendships typically center on activity.
  19. Friendships in adulthood are different from those formed in childhood as adult friendships. From the list below, indicate which of the following is not as likely to be important in adult friendships?
  20. The ability to control emotions and behavior:
  21. Which attribute is NOT included in Sternberg’s triangle?
  22. A person’s ability to recognize his or her inherent psychological strengths and weaknesses:
  23. According to Sternberg, the love combination most likely to stand the test of time is one that is focused on:
  24. Whether involved in heterosexual or homosexual relationships, men value physical attractiveness more than women do.
  25. Erikson’s theory indicates that individuals who have not resolved the identity crisis of adolescence will have difficulty achieving:
  26. McHugh and Mayer cite multiple studies which find a strong correlation between childhood abuse and non-heterosexual orientation and behavior.
  27. Couples who live together before marrying are more likely to divorce than those who do not.
  28. Setran and Smith both emphasize the importance of _______ in helping emerging adults remain in the faith.
  29. Setran believes the starting point for building a strong faith in emerging adulthood is a realignment of one’s _
  30. Current trends indicate that emerging adulthood is a time when many individuals walk away from their faith.

Other sets

  1. Significant brain development of the is finally completed during emerging adulthood.
  2. In the United States many individuals infected with HIV (20%) are not aware that they are infected.
  3. Emerging adulthood is characterized by all the following EXCEPT:
  4. Smokers are more than likely to die from a heart attack as nonsmokers.
  5. Sexually transmitted viruses almost always have lifelong consequences.
  6. Unlike Erikson, Arnett places the task of identity formation in emerging adulthood rather than .
  7. Alcohol consumption by individuals 18-24 is related to injury, sexual assault, and even death.
  8. All of the following statements about marijuana are true EXCEPT:
  9. contributes to mental health issues, can disrupt sleep, contributes to weight gain, and reduces the ability of the immune system to fight disease.
  10. is cited as the reason why many emerging adults do not eat a healthy diet.
  11. In developing his theory of cognitive development, Schaie focused on changes in the way adults information rather than looking at changes in the way adults
  12. William Perry observed that college students move from thinking to  thinking as they progress through their college experience.
  13. In addition to stage theories, we can study cognitive development by considering theories.
  14. John is a 16-year-old high school student, and member of the debate team. Martin is a 25-year-old recent college graduate. Which young man is more likely to make this statement: “Whether a person is mentally ill should not be considered when sentencing someone who has committed a murder.”
  15. The ability to efficiently manage one’s own thinking and behavior is called:
  16. “Thinking about thinking” is the definition of .
  17. Understanding that logic and/or experience may not provide definitive answers is characteristic of postformal thought.
  18. Women’s friendships tend to focus on intimacy while men’s friendships typically center on activity.
  19. Which of the following factors INCREASES the possibility of divorce?
  20. Work often plays a key role in the establishment of one’s identity.
  21. Erikson’s theory indicates that individuals who have not resolved the identity crisis of adolescence will have difficulty achieving:
  22. Which of the following IS NOT a stage in Super’s theory of career development?
  23. According to McHugh and Mayer, sexual desires may develop because of:
  24. According to Bradbury, Fincham & Beach, having children increases marital stress, decreases satisfaction, and
  25. During the years of recession which began in 2007, adults with a bachelor’s degree or higher experienced a lower unemployment rate than those with only a high school diploma.
  26. A person’s ability to recognize his or her inherent psychological strengths and weaknesses:
  27. In either heterosexual or same-sex relationships tend to focus more on physical attractiveness while tend to emphasize personality characteristics.
  28. Setran believes the starting point for building a strong faith in emerging adulthood is a realignment of one’s .
  29. Emerging adults tend to believe each person must develop his or her own concept of right and wrong. The term Smith uses for this is:
  30. Which of the following groups has the lowest percentage of individuals who say religion is important to them?

Set 2

  1. Significant brain development of the _______ is finally completed during emerging adulthood.
  2. accelerates wrinkling, contributes to osteoporosis, damages cells in the heart, increases lung infections, and accelerates decline in dental as well as sexual health.
  3. Depression goes beyond a feeling of sadness to actually impair one’s ability to function.
  4. is cited as the reason why many emerging adults do not eat a healthy diet.
  5. Stress is a major health issue for emerging adults, but only _____% indicate that they are doing well in managing stress.
  6. Men tend to ignore symptoms of depression or self-medicate using drugs and alcohol.
  7. contributes to mental health issues, can disrupt sleep, contributes to weight gain, and reduces the ability of the immune system to fight disease.
  8. Unlike Erikson, Arnett places the task of identity formation in emerging adulthood rather than
  9. Sexually transmitted bacterial infections include all the following except:
  10. Women are more likely than men to seek treatment for depression.
  11. John is a 16-year-old high school student, and member of the debate team. Martin is a 25-year-old recent college graduate Which young man is more likely to make this statement: “Whether a person is mentally ill should not be considered when sentencing someone who has committed a murder.”
  12. William Perry observed that college students move from _______ thinking to _______ thinking as they progress through their college experience.
  13. In addition to stage theories, we can study cognitive development by considering ________ theories.
  14. Schaie’s stage, which begins in late adolescence, involves a drive toward independence. Within this stage individuals learn to make good decisions apart from parental control.
  15. Older students are typically better at judging whether they have sufficiently prepared for a test.
  16. In developing his theory of cognitive development, Schaie focused on changes in the way adults _________ information rather than looking at changes in the way adults _______ information.
  17. Work often plays a key role in the establishment of one’s identity.
  18. McHugh and Mayer cite multiple studies which find a strong correlation between childhood abuse and non-heterosexual orientation and behavior.
  19. A person’s ability to recognize his or her inherent psychological strengths and weaknesses:
  20. Which of the following factors INCREASES the possibility of divorce?
  21. Friendships in adulthood are different from those formed in childhood as adult friendships. From the list below, indicate which of the following is not as likely to be important in adult friendships?
  22. Couples who live together before marrying are more likely to divorce than those who do not.
  23. A person’s ability to recognize and assess his or her strengths and weaknesses.
  24. According to Sternberg, the love combination most likely to stand the test of time is one that is focused on:
  25. The ability to control emotions and behavior:
  26. Men tend to have more friends than women.
  27. Which of the following groups has the lowest percentage of individuals who say religion is important to them?
  28. Setran believes the starting point for building a strong faith in emerging adulthood is a realignment of one’s
  29. Emerging adults tend to believe each person must develop his or her own concept of right and wrong. The term Smith uses for this is:
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  1. PSYC 210 Quiz 6 2021
  2. PSYC 210 Quiz 6 Emerging Adults
  3. PSYC 210 Quiz 6 Emerging Set 2
  • Liberty University