PSYC 210 Quiz Adulthood

PSYC 210 Quiz Adulthood

  1. The term used to describe how long members of a specific population might live (considers social, physical, and cultural factors):
  2. Which of the following intensifies wrinkling of the skin?
  3. Hearing begins to decline around age 50, with about 30% of all people over _____ experiencing significant hearing loss.
  4. We are genetically programmed by biology/genetics to age at a certain pace. This statement would be supported by this theory of aging:
  5. On average, a woman can expect to “lose” at least ______ inch(es) in height by the time she reaches age 70.
  6. Difficulty with urination is often associated with enlargement of this gland.
  7. The most common form of cancer in adults is:
  8. This theory suggests that there is a biological and genetic limit to how long we can live.
  9. The biological elements of development that take place throughout the lifespan.
  10. Older adult learners have some cognitive advantages over younger students due to their:
  11. The Information Processing Model of memory explains how the human brain works by comparing it to a/an:
  12. Howard Gardner proposed a model that described ____ different types of intelligences.
  13. Horn and Hofer refer to the ability to see relationships, use abstract reasoning, and analyze information as:
  14. ____________ intelligence improves with age.
  15. A memory process in which memories are accessed without the help of cues.
  16. Sternberg’s Model of Intelligence includes all the following parts EXCEPT:
  17. Memories and behaviors acquired without conscious awareness.
  18. Joshua struggled in the traditional classroom but began to thrive when he transferred to a vocational school where he was allowed to work with his hands to build, create, and repair items. Gardner would likely say that Joshua had a high level of this type of intelligence:
  19. Having a child typically _______ marital satisfaction.
  20. Unemployment rates for single-parent households is significantly higher than the rate for married couples.
  21. Erikson’s stage in which people seek to resolve the crisis of __________________. The two extremes here are 1) making a difference by investing in the next generation or, 2) falling into a lifestyle that is selfish and non-productive.
  22. Levy, Slade, Kunkel & Kasl (2002) found that people who had an optimistic view of aging lived an additional ______ years when compared with those with a negative view of aging.
  23. The term used to describe one’s assessment of his or her ability to complete tasks and accomplish goals.
  24. The “Sandwich Generation” refers to individuals who:
  25. Employment of individuals over the age of 65 is increasing.
  26. The term proposed by Levinson to describe a lifestage marked by a time of reflection and transition, then a time of questioning and crisis related to one’s identity.
  27. Erikson’s concept of generativity is similar to the Biblical concept of ______.
  28. Spiritual growth is an age-graded, developmental process.
  29. According to Wink and Dillon, spirituality becomes increasingly important as individuals age.
  30. Mental health benefits derived from spirituality are based solely on the support individuals receive as members of a faith community.

Other sets

  1. The term used to describe how long members of a specific population might live (considers social, physical, and cultural factors):
  2. Which of the following intensifies wrinkling of the skin?
  3. Hearing begins to decline around age 50, with about 30% of all people over _____ experiencing significant hearing loss.
  4. We are genetically programmed by biology/genetics to age at a certain pace. This statement would be supported by this theory of aging:
  5. On average, a woman can expect to “lose” at least ______ inch(es) in height by the time she reaches age 70.
  6. Difficulty with urination is often associated with enlargement of this gland.
  7. The most common form of cancer in adults is:
  8. This theory suggests that there is a biological and genetic limit to how long we can live.
  9. The biological elements of development that take place throughout the lifespan.
  10. Older adult learners have some cognitive advantages over younger students due to their:
  11. The Information Processing Model of memory explains how the human brain works by comparing it to a/an:
  12. Howard Gardner proposed a model that described ____ different types of intelligences.
  13. Horn and Hofer refer to the ability to see relationships, use abstract reasoning, and analyze information as:
  14. intelligence improves with age.
  15. A memory process in which memories are accessed without the help of cues.
  16. Sternberg’s Model of Intelligence includes all the following parts EXCEPT:
  17. Memories and behaviors acquired without conscious awareness.
  18. Joshua struggled in the traditional classroom but began to thrive when he transferred to a vocational school where he was allowed to work with his hands to build, create, and repair items. Gardner would likely say that Joshua had a high level of this type of intelligence:
  19. Having a child typically _______ marital satisfaction.
  20. Unemployment rates for single-parent households is significantly higher than the rate for married couples.
  21. Erikson’s stage in which people seek to resolve the crisis of __________________. The two extremes here are 1) making a difference by investing in the next generation or, 2) falling into a lifestyle that is selfish and non-productive.
  22. Levy, Slade, Kunkel & Kasl (2002) found that people who had an optimistic view of aging lived an additional ______ years when compared with those with a negative view of aging.
  23. The term used to describe one’s assessment of his or her ability to complete tasks and accomplish goals.
  24. The “Sandwich Generation” refers to individuals who:
  25. Employment of individuals over the age of 65 is increasing.
  26. The term proposed by Levinson to describe a lifestage marked by a time of reflection and transition, then a time of questioning and crisis related to one’s identity.
  27. Erikson’s concept of generativity is similar to the Biblical concept of ______.
  28. Spiritual growth is an age-graded, developmental process.
  29. According to Wink and Dillon, spirituality becomes increasingly important as individuals age.
  30. Mental health benefits derived from spirituality are based solely on the support individuals receive as members of a faith community.

Set 2

  1. The number of deaths.
  2. Robert has performed strenuous manual labor throughout his life. His brother (Ralph) was much less active as he worked at a “desk job” (seated for most of his day). According to Moore et al. (2012), which brother is likely to live longer?
  3. The biological elements of development that take place throughout the lifespan.
  4. In the United States, which of the following factors is the most significant factor related to good health?
  5. This theory suggests that there is a biological and genetic limit to how long we can live.
  6. The leading cause of death for adults in the United States.
  7. The term used to describe the number of years we can expect any one person to live.
  8. The term used to describe how long members of a specific population might live (considers social, physical, and cultural factors):
  9. We are genetically programmed by biology/genetics to age at a certain pace. This statement would be supported by this theory of aging:
  10. Memories and behaviors acquired without conscious awareness.
  11. Cognitive decline can be slowed down when an individual engages in specialized traning programs. Which of these activities are typically included in these training programs?
  12. Schaie found that, on average, overall cognitive ability does not begin to decline significantly until after age:
  13. Horn and Hofer refer to the ability to see relationships, use abstract reasoning, and analyze information as:
  14. According to Gardner’s theory, an architect is likely to have a high degree of intelligence.
  15. The storage of motor skills or habits. These can often be retrieved without conscious effort.
  16. This stage of memory acts as a filter, limiting the amount of input the brain must process.
  17. intelligence improves with age.
  18. Practical intelligence may also be identified as .
  19. Erikson’s stage in which people seek to resolve the crisis of . The two extremes here are 1) making a difference by investing in the next generation or, 2) falling into a lifestyle that is selfish and non-productive.
  20. The term proposed by Levinson to describe a lifestage marked by a time of reflection and transition, then a time of questioning and crisis related to one’s identity.
  21. Research has found that helps older workers improve their marketability and earnings.
  22. Studies show that, on average, middle-aged workers maintain their level of skill and job performance into late adulthood. The only exception to this are jobs that require a great deal of:
  23. Self-concept includes all of the following EXCEPT:
  24. Employment of individuals over the age of 65 hurts the economy as it means fewer jobs for younger people.
  25. According to Erikson, the desired outcome in the eighth stage of life is:
  26. Which group tends to experience a higher degree of marital satisfaction?
  27. Fowler’s theory indicates a relationship between development and faith.
  28. Within the Christian faith, spirituality is based on one’s relationship with Jesus Christ.
  29. Spiritual growth is an age-graded, developmental process.
  30. Religious practice has a positive impact on physical and mental health.
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  1. PSYC 210 Quiz 7 2021
  2. PSYC 210 Quiz Adulthood 2023
  • Liberty University