PSYC 210 Quiz Infancy

PSYC 201- Quiz Infancy

  1. The growth pattern in which the head develops more rapidly than the lower parts of the body.
  2. The brain contains ________ of neurons.
  3. Breastfeeding appears to help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
  4. Breastmilk provides the following health benefits for babies EXCEPT:
  5. When neurons are stimulated by other neurons, ________synaptic connections are made.
  6. Information is exchanged between neurons at the _______.
  7. One of the first fine motor skills an infant exhibits is:
  8. The chemicals that facilitate communication in the brain are called:
  9. Alcohol, drugs, and environmental toxins can be passed from mom to baby via breastmilk.
  10. Emma is not yet able to express her wishes in complete sentences, but she communicates clearly with phrases such as, “Mama, milk!” This is an example of:
  11. This language disorder is characterized by difficulty in forming words:
  12. This language disorder is characterized by difficulty in language comprehension:
  13. A language development theory called the Environmental Theoretical Perspective uses this/these technique(s) to help children develop language skills.
  14. Piaget’s concept of ___________ means that a child understands that something continues to exist even when it is not seen.
  15. Memory with unconscious recollection:
  16. Children communicate before they learn language.
  17. Rovee-Collier found that infants as young as _______ have a memory full of incredible detail.
  18. Dante’s vocabulary increased dramatically almost overnight. Dante is likely to be around this age:
  19. The emotional reaction expressed by children around 7-14 months of age when their primary caregiver leaves.
  20. To facilitate positive infant attachment, parents should provide care that is:
  21. This type of study helps researchers determine to what degree heredity or environment might impact temperament.
  22. According to Erikson, what is the most important task for children from 0 – 18 months?
  23. A term used by developmentalists to describe an enduring emotional bond between one person or animal and another.
  24. Eight-month-old Ayisha is startled when a stranger approaches her stroller, but her fear turns to squeals of delight when she sees mom joyfully hug their former neighbor. Ayisha uses _____ to determine that this stranger is a friend.
  25. Universal or primary emotions are found in every culture.
  26. Self-awareness is necessary in order to experience this emotion:
  27. Repeating stories and songs about one’s faith can be used to foster cognitive development.
  28. A secure attachment bond between an infant and his or her parents insures a relationship with God when the child is grown.
  29. Scripture does not address the spiritual development of infants.
  30. The best way to foster learning during the 0-2 stage of life is through using:

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  1. This language disorder is characterized by difficulty in forming words:
  2. On average, a child may speak his or her first word at this age:
  3. Which theorist believed “children are born with an innate ability to use language?”
  4. Bryce’s family has just one pet (a dog). Shortly after Bryce learned to say “doggy,” he visited his grandparents and called their pet cat a “doggy.” This is an example of:
  5. Maddie is a six-month old girl. Upon which of the following items is she more likely to focus sustained attention:
  6. Piaget believed even very young infants begin to explore and make sense of their world through behavior.
  7. Piaget used this specific term to describe the mental construct we use to organize knowledge.
  8. Maximus understands many more words than he is able to express. This means his vocabulary is greater than his
  9. The automatic repetition of words or word sounds.
  10. Infants develop the ability to “read” the emotions of others around the age of:
  11. This type of study helps researchers determine to what degree heredity or environment might impact temperament.
  12. Self-awareness is necessary in order to experience this emotion:
  13. The emotional reaction expressed by children around 6-9 months of age when they meet someone they do not know.
  14. During the “attachment in the making” stage infants begin to recognize that their actions can impact other’s behavior.
  15. An emotional reaction marked by caution and wariness when an infant encounters an unfamiliar person.
  16. Eight-month-old Ayisha is startled when a stranger approaches her stroller, but her fear turns to squeals of delight when she sees mom joyfully hug their former neighbor. Ayisha uses to determine that this stranger is a friend.
  17. Harlow’s experiment indicated that humans have an innate need for more than
  18. Breastmilk provides the following health benefits for babies EXCEPT:
  19. The growth pattern in which the head develops more rapidly than the lower parts of the body.
  20. Breastfeeding appears to help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.
  21. Most infants are capable of sleeping through the night as soon as their routine is settled (usually by the end of the first week at home).
  22. These parts of the brain control executive functions.
  23. Depressed brain activity in infants is associated with a lack of:
  24. The chemicals that facilitate communication in the brain are called:
  25. A violent form of child abuse which can lead to brain damage, long-term disability, and even death.
  26. The growth pattern in which development progresses from the center of the body to the outward parts.
  27. Attentive parenting may lay the groundwork for a child’s spiritual development.
  28. The best way to foster learning during the 0-2 stage of life is through using:
  29. According to Erikson’s stage model, when a child is cared for by attentive, responsive parents, he or she is likely to develop the virtue of hope.
  30. Morgenthaler, Keiser & Larsen emphasize memories in talking about spiritual formation in infancy.
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  1. PSYC 210 Quiz 3 2021
  2. PSYC 210 Quiz 3 Infancy
  • Liberty University