PSYC 210 Quiz Childhood

PSYC 210 Quiz: Childhood

  1. Auditory impairments are often accompanied by ______ impairments.
  2. Certain processes related to _____ development might hinder a preschooler’s ability to read with ease.
  3. The visual impairment that causes individuals to be unable to see objects or words that are far away.
  4. The impact of hearing loss is greater when a child experiences this loss _______ in life.
  5. When caregivers exercise regularly, children are more apt to be physically fit.
  6. Improvement in motor skills during childhood is dependent on:
  7. Auditory impairments often create difficulty with _________.
  8. Most children can print their name with a crayon by age ______.
  9. Piaget believed children move to this stage of cognitive development around age 7.
  10. Language development is mainly an accomplishment of this domain.
  11. Sylvia is learning to knit. Her grandmother patiently demonstrates, then allows Sylvia to practice. When Sylvia cannot remember how to continue, her grandmother demonstrates the next step in the process, then guides Sylvia in performing that step. This demonstrates Vygotsky’s concept of:
  12. When __________________ are studied, results tend to show that scores on intelligence tests remain stable over time.
  13. This theorist believed mentoring was a key factor in the cognitive development of children.
  14. Which strategy helps children learn new facts as they assume that familiar objects or things have just one name/label.
  15. In order to become fluent in a foreign language, children must master that language before:
  16. Andre’s father places two rows of coins on the table, each containing five coins. He asks Andre which row has more coins. Andre correctly answers that they are equal. When his father spaces one row of coins out, and asks Andre which one now has more, Andre points to the row that is spread out. Andre is likely in this stage of development (according to Piaget’s model):
  17. In support of Vygotsky’s ideas, researchers found that ___________ increases when faced with tasks that are increasingly difficult.
  18. According to Kohlberg, in this level of moral development individuals believe that values, principles, and human rights transcend the actual law.
  19. Child abuse is more likely to occur when parents ____________.
  20. Marston, a fifth-grade teacher, was told that his students were all “gifted” even though their skills and abilities were identical to that of every other fifth grade class. At the end of the school year his student’s test scores were significantly higher than their peers. Developmentalists would describe this phenomenon as:
  21. Apart from social influence, there is absolutely no difference in play preferences when comparing boys and girls.
  22. William offers a hug to a classmate that has fallen on the playground. This ability to express empathy is typically seen after this age:
  23. Definitive research has established the fact that most children suffer absolutely no long-term negative effects when parents divorce.
  24. A moral person is also a spiritual person.
  25. Sociometric status refers to one’s relationship with his or her _____________.
  26. Most sports teams require this type of play:
  27. According to research conducted by George Barna, ______% of people who accept Christ as Savior do so before the age of 13.
  28. Fowler proposed a theory of faith development based on the stage theories of Erikson and Piaget.
  29. The Christian concept of discipleship is supported by the ____ theory of development.
  30. When considering Fowler’s Stages of Faith, one is capable of accepting both faith and doubt within this stage:

Set 2

  1. A child’s vision and hearing are not as efficient as that of an adolescent or adult.
  2. The incidence of this health problem has grown steadily and continues to increase among American children.
  3. Most children have mastered the skill of hopping on one foot by the time they are years of age.
  4. What negative effects are common when children overuse electronic media (television, videogames, etc.)
  5. The visual impairment that causes individuals to be unable to see objects or words that are far away.
  6. A substantial disruption of the rhythm and fluency of speech is referred to as:
  7. Certain processes related to development might hinder a preschooler’s ability to read with ease.
  8. The likelihood of surviving childhood cancers (in high-income countries) is:
  9. Knowledge of spiritual truth is typically the only thing children need in order to establish a strong faith.
  10. Fowler proposed a theory of faith development based on the stage theories of Erikson and Piaget.
  11. The Christian concept of discipleship is supported by the theory of development.
  12. When considering Fowler’s Stages of Faith, one is capable of accepting both faith and doubt within this stage:
  13. Most sports teams require this type of play:
  14. The stage of development identified by Erikson as the one during which children experience a conflict between the desire/need to pursue goals and the moral limitations which may limit or prevent action.
  15. Marston, a fifth-grade teacher, was told that his students were all “gifted” even though their skills and abilities were identical to that of every other fifth grade class. At the end of the school year his student’s test scores were significantly higher than their peers. Developmentalists would describe this phenomenon as:
  16. Research indicates that children are least likely to suffer abuse when they live with both biological parents.
  17. Definitive research has established the fact that most children suffer absolutely no long- term negative effects when parents divorce.
  18. According to Kohlberg, in this level of moral development individuals believe that values, principles, and human rights transcend the actual law.
  19. A term used by psychologists to describe the belief that one is unable to obtain the rewards he or she seeks.
  20. Gender identity (how one view his or her biological sex) is strictly a social construct.
  21. According to Campbell, Shirley & Candy most individuals understand gender differences by this age:
  22. One test of short-term memory involves asking children to repeat a string of numbers. It is common for 7-year-olds to remember
  23. The ability to understand that so long as nothing has been added or taken away, the altering of an object’s appearance does not alter its basic properties.
  24. Which approach to reading instruction encourages children to learn to read in the same way that they learned to speak?
  25. The tendency to attribute human or lifelike qualities to inanimate objects .
  26. In support of Vygotsky’s ideas, researchers found that increases when faced with tasks that are increasingly difficult.
  27. The worldwide increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over a relatively short period of time is known as the:
  28. Which of the following memory strategies involves creating relationships between items?
  29. When are studied, results tend to show that scores on intelligence tests remain stable over time.
  30. A child’s tendency to exclusively focus on one particular aspect of a situation.
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  1. PSYC 210 Quiz 4 2021
  2. PSYC 210 Quiz Childhood