GLST 290 Quiz 7

GLST 290 Quiz 7 Liberty University

  1. When members of a diaspora move between two or more places, they become transnational.
  2. An Indian woman has immigrated to the United States but retains strong relational and economic ties with her extended family in India. Her identity may be described as
  3. Before the modern era, trade routes were only local.
  4. Postmodern theory is better seen as an umbrella for many theories than as a single theory.
  5. What is one significant difference between ancient globalization and contemporary globalization?
  6. The view that scientific theories cannot be proven, only shown to be false, is called falsification.
  7. When Canadian children play with Legos, they have little sense that their toy is Danish. Legos are sold globally and are not strongly linked to their place or culture of origin. This is called
  8. Globalization is primarily a(n) ______________ phenomenon
  9. Claude Levi-Strauss is most closely associated with which theory?
  10. Ethnographic research requires a single field site.
  11. Anthropological studies of globalization focus exclusively on cultural processes, not economic or political globalization.
  12. Structuralism teaches that culture is driven by what?
  13. In India, elements of British culture have been adapted and reinterpreted to become integral parts of Indian culture, such as the English language, the sport of cricket, and the popularity of tea. The emergence of a new cultural form out of two or more existing ones, leaving both forms changed without erasing the old, is
  14. Karl Marx was a cultural anthropologist.
  15. The transformation of concepts and artifacts into goods that can be bought and sold is called commodification.
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