CRST 290 Quiz 5

CRST 290 Quiz 5 Liberty University

CRST 290 Quiz Adam and Man”kind”

Module 5: Week 5

  1. In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man whose brings life after the sin of the first man brought death?
  2. The overall theology from Genesis to Revelation is called the:
  3. A belief in a historical Adam is a relatively new view developed in the Enlightenment.
  4. All of the ape-like creatures have a formen magnum located at a 45-degree at the back of their skull.
  5. The type of ape most similar to humans is the:
  6. Which group of skulls shows the greatest similarity to our own species (Homo sapiens).
  7. The hominid fossil sight with the highest diversity of human skull shapes and forms are found:
  8. Where were fossils of Australopithecus sediba found?
  9. The hominid skulls from Dmanisi are interesting because they:
  10. Which British scientist wrote a scathing book to refute Darwin, which came out just one year after On the Origin of Species was published?
  11. Widespread pre-Fall animal death is an important component of the young-Earth creation model.
  12. Origen of Alexandria was well-known for his allegorical views of scripture. He did not believe that the details of Genesis 1-11 were historically accurate.
  13. Todd Wood has been able to use baraminology to conrm which creationist claim?
  14. The most abundant enzyme on earth is called rubisco. It is important for which process?
  15. Which pioneering scientist discovered the moons of Jupiter?
  16. Which philosophy/theology term refers to belief that cannot be changed by evidence?
  17. What is the name of the star that is closest to our solar system (not our sun).
  18. The historical nature of Genesis 1-11 (such as the reality of various people and events) is affirmed in numerous New Testament passages.
  19. What is one way that Genesis 1-3 is different from Jesus’ parables found in the New Testament?
  20. Todd Wood discusses an encounter with God transcends our need for rational answers. Who was the person in this encounter?
  21. What type of animal was the first ever to have every cell charted from fertilized egg to adult?
  22. Galieo believed that when there was a perceived conflict between science and the Bible,
  23. Newly discovered genetic information from ancient hominids shows that:
  24. The phrase “according to its kind” in Genesis 1 refers to how animals will reproduce.
  25. The term __________________ refers to a wide range of evidences that point towards a single explanation.

Other sets

  1. In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man whose brings life after the sin of the first man brought death?
  2. The narratives of Genesis 1-11 are best understood as non-historical stories.
  3. The overall theology from Genesis to Revelation is called the:
  4. All of the ape-like creatures have a formen magnum located at a 45-degree at the back of their skull.
  5. Which group of skulls shows the greatest similarity to our own species (Homo sapiens).
  6. The “big hole” where the spinal cord enters the skull is called the:
  7. The hominid skulls from Dmanisi are interesting because they:
  8. Where was the “Hobbit” fossil hominid found?
  9. The Neanderthal group is very different from modern humans
  10. Theistic evolution argues that God used the pagan myths of the Ancient Near East (such as Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt) as a backdrop for Genesis 1, in order to show the Israelites how He is the one true God.
  11. Wood discusses unanswered questions in Genesis, and focuses some time on the Nephilim of Genesis 6. What are the two options for what the Nephilim may be?
  12. Who wrote the now-famous Letter to the Grand Duchess?
  13. Which group of birds is found only in North and South America?
  14. Which marine mammal was nearly hunted to extinction in just 60 years during the 20th century?
  15. The now-disproved idea that non-living matter can produce living creatures is known as
  16. In young-Earth creation, the “starlight problem” refers to the difficulty in getting starlight from distant parts of the universe to Earth so that they can be seen by us.
  17. The historical nature of Genesis 1-11 (such as the reality of various people and events) is affirmed in numerous New Testament passages.
  18. Which British scientist wrote a scathing book to refute Darwin, which came out just one year after On the Origin of Species was published?
  19. Origen of Alexandria was well-known for his allegorical views of scripture. He did not believe that the details of Genesis 1-11 were historically accurate.
  20. Which philosophy/theology term refers to belief that cannot be changed by evidence?
  21. Biologist Leonard Brand conducted a number of experiments with newts in order to evaluate what claim?
  22. One of the “hard problems” Dr. Wood discusses is radioactive decay. While a complete solution is not yet available, an important piece to solving this puzzle involves:
  23. Todd Wood has been able to use baraminology to confirm which creationist claim?
  24. Todd Wood refers to the successes of creationist research as “________________” that indicate he and other creationists are making progress.
  25. Newly discovered genetic information from ancient hominids shows that:


  1. The overall theology from Genesis to Revelation is called the:
  2. Which argument is used to argue that Adam is a real historical individual?
  3. A belief in a historical Adam is a relatively new view developed in the Enlightenment.
  4. Which group of skulls shows the greatest similarity to our own species (Homo sapiens).
  5. The famous fossil called “Lucy” belongs to which fossil group?
  6. The “big hole” where the spinal cord enters the skull is called the:
  7. Statistical baraminology methods have been able to identify a significant gap between human and non-human (ape-like) fossil groups.
  8. The Neanderthal group is very different from modern humans
  9. The hominid fossil sight with the highest diversity of human skull shapes and forms are found:
  10. Which highly intelligent animal is actually able to remember and distinguish among many human faces? (Researchers tested this by wearing masks, then having other people wear those same masks.)
  11. The historical nature of Genesis 1-11 (such as the reality of various people and events) is affirmed in numerous New Testament passages.
  12. The now-disproved idea that non-living matter can produce living creatures is known as
  13. Todd Wood refers to the successes of creationist research as “________________” that indicate he and other creationists are making progress.
  14. Which group of birds is found only in North and South America?
  15. Galieo believed that when there was a perceived conflict between science and the Bible,
  16. Who wrote the now-famous Letter to the Grand Duchess?
  17. The term __________________ refers to a wide range of evidences that point towards a single explanation.
  18. Which pioneering scientist discovered the moons of Jupiter?
  19. The term _______________ refers to the idea that God conveys truth to humans in figurative or non-literal ways so that they can understand Him at the time and place of His communication.
  20. One of the “hard problems” Dr. Wood discusses is radioactive decay. While a complete solution is not yet available, an important piece to solving this puzzle involves:
  21. Biologist Leonard Brand conducted a number of experiments with newts in order to evaluate what claim?
  22. Todd Wood discusses an encounter with God transcends our need for rational answers. Who was the person in this encounter?
  23. Newly discovered genetic information from ancient hominids shows that:
  24. Which tiny animal can survive extreme temperatures and pressures, and even prolonged periods in space?
  25. Todd Wood has been able to use baraminology to confirm which creationist claim?

Set 1

  1. A belief in a historical Adam is a relatively new view developed in the Enlightenment.
  2. In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man whose brings life after the sin of the first man brought death?
  3. There is a substantial shift in the types of narratives found in Genesis 1-11 from those in Genesis 12-50.
  4. The “big hole” where the spinal cord enters the skull is called the:
  5. Which group of skulls shows the greatest similarity to our own species (Homo sapiens).
  6. The famous fossil called “Lucy” belongs to which fossil group?
  7. One of the statistical baraminology methods used by creationists to identify groups and examine created kinds is called:
  8. The Neanderthal group is very different from modern humans
  9. For statistical baraminology methods, creationists can (and do) use the same data and data sets as evolutionists
  10. Which British scientist wrote a scathing book to refute Darwin, which came out just one year after On the Origin of Species was published?
  11. What is one way that Genesis 1-3 is different from Jesus’ parables found in the New Testament?
  12. Origen of Alexandria was well-known for his allegorical views of scripture. He did not believe that the details of Genesis 1-11 were historically accurate.
  13. Newly discovered genetic information from ancient hominids shows that:
  14. What type of animal was the first ever to have every cell charted from fertilized egg to adult?
  15. Theistic evolution argues that God used the pagan myths of the Ancient Near East (such as Sumer, Babylon, and Egypt) as a backdrop for Genesis 1, in order to show the Israelites how He is the one true God.
  16. Ancient and medieval scholars often thought that biblical passages contained only a single meaning: either literal or allegorical.
  17. Wood discusses unanswered questions in Genesis, and focuses some time on the Nephilim of Genesis 6. What are the two options for what the Nephilim may be?
  18. Widespread pre-Fall animal death is an important component of the young-Earth creation model.
  19. The phrase “according to its kind” in Genesis 1 refers to how animals will reproduce.
  20. The now-disproved idea that non-living matter can produce living creatures is known as “_________________”.
  21. The most abundant enzyme on earth is called rubisco. It is important for which process?
  22. Todd Wood discusses an encounter with God transcends our need for rational answers. Who was the person in this encounter?
  23. Which tiny animal can survive extreme temperatures and pressures, and even prolonged periods in space?
  24. Which group of birds is found only in North and South America?
  25. The term _______________ refers to the idea that God conveys truth to humans in figurative or non-literal ways so that they can understand Him at the time and place of His communication.

Set 2

  1. The “big hole” where the spinal cord enters the skull is called the:
  2. A belief in a historical Adam is a relatively new view developed in the Enlightenment.
  3. Which organism was used as an example of positive selection in evolution?
  4. There is a substantial shift in the types of narratives found in Genesis 1-11 from those in Genesis 12-50.
  5. The narratives of Genesis 1-11 are best understood as non-historical stories.
  6. The overall theology from Genesis to Revelation is called the:
  7. Fossils likely represent indirect family members to the species that we have alive on Earth today.
  8. The hominid fossil sight with the highest diversity of human skull shapes and forms are found:
  9. Which radiometric dating method involves the remains of once-living plants and animals?
  10. One of the statistical baraminology methods used by creationists to identify groups and examine created kinds is called:
  11. Three atoms of ____________ must fuse to form one atom of ____________.
  12. BioLogos suggests that a stylistic reading of Genesis 1 is preferred over a literal reading because:
  13. According to one of the videos of BioLogos, which of the following is/are necessary to produce the diversity of life on Earth?
  14. What origins position is advocated by BioLogos?
  15. Jesus’ statement that the mustard is the smallest of all seeds is given as an example by BioLogos of a factually incorrect statement in the Bible.
  16. In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man whose brings life after the sin of the first man brought death?
  17. BioLogos believes that the issue of creation is not a core doctrine of the Christian faith.
  18. Does BioLogos believe that God is the Creator of our world?
  19. The presence of non-functional genes is an argument for evolution and common ancestry.
  20. The Hawaiian islands are given as an example of species that form due to:
  21. Where was the “Hobbit” fossil hominid found?
  22. An Evolutionary Creation view of origins requires:
  23. Varves are annual layers formed in:
  24. BioLogos suggests that the core doctrines of Christian faith are:
  25. According to cosmic evolutionary models, the Earth is _______________ years old.
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  • Liberty University