CRST 290 Quizzes 5,6,7

CRST 290 Quiz 5 Liberty University

CRST 290 Quiz 5 Adam and Man”kind”

  1. In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man whose brings life after the sin of the first man brought death?
  2. The overall theology from Genesis to Revelation is called the:
  3. A belief in a historical Adam is a relatively new view developed in the Enlightenment.
  4. All of the ape-like creatures have a formen magnum located at a 45-degree at the back of their skull.
  5. The type of ape most similar to humans is the:
  6. Which group of skulls shows the greatest similarity to our own species (Homo sapiens).
  7. The hominid fossil sight with the highest diversity of human skull shapes and forms are found:
  8. Where were fossils of Australopithecus sediba found?
  9. The hominid skulls from Dmanisi are interesting because they:
  10. Which British scientist wrote a scathing book to refute Darwin, which came out just one year after On the Origin of Species was published?
  11. Widespread pre-Fall animal death is an important component of the young-Earth creation model.
  12. Origen of Alexandria was well-known for his allegorical views of scripture. He did not believe that the details of Genesis 1-11 were historically accurate.
  13. Todd Wood has been able to use baraminology to conrm which creationist claim?
  14. The most abundant enzyme on earth is called rubisco. It is important for which process?
  15. Which pioneering scientist discovered the moons of Jupiter?
  16. Which philosophy/theology term refers to belief that cannot be changed by evidence?
  17. What is the name of the star that is closest to our solar system (not our sun).
  18. The historical nature of Genesis 1-11 (such as the reality of various people and events) is affirmed in numerous New Testament passages.
  19. What is one way that Genesis 1-3 is different from Jesus’ parables found in the New Testament?
  20. Todd Wood discusses an encounter with God transcends our need for rational answers. Who was the person in this encounter?
  21. What type of animal was the first ever to have every cell charted from fertilized egg to adult?
  22. Galieo believed that when there was a perceived conflict between science and the Bible,
  23. Newly discovered genetic information from ancient hominids shows that:
  24. The phrase “according to its kind” in Genesis 1 refers to how animals will reproduce.
  25. The term __________________ refers to a wide range of evidences that point towards a single explanation.

Set 2

  1. In which New Testament passage is Jesus compared to Adam, as the one man whose brings life after the sin of the first man brought death?
  2. The overall theology from Genesis to Revelation is called the:
  3. A belief in a historical Adam is a relatively new view developed in the Enlightenment.
  4. All of the ape-like creatures have a formen magnum located at a 45-degree at the back of their skull.
  5. The type of ape most similar to humans is the:
  6. Which group of skulls shows the greatest similarity to our own species (Homo sapiens).
  7. The hominid fossil sight with the highest diversity of human skull shapes and forms are found:
  8. Where were fossils of Australopithecus sediba found?
  9. The hominid skulls from Dmanisi are interesting because they:
  10. Which British scientist wrote a scathing book to refute Darwin, which came out just one year after On the Origin of Species was published?
  11. Widespread pre-Fall animal death is an important component of the young-Earth creation model.
  12. Origen of Alexandria was well-known for his allegorical views of scripture. He did not believe that the details of Genesis 1-11 were historically accurate.
  13. Todd Wood has been able to use baraminology to conrm which creationist claim?
  14. The most abundant enzyme on earth is called rubisco. It is important for which process?
  15. Which pioneering scientist discovered the moons of Jupiter?
  16. Which philosophy/theology term refers to belief that cannot be changed by evidence?
  17. What is the name of the star that is closest to our solar system (not our sun).
  18. The historical nature of Genesis 1-11 (such as the reality of various people and events) is affirmed in numerous New Testament passages.
  19. What is one way that Genesis 1-3 is different from Jesus’ parables found in the New Testament?
  20. Todd Wood discusses an encounter with God transcends our need for rational answers. Who was the person in this encounter?
  21. What type of animal was the first ever to have every cell charted from fertilized egg to adult?
  22. Galieo believed that when there was a perceived conflict between science and the Bible,
  23. Newly discovered genetic information from ancient hominids shows that:
  24. The phrase “according to its kind” in Genesis 1 refers to how animals will reproduce.
  25. The term __________________ refers to a wide range of evidences that point towards a single explanation.

CRST 290 Quiz 6

CRST 290 Quiz Geology and Physical Geography

  1. Mound-shaped structures composed of alternating layers of bacteria and sediment are called:
  2. Which of the following was NOT one of the human impacts of the Fall?
  3. Carbon-14 leaves your body through:
  4. Which child of Adam and Eve was born during the Edenian epoch?
  5. Which types of rocks are formed by the settling of sand, silt, or mud, which then harden to layers of stone?
  6. When did God tell Adam and Eve to “be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the Earth”?
  7. Atoms with the same number of protons but different masses (from different numbers of neutrons) are called:
  8. The term “firmament” means that there was a canopy of water, vapor, or ice over the Earth.
  9. Which of the following is NOT one of the parameters needed to overcome the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
  10. Which of the following biological effects did NOT come about after the Fall?
  11. Carbon dating of fossils have shown that the fossils are much younger than assumed by old-Earth geologists.
  12. When did natural biological evil get introduced to the world?
  13. Using radioactive isotopes to date rocks is a form of ___________ time dating.
  14. Which rule in geology tells us that layered rocks were first deposited as wide, flat sheets?
  15. Carbon-14 decays by half at what rate?
  16. The Edenian Epoch was marked by the absence of natural evil.
  17. It appears that the greatest difference in the Edeneian Earth may have been the absence of geological evil.
  18. On which day of Creation Week were dinosaurs created?
  19. Which event was the most dramatic change in the world since creation?
  20. The Second Law of Thermodynamics was introduced at the Fall.
  21. The lifespans of people during the Antediluvian Epoch is best attributed to:
  22. The primary purpose of clothing is to:
  23. The average lifespan of humans during the Antediluvian Epoch is about _________ years.
  24. According to the Bible, plants are not “alive” like animals or humans.
  25. The result of the Fall on man was:

Set 2

  1. Prior to the Flood, the world’s oceans were likely:
  2. Using radioactive isotopes to date rocks is a form of ___________ time dating.
  3. The Book of Genesis tells us that the Edenian Epoch lasted 40 years.
  4. Carbon-14 decays by half at what rate?
  5. When did carnivory (animals eating other animals) likely get introduced to the world?
  6. Which rule in geology tells us that layered rocks were first deposited as wide, at sheets?
  7. The destruction of the floating forest biome during the Flood can explain:
  8. Carbon-14 leaves your body through:
  9. Scientists compare the amount of ________________ with the amount of ____________ to construct a carbon date.
  10. Which types of rocks are formed by the settling of sand, silt, or mud, which then harden to layers of stone?
  11. Carbon-14 has been found in which geological materials that are supposedly “too old” for carbon-14 to be there?
  12. In the Book of Ezekial, God’s curse on the king of __________, appears to extend further to apply to Satan
  13. Dinosaur fossils are most often found with what types of plants?
  14. The Second Law of Thermodynamics was introduced at the Fall.
  15. It appears that the greatest difference in the Edeneian Earth may have been the absence of geological evil.
  16. On which day of Creation Week were dinosaurs created?
  17. The lifespans of people during the Antediluvian Epoch is best attributed to:
  18. The mention of “waters above the heavens” in Psalm 148 means that:
  19. Geologists are able to directly date fossils and determine its numerical age (such as 68 million years or 150 million years).
  20. What rose up to water the Earth in the beginning of Genesis 2?
  21. Which of the following is NOT one of the parameters needed to overcome the Second Law of Thermodynamics?
  22. The Edenian Epoch was marked by the absence of natural evil.
  23. When did God tell Adam and Eve to “be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the Earth”?
  24. Carbon dating of fossils have shown that the fossils are much younger than assumed by old-Earth geologists.
  25. Which child of Adam and Eve was born during the Edenian epoch?

CRST 290 Quiz 7 Liberty University

CRST 290 Quiz Noah’s Flood

  1. Catastrophic plate tectonics argues that the ultimate source of water for Noah’s Flood was the oceans.
  2. As the Flood ended, the waters that once covered the Earth:
  3. What is the 3-letter term for mobile genetic material that may have aided in post-Flood speciation?
  4. Which creation scientist correctly predicted the existence of rapid magnetic field reversals in lava flows?
  5. What are the two sources of water mentioned in the Flood account in Genesis?
  6. An animal or plant fossil that appears intermediate between two groups is called a _____________ fossil.
  7. Bone and connective tissues (such as collagen) can last for many millions of years with only minor degradation
  8. The discovery of proteins in fossil bones is excellent evidence for that bone being only thousands of years old.
  9. Young-Earth creationists believe that speciation was uncommon in the Post-Flood Epoch.
  10. Young-age creationists would expect that fossils linking species together should be found:
  11. Which of the following is NOT evidence that the continents had moved over time?
  12. The worst destruction of the Flood account (when the waters rise and all life is dying) is given in chapter 6 of Genesis.
  13. “________________” diversification is the term used to describe the rise of new species within a created kind.
  14. The evidence suggests that there was one major pulse of relatively thin glaciers during the Ice Age.
  15. The speed at which collagen decays has been very difficult for scientists to determine.
  16. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that helped organisms migrate to other places during the Post-Flood Epoch?
  17. Which group of dinosaurs is claimed to have feathers?
  18. There is evidence that the dinosaur Tyrannosaurus had feathers.
  19. Which of the following is compatible with a young age of the rock and fossil record, but difficult to reconcile with old-Earth views?
  20. Dinosaurs are part of a larger group of animals called:
  21. According to young-Earth creation views, most fossils:
  22. It appears that Earth’s magnetic field has:
  23. Which of the following is compatible with old-Earth views of the rock and fossil record, but difficult to reconcile with young-Earth views?
  24. Which covenant was given to Noah to promise no future destruction of the world by a flood?
  25. Scientists in China discovered collagen protein from inside the ______ of a dinosaur.
  1. A large number of meteors struck the Moon during Noah’s Flood.
  2. Young-Earth creationists believe that speciation was uncommon in the Post-Flood Epoch.
  3. Young-age creationists would expect that fossils linking species together should be found:
  4. Which group of dinosaurs is claimed to have feathers?
  5. Dinosaurs are part of a larger group of animals called:
  6. What type of modern bird was featured in the video on dinosaurs and birds with Dr. Ross?
  7. The discovery of proteins in fossil bones is excellent evidence for that bone being only thousands of years old.
  8. According to young-Earth creation views, most fossils:
  9. The oceans of the Post-Flood Epoch started out:
  10. Peter links Jesus’ second coming to an allegorical (not historical) Noah’s Flood.
  11. What are the two sources of water mentioned in the Flood account in Genesis?
  12. The frequency and power of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions declined throughout the Post-Flood Epoch.
  13. Which of the following is NOT a way of flooding the world during Noah’s Flood?
  14. What is the 3-letter term for mobile genetic material that may have aided in post-Flood speciation?
  15. The speed at which collagen decays has been very dicult for scientists to determine.
  16. Which covenant was given to Noah to promise no future destruction of the world by a flood?
  17. Which type of crust is able to subduct (sink) into the mantle?
  18. Fossils are evidence of organisms that existed in the past.
  19. What is the name for the evolutionary method that makes tree diagrams?
  20. An animal or plant fossil that appears intermediate between two groups is called a _____________ fossil.
  21. Which of the following is NOT evidence that the continents had moved over time?
  22. The worst destruction of the Flood account (when the waters rise and all life is dying) is given in chapter 6 of Genesis.
  23. Old-age views of Earth history, such as Progressive Creation and Evolutionary Creation, connect natural disasters like earthquakes to judgement for man’s sin.
  24. Which of the following is compatible with a young age of the rock and fossil record, but dicult to reconcile with old-Earth views?
  25. Scientists in China discovered collagen protein from inside the ______ of a dinosaur.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. CRST 290 Quiz 5 2023
  2. CRST 290 Quiz 5 Adam and Mankind
  3. CRST 290 Quiz 5 2022
  4. CRST 290 Quiz 6 Geology
  5. CRST 290 Quiz 6 2020
  6. CRST 290 Quiz 6 2021
  7. CRST 290 Quiz 7 2022
  8. CRST 290 Quiz 7 Noahs Flood