CHHI 301 Quiz 4

CHHI 301 Quiz 4 Liberty University Answers

Set 1

  1. Muhammad died in 632, and within a 100 years Muslims had gained control of all the land from Armenia, south through the Middle East, along the northern coast of Africa, and up into present-day Portugal and Spain.
  2. After the Great Schism, Wycliffe worked to normalize the Catholic Church by encouraging people to follow all Catholic teachings and to learn to read Latin so they could read the Bible.
  3. In what is now Paraguay, Jesuit missionaries, faced with violent opposition by both Spanish and Portuguese colonists, armed the mission Indians and led them successfully in a battle in 1641. However, when the ruling family of Spain ordered the Jesuits out of all Spanish colonies, they left peacefully.
  4. One tradition of Peter’s death states that he was crucified upside down; Paul was probably beheaded.
  5. Gnosticism was a well-defined organization in competition with the Church of the Roman period.
  6. Christians in the early period were sometimes accused of cannibalism. This arose out of a misunderstanding about Communion by non-Christians.
  7. By 1510, Portugal controlled the eastern coast of Africa.
  8. The word “monk” comes from the Greek word meaning “solitary.” These Christians often sought to be alone with God, and the desert was a favorite location.
  9. During the Middle Ages, the papacy was one of the institutions that gave continuity to western European life.
  10. When he left the “New World” after his first voyage, Columbus left behind a small group of soldiers. When he returned on his second voyage, he found that they had built a church in the “Indian” village and were preaching to the natives.
  11. One reason that the fish symbol was used in early Christianity is because the Greek word for “fish” is ICHTHYS, which stands for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.”
  12. In the “New World,” many friars (those men who were members of mendicant orders) became defenders of the Indians.
  13. Francis Xavier, the founder of the Jesuits, allowed Ignatius Loyola to travel to India.
  14. Monasteries served as centers of not only worship but also of learning.
  15. Pachomius wanted to start a community of monks. He founded a community but many people complained he was too strict. He disbanded that community, and began a new community. In this new community the rules were even stricter. This second community grew rapidly.
  16. Constantine and Licinius agreed to the Edict of Milan that ended persecutions of Christians in 313.
  17. The Virgin of Guadalupe is an important Mexican artifact.
  18. Benedict of Nursia wrote a Rule for his monks. It would eventually become a standard amongst many monasteries.
  19. The year 1521, when Luther valiantly stood before the Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms (a Catholic meeting in a town), was also the year when Cortes captured Tenochtitlan.
  20. Gregory VII worked to defeat simony (purchasing a church office) and declared that the Scriptures could be translated into vernacular (common or everyday) languages.

Set 2

  1. The Virgin of Guadalupe is an important Mexican artifact.
  2. The word “monk” comes from the Greek word meaning “solitary.” These Christians often sought to be alone with God, and the desert was a favorite location.
  3. After the Great Schism, Wycliffe worked to normalize the Catholic Church by encouraging people to follow all Catholic teachings and to learn to read Latin so they could read the Bible.
  4. In what is now Paraguay, Jesuit missionaries, faced with violent opposition by both Spanish and Portuguese colonists, armed the mission Indians and led them successfully in a battle in 1641. However, when the ruling family of Spain ordered the Jesuits out of all Spanish colonies, they left peacefully.
  5. Gnosticism was a well-defined organization in competition with the Church of the Roman period.
  6. Constantine and Licinius agreed to the Edict of Milan that ended persecutions of Christians in 313.
  7. During the Middle Ages, the papacy was one of the institutions that gave continuity to western European life.
  8. Benedict of Nursia wrote a Rule for his monks. It would eventually become a standard amongst many monasteries.
  9. One tradition of Peter’s death states that he was crucified upside down; Paul was probably beheaded.
  10. Muhammad died in 632, and within a 100 years Muslims had gained control of all the land from Armenia, south through the Middle East, along the northern coast of Africa, and up into present-day Portugal and Spain.
  11. The year 1521, when Luther valiantly stood before the Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms (a Catholic meeting in a town), was also the year when Cortes captured Tenochtitlan.
  12. When he left the “New World” after his first voyage, Columbus left behind a small group of soldiers. When he returned on his second voyage, he found that they had built a church in the “Indian” village and were preaching to the natives.
  13. One reason that the fish symbol was used in early Christianity is because the Greek word for “fish” is ICHTHYS, which stands for “Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior.”
  14. Monasteries served as centers of not only worship but also of learning.
  15. Gregory VII worked to defeat simony (purchasing a church office) and declared that the Scriptures could be translated into vernacular (common or everyday) languages.
  16. Pachomius wanted to start a community of monks. He founded a community but many people complained he was too strict. He disbanded that community, and began a new community. In this new community the rules were even stricter. This second community grew rapidly.
  17. Francis Xavier, the founder of the Jesuits, allowed Ignatius Loyola to travel to India.
  18. By 1510, Portugal controlled the eastern coast of Africa.
  19. In the “New World,” many friars (those men who were members of mendicant orders) became defenders of the Indians.
  20. Christians in the early period were sometimes accused of cannibalism. This arose out of a misunderstanding about Communion by non-Christians.
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  2. CHHI 301 Quiz 4 Set 2