BUSI 300 Test 3

BUSI 300 Test 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Using samples that are not representative is an error at the data-gathering stage of collecting and organizing data.
  2. When preparing an effective table, it is acceptable to:​
  3. One advantage of primary research is that it avoids needless duplication of costly research efforts.
  4. Brian works for Pharmatech Labs and is conducting research on a certain topic. For the research, he needs a budget of $50000, but the authorities of the lab are willing to fund him only $30000. In this context, this restraint on the budget is an example of a _____.​
  5. Statistical analysis is a simple task and does not require any training.
  6. When using an original approach, choose an anecdote likely familiar to your audience.
  7. Which of the following is a suggestion for constructing effective bar charts?​
  8. Which of the following is a feature of persuasive communication?​
  9. An effective title must:​
  10. If the preceding paragraphs of a message adequately emphasize a reader’s reward for complying, the final paragraph need not shout loudly for action.
  11. Derek is assigned the task of writing a short report about his findings on the attitudes of custodial employees on a job. The audience for the report is the management of his company. Which of the following formats should Derek use?​
  12. Which of the following is true of claim messages?​
  13. Madison is preparing a report on war fatalities in three different war zones. She has designed a bar chart comparing the number of fatalities in each war zone and now wants to insert it in her report. Which of the following is a recommended way of inserting the graphic in her report?​
  14. Technizone Consultants decides to send an invitation to other companies to join it in its charity function. In this context, a memorandum report format should be used instead of a letter report format.
  15. A persuasive email message to promote pop-up blocker software has its central selling point as protection of children from pornography. The central selling point should:​
  16. A line chart is an effective graphic for comparing housing prices in a particular region with housing prices in another region.
  17. _____ involves summarizing information in your own words without changing an author’s intended meaning.​
  18. The central selling point in a sales message:​
  19. Thomas is writing a report that contains a column (vertical) bar chart that shows last year’s employee enrollment in three management training programs: conflict resolution, time management, and team building. Which of the following statements best interprets and analyzes the graph?​
  20. Failing to gather enough information to cover all important aspects of a problem is an error at the document-preparation stage of collecting and organizing data.
  21. An outstanding feature mentioned in the first sentence might go unnoticed, but it will stand out if mentioned in the middle of the message.
  22. In the context of analyzing research data, which of the following best describes the role of the mean, median, and mode?​
  23. The term _____ that literally means the description of books is sometimes used to refer to an alphabetized list of the sources used in preparing a report.​
  24. _____ involves citing the exact words from a source.​
  25. Primary research relies on firsthand data, such as responses from pertinent individuals or observations of people or phenomena related to your study.
  26. Businesses issue requests for proposals that present the specifications for major purchases of goods and certain services.
  27. Which of the following sentences best introduces a graphic in a written report?​
  28. To overcome receiver resistance to a persuasive appeal, the price typically should be:​
  29. Revisions to organizational charts become complex when prepared using word processing or graphics software.
  30. _____ are graphics that may be incorporated into reports.​
  31. While constructing an effective line chart, the vertical axis should be used for time and the horizontal axis for amount.
  32. Which of the following is a common error that hinders interpreting data accurately?​
  33. Certain types of databases that are not accessible by a search engine are described as the hidden Internet.
  34. Labels of the rows in a table that are subdivisions of more comprehensive labels should be indented, as should summary labels such as “total.”​
  35. The Board of Education for the State of Maine is compiling information on the number of high school graduates who attended each of the state’s 19 public universities in the previous year. To best represent this data graphically, _____ should be used.​
  36. Which of the following suggestions can be followed when writing a sales message to motivate action from the audience?​
  37. A persuasive message is certainly off to a bad start if the first sentences cause the reader to think.
  38. ​ Which of the following best describes the table of contents?
  39. Which of the following conveys a positive connotation when convincing prospective customers that they will like your product, service, or idea?​
  40. In our information-intensive society, proposal preparation is an insignificant activity for many firms.
  41. Search engines help you locate web pages. Understanding how search engines work will help your research processes.​
  42. Which of the following is true about pie charts?​
  43. Which of the following suggestions should you follow when writing an effective persuasive claim message?​
  44. Which of the following is the suggested four-step sequence for an inductive outline?​
  45. Angela wants to teach her employees how to handle customer service complaints efficiently. She wishes to create a graphical presentation to depict the process. When representing this type of data, Angela should ideally use a(n) _____.​
  46. Marcus is writing a persuasive message asking his employees to complete an online company survey. Which of the following suggestions should he follow when writing this message?​
  47. Which of the following is an effective statement for requesting action?​
  48. Companies should not welcome claims as a majority of them are from unethical individuals.
  49. The software team at MK Metasources has designed a new software that will reduce the time taken for a particular process by 50 percent. During the launch of this software, the head of the software team explains the difference between the new software and the existing software to the employees. During the explanation, in order to avoidmaking abrupt changes in thought, the head of the software team uses words like “however,” “on the contrary,” and “despite.” In this scenario, the head of the software team has used _____ to give the explanation.
  50. Requests for information are not common in business.

Set 2

  1. An effective title must:​
  2. Which of the following is a similarity between flowcharts and maps?​
  3. In the report text, a new idea can be introduced in the summary.
  4. An effective persuasive appeal should include a central selling point that is woven throughout the entire message.
  5. Requests for information are not common in business.
  6. An attention-getter in a sales message should achieve several important objectives: introduce a relationship, focus on a central selling feature, and use an original approach.
  7. A report is presented before attempting to solve a problem.
  8. In the report text, the introduction includes an analysis ofwhat the reported information means or how it should be acted upon.
  9. Revisions to organizational charts become complex when prepared using word processing or graphics software.
  10. Which of the following is a source of primary data?​
  11. Graphics should be used to exaggerate and complicate data.​
  12. By stressing one main point, you limit a message to that point.
  13. An outstanding feature mentioned in the first sentence might go unnoticed, but it will stand out if mentioned in the middle of the message.
  14. Which of the following suggestions can be followed when writing a sales message to motivate action from the audience?​
  15. Which of the following is a feature of persuasive communication?​
  16. Logan is compiling data on the sales of video game consoles over the last five years, with proportionate sales reflected for four age categories for each of those years. He wants to use a graphic to make the data more understandable. This data will be best represented on _____.​
  17. For many kinds of studies, _____ might help in describing distributions of quantitative data.​
  18. A persuasive message is certainly off to a bad start if the first sentences cause the reader to think.
  19. In a sales message, the last paragraph should:​
  20. In the context of referencing, which of the following is an accurate statement about the use of footnotes?​
  21. ​ Which of the following statements is true of the parts of a formal report?
  22. Which of the following sentences best introduces a graphic in a written report?​
  23. Mary wants to write a memo to a team of people who will help her launch a new product line for her company. She wants to convince them that their extensive commitment is justified because the product is important to the company’s future. She should employ the deductive approach when writing the memo.
  24. The development of an effective survey instrument, such as a questionnaire or interview guide, is critical to obtaining reliable and valid data.
  25. The Board of Education for the State of Maine is compiling information on the number of high school graduates who attended each of the state’s 19 public universities in the previous year. To best represent this data graphically, _____ should be used.​
  26. A company is faced with the challenge of communicating to its employees a significant change in its policies. Which of the following suggestions should the management follow to communicate this change to its employees effectively?​
  27. ​ Many researchers prefer to state hypotheses in the null form because:
  28. A pictogram is used to track progress toward completion of a six-month construction project.
  29. Often, any unreasonable claim will be adjusted to the customer’s satisfaction.
  30. In-text parenthetical citations prepared using the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association format direct the reader to a list of sources that is arranged alphabetically by the:​
  31. ​Which of the following best describes the role of the executive summary in a formal report?
  32. A persuasive email message to promote pop-up blocker software has its central selling point as protection of children from pornography. The central selling point should:​
  33. Which of the following is an example of a form report?​
  34. Choose whether the statement below about primary research is true or false.
  35. When a researcher looks up material using library databases, it is primary researchIf the first sentence of a persuasive message gets a negative reaction, a decision to refuse might be made instantly.
  36. Failing to gather enough information to cover all important aspects of a problem is an error at the document-preparation stage of collecting and organizing data.
  37. Which of the following best describes an index?​
  38. An introduction and a brief explanation of a graphic should appear after the graphic is shown.​
  39. At the end of every year, Trent Enterprise sends an annual report to its shareholders. This is an example of an analytical report.
  40. Kayla is creating a bar chart to show her company’s sales by region. To avoid a visual distortion in the bar chart, she should design the quantitative axis to begin at zero and make each bar the same width.
  41. Madison is preparing a report on war fatalities in three different war zones. She has designed a bar chart comparing the number of fatalities in each war zone and now wants to insert it in her report. Which of the following is a recommended way of inserting the graphic in her report?​
  42. Which of the following is an example of a recommendation?​
  43. ​ Which of the following best describes the table of contents?
  44. Which of the following is true of a proposal?​
  45. Which of the following suggestions should you follow when creating desire in the receivers of a sales message?​
  46. A pie chart presents data in columns and rows, which aid in clarifying large quantities of data in a small space.
  47. _____ involves summarizing information in your own words without changing an author’s intended meaning.​
  48. The availability of graphics and sophisticated drawing software facilitate inclusion of complex visuals in reports and spoken presentations.
  49. ​ Identify the parts of the addenda of a report.
  50. Which of the following is a difference between solicited and unsolicited sales messages?​

Set 3

  1. During a presentation, an effective introduction captures the involves the audience and captures their attention.
  2. In a collaborative writing team, the entire team works together on each section of the proposal of major size.
  3. Which of the following suggestions should be applied when writing a formal report?
  4. Employment contractors specialize in providing a full‐time job.
  5. Which of the following messages should be written inductively?
  6. Electronic applicant‐tracking systems:
  7. The goal of unstructured interviews is to:
  8. Comparing your qualifications to a company/job profile helps you identify pertinent information to be included in your résumé.
  9. Which of the following best describes a table of contents?
  10. While employment videos are helpful in communicating a person’s qualifications and abilities, their use may also:
  11. To avoid a tone of egotism in a résumé, _____.
  12. A bid request describes a problem that needs to be solved and invites respondents to describe their proposed solutions.
  13. When interpreting data, it is good for the researcher to assume the constancy of human behavior.
  14. The Board of Education for the State of Maine is compiling information on the number of last year’s high school graduates attending each of the state’s 19 public universities. To best represent this data graphically, a _____ should be used.
  15. Which of the following results from the way in which a speaker produces and joins sounds?
  16. A pictogram is used to track progress toward completion of a six‐month construction project.
  17. Thomas is writing a report that contains a column (vertical) bar chart that shows last year’s employee enrollment in three management training programs: conflict resolution, time management, and team building. Which of the following statements best interprets and analyzes the graph?
  18. An effective handout can help audience members remember your message.
  19. Graphics must be saved for data that that are difficult to communicate in words alone.
  20. All report headings that are of the same level must be consistent in position, appearance, and grammatical construction.
  21. In the context of referencing, which of the following is an accurate statement concerning the use of footnotes?
  22. The null hypothesis tends to be stated in a way that favors one possibility or is prejudiced toward a particular answer.
  23. When designed correctly, form reports save time and increase clerical accuracy by providing designated places for specific items.
  24. Referencing is optional when paraphrasing.
  25. The job search process begins with identifying a job listing using electronic sources.
  26. The success of a presenter is completely dependent on the formality of the presentation, the time taken to prepare, and the nature of the audience.
  27. Distance delivery formats are appropriate for presentations that cover highly sensitive or confidential issues.
  28. James is a team leader at Infonet Corp., a multinational IT company. He had four years of experience as a software analyst before joining Infonet. He progressed from a senior software analyst to team leader in his 11 years at Infonet. James was not satisfied with his pay and decided to apply for the position of project manager at Alpha Corp. What type of résumé would be most effective for James’ profile?
  29. For Kayla to avoid a visual distortion in the bar chart she is creating to show her company’s sales by region, she should design the quantitative axis to begin at zero, and make each bar the same width.
  30. Which of the following is an example of an effective talking title?
  31. A report is presented before attempting to solve a problem.
  32. An application message:
  33. To enhance credibility, incorporate emotional terms in your document.
  34. A manager who asks for a report on the best phone system for an office will request a justification report to support the recommended decision.
  35. Which of the following takes place in a series interview?
  36. Darren was asked to document a research paper as part of his final examination. The assignment needed weeks of careful study and experimentation before submission. Having ignored the paper until the day before the submission, he felt that he had no choice but to lift material off another research article that he had found on the Internet. In other words, Darren is guilty of _____.
  37. A pie chart presents data in columns and rows, which aid in clarifying large quantities of data in a small space.
  38. Many researchers prefer to state hypotheses in the null form because:
  39. Laurent is being interviewed for the position of content analyst at Alping Inc. Zara, the interviewer, asks Laurent to tell her about a time when Laurent was able to convince someone to look at things from her perspective. This question posed by Zara is an example of a(n) _____.
  40. Typically, an executive summary is included to assist the reader in understanding a long, complex report.
  41. Which of the following is a common error that hinders the accurate interpretation of data?
  42. The STAR method (Situation or Task/Action/Result) refers to a:
  43. When speaking to a culturally diverse audience, a speaker should:
  44. Graphics should clarify, simplify, or reinforce the data.
  45. Which of the following guidelines will helps create dynamic and useful presentation visuals?
  46. Which of the following is true about the purpose of a proposal?
  47. Fazer Technologies Inc. distributed copies of its annual report to its stockholders. Fazer’s annual report is an example of an _____.
  48. “Authorization was received from the IRS” is an example of a sentence using active voice.
  49. When formatting a scannable version of your résumé, _____.
  50. Identify a nontraditional source of locating a job.
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