PSYC 565 Quiz 3

PSYC 565 Quiz 3

  1. Which stage of Fitts’s three-stage model of skill learning would act in setting up a tent while carrying on a discussion about politics?
  2. Neuroimaging studies of experts suggest that one should see increased cortical activation in brain areas associated with a:
  3. Which statement is TRUE regarding expert performance?
  4. When a rat learns to turn the correct way in a T-shaped maze, one finds that in the basal ganglia:
  5. After the events of Columbine, certain video games came under heavy criticism for their violent content, especially the use of guns. The perpetrators spent hours playing specific video games as “practice.” If the criticism is true and video games played a role, which learning ability would explain what the shooters were doing by playing the video game?
  6. Individuals with anterograde amnesia can:
  7. Which disorder involves a reduction in the number of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta that control activity in the basal ganglia?
  8. Someone with damage to the basal ganglia would have the MOST trouble with which task?
  9. Suppose a child is learning to swim. If a person measures how long it takes the child to swim from one end of the pool to the other each day, the person will typically find that the child’s speed will:
  10. Practice of a skill that is spread out over several sessions is known as _____ practice
  11. According to Thorndike’s identical elements theory, if one learns to swim in an indoor pool, one will swim the BEST in:
  12. Which statement is TRUE about research on perceptual-motor skills?
  13. In Baddeley’s working-memory model, which system monitors and manipulates the two working-memory buffers?
  14. Research suggests that phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad processes take place in the _____ prefrontal cortex, while central executive functions take place in the _____ prefrontal cortex.
  15. April takes a dance class in which the first exercise the class does is always the same. But one day, the dance instructor changed the first exercise. Out of habit, April persisted in doing the exercise she was used to, until she realized everyone else was doing something different. The task her central executive is MOST concerned with in this example is:
  16. Brain imaging studies show that people with _____ copies of the COMT allele show _____ prefrontal cortex activity during a 2-back task.
  17. People with damage to the frontal lobes are impaired on all EXCEPT:
  18. Suppose Yulia’s mother asks her to pick up six items at the grocery store on her way home, but she has no place to write the items down. She keeps repeating the items over and over in her mind until she can get a pencil and piece of paper to write them down. In this example, Yulia would be relying primarily on her _____ memory.
  19. In Brooks’s task involving visualizing a block letter F, it was reasoned that:
  20. In Baddeley’s working-memory model, which system maintains auditory memories through internal speech rehearsal?
  21. The research relating working memory to intelligence has shown that:
  22. How many independent short-term memory buffers are included in Baddeley’s working-memory model?
  23. When George Sperling (1960) used the partial report procedure, he found that participants could report about _____ of the letters in the array.
  24. Patients with damage to the _____ side of the frontal lobe are MOST likely to show specialized deficits in _____ tasks.
  25. While attending a funeral, Krista begins to cry; her husband Neil feels just as sad but manages to suppress the urge to cry or express his sadness in front of his wife and other people. Neil is likely using his _____ to inhibit expression of emotion.
  26. Strong and vivid memories for highly emotional events are called:
  27. Lesions of the central nucleus of the amygdala disrupt the ability to respond to _____ in a conditioned emotional response paradigm.
  28. A classical conditioning explanation for PTSD suggests that the:
  29. Neurons in the _____ have been shown to increase their response to a CS after it is paired with a fear- invoking US.
  30. The classical-conditioning explanation for PTSD suggests that patients with PTSD:
  31. Studies using MRI and twins have suggested that:
  32. A(n) _____ refers to a fear of a particular object or social situation.
  33. Holding a pencil between one’s teeth so that one is “smiling” can increase feelings of happiness. This is consistent with the predictions of which theory?
  34. A rat that is placed in a pool of water can learn to locate and climb onto a submerged platform in order to get out of the water. This is an example of:
  35. Which statement is TRUE regarding phobias?
  36. The psychological syndrome that can develop after a person is exposed to a horrific event is called:
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  1. PSYC 565 Quiz 3
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