PSYC 565 Quiz 4

PSYC 565 Quiz 4

  1. Correlational studies examining commercials have looked for associations between familiarity with the content of commercials and drinking behavior. Such studies have shown that:
  2. When Derrick first arrived in Thailand, he found it very difficult to adapt. Fifteen years later, his family has come to see him, and they are having a hard time recognizing him. He has not only learned the language, but also adapted his attire and personality to his new home. This is an example of:
  3. Researchers hypothesized that mirror neurons provide a basic mechanism for true _____ of simple actions, allowing researchers to directly examine the mechanisms better.
  4. Mirror neurons are rarely identified in humans because:
  5. The tendency to adopt the behavior of the group is known as:
  6. Children with autism:
  7. In songbirds, what part or parts of the brain control the production of songs?
  8. A theory of human behavior proposing that the kinds of reinforcement an individual has experienced in past social contexts will determine how that individual will act in a given situation is known as _____ theory.
  9. Which scenario is the BEST example of social conformity?
  10. Neurons in _____ respond when a bird hears a song and when it produces the song.
  11. Which statement is TRUE regarding people with frontal-lobe damage who exhibit deficits in the ability to imitate?
  12. Which statement is TRUE?
  13. If one wanted to encourage 8-year-old Alice to read, who would be the BEST person to serve as a model?
  14. One of the most important elements in copying a behavior is having a reason to repeat the observed action. Bandura referred to this as:
  15. In studies of spontaneous imitation in patients with lesions in the frontal cortex or posterior cortex, or control participants, who were MOST likely to make a mistake when finger movements were inconsistent with the movement corresponding to the displayed numeral?
  16. Marie has never been afraid of bees, but she constantly sees her mom scream at the sight of one. Eventually, Marie develops a fear of bees; this is an example of:
  17. In the basic process to explain how people copy what they see, it is very important that what is being observed is encoded correctly so that it can be accessible and reproduced at a later time. This step in the process is known as:
  18. When chimpanzees were trained to copy a behavior whenever a researcher said, “Do this!” the chimpanzees could:
  19. In a paired-associate learning test, elderly adults:
  20. Which type of memory seems to be MOST vulnerable to decline as adults age?
  21. Each human language uses about _____ speech sounds, which are referred to as phonemes.
  22. The MOST important hormone among the principal class of male sex hormones is:
  23. A person’s digit span:
  24. When young versus old rats learned locations in a maze, it was found that:
  25. In women, the _____ is proportionately larger than in men, and this is reflected in women’s superior performance on _____ tasks.
  26. Which gene has been implicated in both early-onset Alzheimer’s disease and Down syndrome?
  27. Myelination:
  28. Which is NOT a reason communicating with gestures facilitates the development of verbal language in babies?
  29. Individuals with Down syndrome:
  30. When Tryon (1940) bred “maze-bright” rats together, he found that:
  31. Eyeblink conditioning:
  32. Amyloid plaques:
  33. Which statement is TRUE regarding synaptogenesis?
  34. What does NOT occur in the brain in old age?
  35. In studies of emotion and episodic memory, elderly adults typically remember:
  36. In women, the _____ is proportionately larger than in men, and this is reflected in women’s superior performance on _____ tasks.
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