WRSP 101 Quiz Old and New Testament

WRSP 101 Quiz Old and New Testament Worship

Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3 — Module 4: Week 4.

  1. The first description of worship in the New Testament church is provided in the book of
  2. Out of the 38,000 members of the tribe of Levi, King David appointed ______________ to serve as professional ministers of music.
  3. According to the reading, one of the characteristics of worship in the early church was the “breaking of bread.” Some commentators believe this is a reference to
  4. The pattern for music leadership in temple worship is credited to:
  5. Two examples of stringed instruments mentioned in the Old Testament are the Psaltery and the “kinnor”(Hebrew word for)
  6. Types of musical instruments mentioned in the Old Testament were stringed, wind, and percussion instruments along with instruments with keys.
  7. The Book of Psalms is split into ___ sub-books:
  8. The five books of psalms were written to correspond with:
  9. David is the most prominent writer in the book of Psalms
  10. Paul and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi because they:
  11. One use of banners in Old Testament was to rally people to a common purpose. One of the names of God, “Jehovah-Bahareh” means, “The Lord Our Banner.”
  12. In Acts 2:42, which of the following activities was NOT mentioned as part of worship in the New Testament church?
  13. The lessons that we learn about worship, through the Red Sea story, demonstrate how God (1) prepares His children to worship, (2) provides for His children as they worship, and (3) teaches His people to lift up praise to Yahweh.
  14. According to Whaley, the purpose of the exodus was to:
  15. In Strong’s Concordance “music” or “singing” is listed _____ times.
  16. An important lesson that we learn from Acts 16 and the worship of Paul and Silas in the Philippian jail is that evangelism is most effective when it is an extension of our own worship – personal and public.
  17. The horn was primarily an instrument used to signal:
  18. Instructions to make music skillfully on a variety of instruments are given in:
  19. God used Jahaziel during a time of crisis to lead Judah to victory over their enemies through worship. Whaley identiPes all of the following as reasons God used Jahaziel, EXCEPT:
  20. Through Moses, God instructed His people do all of the following, EXCEPT:
  21. What are the three types of songs required for a biblical worship ministry?
  22. Which one of the following was not appointed by Chenaniah to serve as musicians to serve as musicians in worship under the rule of King David?
  23. According to Whaley, “When we get to heaven, we will finally experience and enjoy
  24. Solomon’s choir at the dedication of the first temple had approximately 4,000 singers.
  25. In the New Testament, we discover that private worship is acceptable as a substitute for gathering together for worship.
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