PSYC 676 Quiz 3

PSYC 676 Quiz 3

PSYC 676 Quiz Language Development and Dysfunction

Covers the Learn material from Module 3: Week 3.

  1. Which of the following techniques is currently used in the treatment of the tremors and rigidity associated with Parkinson’s disease?
  2. The three-dimensional units used in the analysis of PET and MRI scans are known as:
  3. MOST neurons respond to:
  4. PET experiments distinguish brain regions associated with a specific cognitive function from regions active during more elementary processing through use of the _____ method.
  5. The imaging technique that provides the greatest contrast between brain tissues of different densities is:
  6. Conventional radiography, angiography, and computed tomography all measure differences in:
  7. Your brain is probably producing _____ waves as you read this sentence.
  8. Which of the following techniques provides the MOST specific spatial and temporal information about the relationship between neural function and behavior?
  9. Electroencephalography measures changes in:
  10. Which of the following imaging techniques has a spatial resolution of 1 cubic millimeter?
  11. The basis for many dynamic imaging systems is that active brain regions
  12. Epilepsy is characterized by:
  13. Speech arrest has been observed in conjunction with electrical stimulation of which subcortical structure?
  14. A patient who has difficulty finding words and has laborious, slow, and halting speech is showing signs of:
  15. One fact emerging from the study of brain and language is that grammar is intimately connected with:
  16. The Gardners have used _____ in their research with Washoe, the chimp.
  17. The model-building approach to understanding the reasons for dyslexia proposes the existence of:
  18. The effects of direct electrical stimulation of the cortex on language functions have been confirmed using the noninvasive technique of:
  19. Tests of language abilities in split-brain subjects show that the right hemisphere has:
  20. The most appropriate diagnosis for a 10-year-old child who continually makes mistakes in reading aloud, such that semantically related words are substituted for the printed word (e.g., “puppy” is read as “dog” and “woman” is read as “mother”), would be:
  21. Language is a combination of the following four abilities:
  22. A patient who can comprehend speech, produce meaningful speech, and repeat speech but has great difficulty in finding the names of objects likely has sustained damage to the:
  23. Damage to the right hemisphere affects aspects of language, including:
  24. What we call “grammar” is referred to by linguists as:
  25. Changes that have occurred to the human vocal tract through the course of evolution allow humans to produce a wide range of speech sounds known as:
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