PSYC 341 Exam 3

PSYC 341 Exam / Quiz 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. Melanie Klein agreed with Freud that people can be motivated by
  2. Object relations theory differs from Freud’s theory in that it
  3. Margaret Mahler believed that when infants realize that they cannot satisfy their own basic needs, they
  4. Melanie Klein believed that the male Oedipus complex is resolved mostly when the boy
  5. Among the people that Melanie Klein psychoanalyzed was
  6. Object relations theory continues to be more popular in _____ than it is in the United States.
  7. According to John Bowlby, both humans and other primates experience separation anxiety. The stage unique to humans is the _____ stage.
  8. According to Melanie Klein, infants use splitting as a means of
  9. Melanie Klein contended that when introjected, dangerous objects
  10. Margaret Mahler’s principal concern was with
  11. Which object relations theorist spent much time observing normal babies as they bonded with their mothers during the first 3 years of life?
  12. According to Melanie Klein, when the female Oedipus complex is successfully resolved, the little girl will
  13. John Bowlby’s attachment theory was based on studies of
  14. Which of the following is a psychic defense mechanism used by an infant who fantasizes taking into its body those perceptions and experiences that it has had with an external object, originally the mother’s breast?
  15. The aim of Kleinian therapy is to
  16. Melanie Klein believed that before a unified ego can emerge, it must first
  17. Melanie Klein suggested that psychic defense mechanisms
  18. Karen Horney saw neurotic behavior as a protection against
  19. Karen Horney believed that neurotics move toward people because they experience
  20. According to Karen Horney, the principal behavior of neurotics who move away from people is
  21. In the context of Karen Horney’s list of defenses against basic anxiety, _____ acts as a buffer against destitution and poverty and manifests itself as a tendency to deprive others.
  22. Which of these is not one of Karen Horney’s 10 neurotic needs?
  23. Neuroses, Karen Horney said, grow out of the “nutritive soil” of
  24. Which of the following statements is true about neurotics who adopt the philosophy of moving toward people?
  25. Feelings of isolation, Karen Horney said, stem from
  26. Karen Horney believed that an idealized self-image is established in order to
  27. According to Karen Horney, the most destructive element of the neurotic search for glory is
  28. Tami is proud of her intellectual skills and abilities, and she is pleased when others notice and admire her superior intelligence. According to Karen Horney, these behaviors illustrate a neurotic need for
  29. According to Karen Horney, how does the Western society hinder people’s attempts to find love?
  30. Karen Horney believed that children develop _____ as a reaction to unfilled needs for love and affection.
  31. Karen Horney came to psychoanalysis from
  32. According to Karen Horney, normal and neurotic individuals differ in their use of the three basic styles of relating to people in that
  33. According to Karen Horney, neurotics express self-hatred in the form of _____ when they constantly berate themselves.
  34. According to Erikson, the core conflict of the play age is
  35. Erikson’s biological father
  36. Erikson’s theory may be called “post-Freudian” because
  37. According to Erik Erikson, which of the following statements is true of old age?
  38. For Erikson, infancy is a time of
  39. By the end of which of Erikson’s psychosocial stages should a person develop a firm sense of ego identity?
  40. According to Erikson, inadequate will is expressed as
  41. According to Erik Erikson, _____ is defined as an extreme lack of self-trust or self-confidence and is expressed as shyness or hesitancy to express oneself.
  42. Erikson was rescued from the life of a wandering artist by
  43. According to Erik Erikson, _____ is the antithesis of wisdom and the core pathology of old age.
  44. Erikson saw which stage as a time of social latency?
  45. For Erikson, puberty is psychologically important because it
  46. Erikson believed that the ego is
  47. The discipline that combines psychoanalytic concepts with historical methods is
  48. Erikson saw the ego as developing
  49. According to Erik Erikson, _____ is the time when people begin to take their place in society and assume responsibility for whatever society produces.
  50. Erikson’s basic strength of young adulthood is

Set 2

  1. Klein came to psychoanalysis as
  2. The assessment used by Bedi, Muller, & Thornack (2012) to research the impact of childhood trauma and abuse on adult object relational functioning was the ‐
  3. The aim of Kleinian therapy is to
  4. According to Bowlby, both humans and other primates experience separation anxiety. The stage unique to humans is the ______ stage.
  5. According to Klein, the phantasies of an infant are
  6. According to Klein, the two basic positions are
  7. In contrast to Freud, Klein believed that the superego
  8. Klein believed that children introject their mother into their psychic structure. This means that they
  9. Klein assumed that infants come into the world with
  10. Melanie Klein had an especially warm relationship with
  11. Klein called the fantasy that one’s own feelings actually reside in another person
  12. Klein suggested that psychic defense mechanisms
  13. Object relations theory differs from Freud’s theory in that it
  14. Klein believed that before a unified ego can emerge, it must first
  15. If a hungry infant cries and kicks, Klein would say that it is
  16. Klein’s notion of the Oedipus complex differed from Freud’s in that it
  17. Mahler believed that children begin to develop feelings of personal identity during which developmental stage?
  18. According to Horney, aggressive people assume that other people are
  19. Horney believed that an idealized self‐image is established in order to
  20. In Horney’s view, ___________ is (are) largely responsible for the development of basic anxiety and subsequent unhealthy interpersonal relations.
  21. An outstanding characteristic of people who adopt Horney’s trend of moving toward people is
  22. The general goal of Horneyian therapy is to help the patient
  23. Horney predicted that people who experience a positive, loving relationship will move
  24. According to Horney, the underlying cause of human neuroses is
  25. Horney asserted that the primary adverse influence inhibiting a child’s potential for healthy development is
  26. Karen Horney, like _______, was the youngest child of a middle‐aged father, had older siblings who were favored by her parents, and felt unwanted and unloved.
  27. Horney believed that people are
  28. Horney insisted that the Oedipus complex
  29. According to Horney, most neuroses stem from
  30. Children who feel isolated from others are likely to develop Horney’s neurotic trend of moving
  31. Horney saw the tendency to humiliate others in order to protect oneself against humiliation as
  32. Horney contended that modern society is based on ______ between individuals.
  33. According to Horney, neurotics differ from normals in that they
  34. Fromm believed that humans, as the only animal to possess self‐awareness, imagination, and reason, are the
  35. For Fromm, the relatively permanent way in which people relate to themselves and to the world is called
  36. According to Fromm, submission, power, and love are the three basic modes of
  37. As a scientific theory, Erich Fromm’s humanistic psychoanalysis rates
  38. According to Fromm, both masochism and sadism aim at
  39. Adrianna’s frame of orientation is constantly challenged by inconsistent information. Fromm would predict that Adrianna will
  40. Which did Fromm NOT list as a sadistic tendency?
  41. Fromm believed that _______ is the successful solution to the human dilemma of being part of the natural world and yet separate from it.
  42. For Fromm, healthy people value work as
  43. For Fromm, positive freedom consists of
  44. For Fromm, psychologically disturbed people
  45. Fromm referred to our human need for a guide or map to make our way through the world as a need for a
  46. Tracy perceives everything that belongs to her as valuable and everything that belongs to others as having little value. Fromm would say Tracy is suffering from
  47. Fromm believed that authoritarianism takes two forms:
  48. In Fromm’s view, the marketing character’s personal value is dependent upon the ability to
  49. In Fromm’s productive strategy of attaining rootedness, people
  50. Fromm contended that people can break the cycle of conformity and powerlessness only by
  51. Among the people that Klein psychoanalyzed was
  52. Klein called the fantasy that one’s own feelings actually reside in another person
  53. Klein believed that before a unified ego can emerge, it must first
  54. Attachment is a construct in personality psychology that continues to generate a substantial amount of research. Attachment theory as originally conceptualized by ___________ emphasized the relationship between parent and child.

Set 3

  1. Klein believed that during the female Oedipus complex, the girl
  2. Klein called the process in which infants split off unacceptable parts of themselves, project these parts onto another object, and finally introject these parts back into themselves
  3. Which object relations theorist spent much time observing normal babies as they bonded with their mothers during the first 3 years of life?
  4. Klein suggested that psychic defense mechanisms
  5. According to Klein, the two basic positions are
  6. Bowlby’s attachment theory was based on studies of
  7. Object relations theory continues to be more popular in the _______ than it is in the United States.
  8. If a hungry infant cries and kicks, Klein would say that it is
  9. In contrast to Freud, Klein believed that the superego
  10. Klein’s depressive position includes
  11. Klein’s conception of a “position” is different from “stage of development” in that “positions” are
  12. Klein contended that when introjected, dangerous objects
  13. Klein extended Freud’s psychoanalysis by emphasizing
  14. Horney predicted that people who experience a positive, loving relationship will move
  15. In their need for perfection, neurotics often set up complex rules and outrageous standards that they feel they must follow. Horney refers to this as
  16. According to Horney, aggressive people assume that other people are
  17. In Horney’s view, ___________ is (are) largely responsible for the development of basic anxiety and subsequent unhealthy interpersonal relations.
  18. Parker is constantly belittling his own accomplishments. He also dreads asking others for favors. These behaviors illustrate Horney’s neurotic need
  19. Horney believed that people are
  20. According to Horney, the most destructive element of the neurotic search for glory is
  21. Horney believed that the core of men’s need to subjugate women and women’s wish to humiliate men is
  22. For Horney, psychic differences between men and women result from
  23. The major strength of Horney’s theory is her
  24. “A feeling of being isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile world” is Horney’s definition of
  25. Horney’s concept of humanity was based mostly on her
  26. According to Horney, two important intrapsychic conflicts are
  27. Each of Horney’s neurotic trends has a normal analog. The ability to survive in a competitive society is a healthy extension of which neurotic trend?
  28. In Horney’s view, neurotics
  29. Kip seeks out powerful people to be his friends. Horney would say that Kip’s needs for a powerful partner
  30. Fromm’s view of human nature was influenced by
  31. Fromm believed that healthy people’s survival is dependent on
  32. According to Fromm, the exploitative character, like the receptive character,
  33. Compared with Freud, Fromm placed more emphasis on
  34. From her salary as an elementary school teacher, Jennifer has accumulated a very large bank account. In addition, she has seldom thrown away any teaching aids. It thus appears that Jennifer has Fromm’s ______ orientation.
  35. Fromm called our capacity to be aware of ourselves as a separate entity
  36. Fromm believed that humans, as the only animal to possess self‐awareness, imagination, and reason, are the
  37. For Fromm, the relatively permanent way in which people relate to themselves and to the world is called
  38. For Fromm, productive and caring creation reflects the need for
  39. Tracy perceives everything that belongs to her as valuable and everything that belongs to others as having little value. Fromm would say Tracy is suffering from
  40. What was the most common character type found in Fromm’s research on social character in a Mexican village?
  41. Fromm used the term “necrophilia” to refer to
  42. Fromm called the urge to rise above one’s passive and accidental existence
  43. In Fromm’s view, the marketing character’s personal value is dependent upon the ability to
  44. For Fromm, the drive for union with another person or persons reflects the human need of
  45. Fromm’s hoarding character is similar to Freud’s _______ character.
  46. Fromm believed that the lack of satisfaction of existential needs
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