PSYC 320 Quiz

PSYC 320 Quiz: Strengthening Behaviors through Reinforcement

  1. Whenever Matt makes a 3 point shot, his basketball coach makes him run one less lap in practice. As a result Matt is more likely to hit 3 point shots. This is an example of:
  2. On a graph ___________ is indicated on the Y axis and ________________ is indicated on the X axis.
  3. An object or event that can be detected by the senses is referred to as a:
  4. Andrew wants to play baseball with his friends. Before Andrew can play, his parents tell him that he has to clean his room, which he hates to do. Requiring Andrew to clean his room before he can play baseball with his friends is an example of:
  5. The two variables represented on a graph are:
  6. A teacher records the biting behavior of a child before and after treatment is implemented. This is an example of a(n) ____________ design.
  7. Whenever Tony puts money into a pop machine, he gets a can of pop. Tony never gets pop out of the machine when he does not put money in. This is an example of __________ existing between putting money in the machine and getting pop out.
  8. Andy answers a question in class, and is praised by the teacher. As a result, Andy is more likely to answer questions in class. Andy’s behavior of answering questions in class is referred to as ____________ behavior.
  9. Barry throws the football into the stands after scoring a touchdown, and is cheered by the fans. As a result, Barry is more likely to throw the ball into the stands whenever he scores a touchdown. This is an example of:
  10. Which of the following processes strengthen a behavior?
  11. Which of the following is NOT necessary for a graph to be complete?
  12. A vertical line on a graph indicating a change in treatment is called a:
  13. In behavior modification, the main way to document behavior change is through the use of a(n):
  14. Beth has been hiking in the desert all day and, as a result, is dying for a glass of water. The increase in the reinforcing value of water due to hiking in the desert is referred to as:
  15. All the reinforcement schedules that are in effect for a person’s behavior at one time are referred to as ______________ schedules of reinforcement.

PSYC 320 Quiz: Measurement of Behavior and Behavior Change and Reinforcement

  1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of behavior modification?
  2. Mark’s parents are trying to figure out why he hits his little brother. The process of trying to identify the functional relationship between a behavior and the environment is referred to as:
  3. Behavior is defined as:
  4. Cindy bites her nails but wants to stop. The behavior she wants to change (biting her nails) is called the:
  5. Which of the following was an important figure in the development of behavior modification who demonstrated that a reflex could be conditioned to a neutral stimulus?
  6. Thorndike demonstrated that a behavior which produces a favorable effect on the environment will likely be repeated. This is known as the:
  7. The subject matter behavior modification concerns itself with is/are:
  8. An example of covert behavior would be:
  9. Which of the following is NOT a dimension of behavior?
  10. Sam gets poor grades in school because he rarely studies. Sam’s lack of studying is an example of:
  11. In behavior modification, measurement of the target behavior is called:
  12. An observer divides an observation period into a number of consecutive time periods, and then records whether the target behavior occurred during each period. This is called:
  13. Matthew frequently hits other children during class. However, he never hits other kids when he knows the teacher is observing him. This is an example of:
  14. Julie and Beth independently observe (hear) a child swear, and each records that swearing occurred. This is called:
  15. Zach’s behavior of pushing other children typically occurs on the playground. The playground would be a(n) ________________ setting for Zach’s behavior.
  16. Dawn’s parents record her hair pulling behavior for a specific period of time. The time during which Dawn’s parents observe and record her behavior is called the:
  17. A parent records how loudly her child screams. The parent is recording the ____________ of the screams.
  18. Brian’s parents are interested in recording his stuttering behavior. They record each instance in which Brian stutters. This is an example of _____________ recording.
  19. A psychologist wants to observe the tantrum behavior of a child. The tantrums usually occur in the classroom, but the psychologist does not have access to the classroom so she observes the child in a room that resembles a classroom. This would be an example of a(n) ___________ setting.
  20. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of an analogue setting?
  21. In behavior modification, a research design involves:
  22. The two variables represented on a graph are:
  23. In a(n) _____________ research design, baseline and treatment conditions are conducted in rapid succession and compared to each other.
  24. Which dimension(s) of behavior can be graphed?
  25. Billy has trouble sitting still in class, so his teacher implements a program in which she praises Billy for staying in his seat. Billy’s sitting behavior increases, and the teacher concludes her praise was responsible. The teacher does not realize Billy has started taking medication that causes fatigue. The medication would be an example of a(n) __________ variable.
  26. On a graph ___________ is indicated on the Y axis and ________________ is indicated on the X axis.
  27. Which of the following is a type of multiple-baseline design?
  28. A vertical line on a graph indicating a change in treatment is called a:
  29. A researcher records the hair pulling behavior of three different children in a classroom and implements treatment at a different time for each child. The researcher is using a(n) _____________ design.
  30. An A-B design does not demonstrate a functional relationship between the treatment and the target behavior because there is no:
  31. In a ____________ reinforcement schedule, the reinforcer is delivered for the first response following an average of X amount of time.
  32. The stimulus presented following the behavior in positive reinforcement is called:
  33. Which of the following processes strengthen a behavior?
  34. All the reinforcement schedules that are in effect for a person’s behavior at one time are referred to as ______________ schedules of reinforcement.
  35. Beth has been hiking in the desert all day and, as a result, is dying for a glass of water. The increase in the reinforcing value of water due to hiking in the desert is referred to as:
  36. Barry throws the football into the stands after scoring a touchdown, and is cheered by the fans. As a result, Barry is more likely to throw the ball into the stands whenever he scores a touchdown. This is an example of:
  37. Which of the following is NOT a question to ask when trying to decide whether a situation represents positive or negative reinforcement?
  38. Timmy swears whenever his mom makes broccoli for dinner. Timmy’s mom always sends him to his room without dinner when he swears. As a result, Timmy is more likely to swear when his mom makes broccoli. This is an example of:
  39. Which schedule of reinforcement produces high, steady rates of responding with very little interruption after delivery of the reinforcer?
  40. Andrew wants to play baseball with his friends. Before Andrew can play, his parents tell him that he has to clean his room, which he hates to do. Requiring Andrew to clean his room before he can play baseball with his friends is an example of:

PSYC 320 Quiz: Weakening Behaviors through Extinction and Punishments

  1. Andrew was removed from class because he swore at his teacher. As a result of being removed from class activities, Andrew never swears at his teacher again. This is an example of:
  2. Which of the following factors influences the effectiveness of punishment?
  3. A consequence can be considered a punisher if the:
  4. Robert dances in the end zone whenever he scores a touchdown, because the fans give him a standing ovation for doing so. When the fans no longer give him a standing ovation for his dancing, Robert stops dancing in the end zone. This is an example of:
  5. Extinction works best when:
  6. Extreme cold and extreme levels of auditory stimulation are examples of:
  7. Which of the following processes weakens operant behavior?
  8. Which of the following factors influence the extinction process?
  9. In addition to an increase in the frequency, duration, or intensity of the unreinforced behavior during an extinction burst, _____________________ may also occur.
  10. In order for punishment to be effective, the consequence should follow the behavior closely in time. This factor is referred to as:
  11. Extinction occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is ____________ reinforced.
  12. In behavior modification, negative punishment involves removal of a reinforcer that:
  13. In behavior modification, if a stimulus is presented following the behavior and it influences the future probability of the behavior, the process is either ____________ or ____________.
  14. If following the behavior, the reinforcer that was maintaining the behavior is removed and the behavior decreases it is called ____________. If a positive reinforcer the person had already acquired is removed following the behavior and the behavior decreases it is called
  15. _________ occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced.

PSYC 320 Quiz: Extinction, Punishment, Stimulus Control, Conditioning, and Shaping

  1. Timmy takes out the garbage and his mother praises him when he does it. When his mother stops praising him, Timmy stops taking out the garbage. Timmy’s behavior of taking out the garbage has been:
  2. Extinction will be least effective when:
  3. Greg shakes the apple tree to get an apple to fall for him to eat. Now when he shakes the tree, no apples fall so he runs into the tree with his shoulder to get an apple to fall. Running into the tree with his shoulder is an example of:
  4. Bobby’s parents used extinction to get him to stop crying when he had to eat vegetables, by making him eat vegetables despite his crying. One night Bobby has a babysitter, and she does not make him eat his vegetables when he starts crying. As a result, Bobby’s behavior of crying when told to eat vegetables:
  5. Ignoring the behavior amounts to extinction only when the behavior is:
  6. Extinction of a positively reinforced behavior involves removal of the _________ following the behavior:
  7. When the behavior occurs, the aversive stimulus is no longer removed. This is a definition of extinction of:
  8. occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced
    _________ occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced_________ occurs when a previously reinforced behavior is no longer reinforced
  9. Time-out from positive reinforcement and response cost both:
  10. Which of the following is NOT a problem with using punishment in behavior modification?
  11. In order for punishment to be effective, the consequence should follow the behavior closely in time.
  12. This factor is referred to as:
  13. The removal of a stimulus following the behavior that influences the future probability of the behavior is a process that is either ____________ or
  14. Individual differences in the effectiveness of punishment refers to the fact that:
  15. Asaresult,Nicolenolonger liestoherparents. Thisisanexampleof:
  16. The difference between punishment and reinforcement is that in punishment:
  17. If a stimulus needs to be paired with an established punisher in order to function as a punisher it is referred to as a(n):
  18. Stimulus discrimination training can occur as a result of:
  19. When you tell jokes and your friends laugh, you are more likely to tell jokes to your friends. Your friends are _______ for telling jokes.
  20. takes place when a behavior is more likely to occur in the presence of stimuli that are similar to the discriminative stimulus.
  21. Bill drives faster than the speed limit only when his friends are in the car with him because they tell him he is cool. He doesn’t speed when his parents or girlfriend are in the car because they don’t say it’s cool. What is the SD in this example?
  22. When Mark swears around his friends they laugh, but when he swears around his parents they ground him. As a result, Mark is less likely to swear when his parents are around. Mark’s behavior of not swearing around his parents is a result of:
  23. Understanding the antecedents of operant behavior provides information on the circumstances in which the behavior was:
  24. Whenever Tommy has a babysitter and asks to stay up past his bedtime, the babysitter lets
    WheneverTommyaskshisparentstolethimstayuppasthisbedtime,theydonotlethim. Asa result,Tommyonlyasksthebabysitterifhecanstayuppasthisbedtime. Thepresenceoftheparents at bed time is referred to as a(n) __________
  25. In behavior modification, the stimulus that is present when a behavior occurs is referred to as a(n):
  26. A response elicited by the conditioned stimulus is referred to as a(n) ____________ response.
  27. When a neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus due to pairing with an already established conditioned stimulus, it is called ____________ conditioning.
  28. If the unconditioned stimulus is presented before the neutral stimulus it is referred to as ____________ conditioning.
  29. Which of the following can develop through the process of respondent conditioning?
  30. The ____________ pairing of the conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus has the single strongest effect on respondent conditioning.
  31. When the neutral stimulus and unconditioned stimulus are presented at the same time it is called ____________ conditioning.
  32. In ____________ conditioning a response is emitted, and conditioning involves a contingency between the response and the consequence.
  33. A previously neutral stimulus that is able to elicit a response similar to the unconditioned response as a result of being paired with an unconditioned stimulus is called a ____________ stimulus.
  34. When Tommy’s Mom asks him to stop playing video games he ignores her. When she asks him a second, third, and fourth time in a louder voice Tommy continues to ignore her. By the fifth time, Tommy’s Mom screams at him to stop playing video games, and he finally stops. Eventually, Tommy’s Mom has to yell at him ten times before he quits playing video games. In this example, whose behavior has been shaped?
  35. Jerryhas had surgery and his knee is fully healed, but he is afraid to put pressure on it because he doesn’t want to re-injure it. The trainer implements a plan in which he first differentially reinforces standing, then walking, then jogging, and finally running at full speed. This is an example of using shaping to:
  36. Using shaping to get a person to increase the strength of her grip would be an example of shaping a(n):
  37. Which of the following behaviors cannot be developed through shaping?
  38. In which of the following instances can shaping be used?
  39. reinforcers are used during shaping because they enable rapid delivery of the reinforcer and prevent satiation from occurring.
  40. Shaping would NOT be an appropriate procedure to use when
  41. In which of the following situations would it be appropriate to use shaping?



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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. PSYC 320 Quiz Measurement
  2. PSYC 320 Quiz Weakening Behaviors 2021
  3. PSYC 320 Quiz Understanding 2021
  4. PSYC 320 Quiz Extension
  5. PSYC 320 Quiz Strengthening
  • Liberty University