PSYC 235 Exam 4

PSYC 235 Exam 4 Liberty University Answers

Set 1

  1. The first phase of the “general adaptation syndrome” is _______.
  2. Chronic tightness in the neck and shoulders, as a response to stress, would be an example of which phase of the general adaptation syndrome? Which of the following is FALSE regarding Selye’s model?
  3. Which of the following is FALSE regarding Selye’s model?
  4. The beneficial effect of social support on disease rates in the face of stress has been found _______.
  5. Which of the following individuals is under the greatest psychological stress?
  6. Which of the following would be an example of a “problem-focused” way of coping with stress?
  7. Using the figure below, which of the following individuals is at the greatest risk for developing breast cancer?
  8. In the diary study that tracked the daily stressors of about 1,500 people, it was found that the proportion of days that people reported experiencing any stressors began to decline after
  9. According to Yehuda, which gender is most likely to experience a higher incidence of PTSD?
  10. Which researcher and theorist first coined the term “stress” and proposed that there are three stages to the stress response?
  11. LeBron was recently released from his new job in Miami. In response, he sends his resume to different employers in order to market his skills and land a new job. LeBron’s actions are an example of
  12. J is a stress researcher. He thinks that stress doesn’t come from an accumulation of events. Instead, he believes that stress results from  a person’s evaluation that the environmental pressure is exceeding his or her coping ability. Dr. J ascribes to the ___________ model of stress.
  13. In general, stress
  14. Resilience is defined as _______.
  15. According to research about stress, which of the following is true?
  16. Research examining stress-related growth has shown
  17. Researchers are challenging the concept of “grief work,” the idea that people experiencing trauma need to “let it all out,” because
  18. The “general adaptation syndrome” has three phases. In what order do they occur?
  19. One finding from the National Study of Daily Experiences (NSDE) was that:
  20. ________ psychologists suggest that the reaction to acute stress is an adaptive mechanism that enabled our primitive ancestors to summon optimal levels of energy.
  21. Which of the following pairs of types of responses is associated with HIGH survival rates for women diagnosed with breast cancer, according to Greer’s research?
  22. In surveys, what percentage of people in the United States said they believed in an afterlife (i.e., they would exist after death with some sort of consciousness)?
  23. Linda just lost her husband due to a sudden heart attack. Her state of loss caused by the death is called
  24. Which of the following age groups of adults is likely to talk the most about death and dying as well as thinking about it most?
  25. Removing the feeding tube of a person in a persistent vegetative state is a form of
  26. Which of the following statements about death illustrates a euphemism?
  27. Studies of grief responses in adults suggest that _______.
  28. Which of the following groups is likely to have the greatest fear of death?
  29. A patient, after being told he has terminal cancer, says, “No, that must be someone else. The lab results must have gotten mixed up.” This is an example of what stage of response to dying, according to Kübler-Ross’s theory?
  30. Based on a survey of where loved ones died, which of the following would be the place where family members would be LEAST likely to report concern about not having enough emotional support for the patient and not having enough emotional support for the family of the dying patient? In other words, where would they be likely to perceive the most emotional support?
  31. The primary emphasis of a hospice is
  32. For which type of patient is hospice care intended?
  33. Jack Kevorkian assisting in the suicide of a terminally-ill person is an example of
  34. The sequence of 5 stages of responses to dying, according to Kübler–Ross’s theory, is _______.
  35. The legal document that most specifically addresses the patient’s wishes regarding the use of life-prolonging technology is the
  36. The majority of Americans when asked where they would want to die indicate a preference of
  37. Which of the following age groups of adults is likely to have the greatest fear of death?
  38. Which of the following personality characteristics has been found to be correlated (positively or negatively) with fear or anxiety about death?
  39. Research suggests which of the following individuals typically will suffer the most from “death anxiety”?
  40. According to the model proposed in the final chapter of the text, what is the relationship between the occurrence of stable life structures and age?
  41. Which of the following is likely to coincide with the period of peak work satisfaction in an adult following a normative sequence?
  42. Which of the following is NOT a source of disequilibrium?
  43. As he ages, a professional musician begins to limit his repertoire, practice more before concerts, and change the manner in which he plays. He is:
  44. Which of the following is likely to coincide with a high level of marital satisfaction in an adult following a normative sequence?
  45. In the majority of studies, there is a drop in ____ in young adulthood.
  46. Which of the below is the best predictor of marital satisfaction?
  47. In what stage of adulthood is one more likely to conform to social role expectations?
  48. Among older adults, high life satisfaction is associated with _______.
  49. Which of the following is NOT a personal quality associated with higher life satisfaction?
  50. At what point in adulthood would one most likely engage in life review?
  51. At what point of adulthood does one typically experience the best mental health?
  52. High levels of marital satisfaction and peak years of career success are most likely to go together in which age period?
  53. Which of the following best describes our current conclusions regarding the role of life review or reminiscence in the mental health of the elderly?
  54. At what stage in adulthood does one typically experience the greatest physical and cognitive functioning?
  55. The demarcation point between older adulthood and the late adulthood is determined by

Set 2

1. Social support and coping strategies are both examples of
2. The beneficial effect of social support on disease rates in the face of stress has been found
3. Faced with the news that her father’s tumors have grown, an adult says to her friend, “At least we’ve spent more quality time together and express our love for one another more once he got the diagnosis.” This is an example of what form of coping?
4. The study of changes in gene expression due to subjective perceptions of the social environment is called
5. Which of the following would be an example of a “problem‐focused” way of coping with stress?
6. The life events approach to the study of stress would be considered
7. In the diary study that tracked the daily stressors of about 1,500 people, it was found that the proportion of days that people reported experiencing any stressors began to decline after
8. Researchers are challenging the concept of “grief work,” the idea that people experiencing trauma need to “let it all out,” because
9. According to Carver, which of the following would be an example of “active coping” style of coping?
10. LeBron was recently released from his new job in Miami. In response, he sends his resume to different employers in order to market his skills and land a new job. LeBron’s actions are an example of
11. Of the four outcomes people can have after exposure to trauma, which is the most prevalent, according to Bonanno?
12. A study examining how people coped with the Washington, DC sniper attacks in 2002 showed that people restricted their usual activities in many areas. Women reduced activities significantly more than men for all types of activities EXCEPT:
13. Which of the following is FALSE regarding Selye’s model?
14. Using the figure below for reference, which of the following statements BEST describes the data?
15. According to research, which of the following features of social support is most closely linked to a buffering effect?
16. When the negative effect of stress is smaller for those who have adequate social support than it is for those whose social support is weak, researchers refer to this as the
17. According to research about stress, which of the following is true?
18. psychologists suggest that the reaction to acute stress is an adaptive mechanism that enabled our primitive ancestors to summon optimal levels of energy.
19. In general, stress

20. Chronic tightness in the neck and shoulders, as a response to stress, would be an example of which phase of the general adaptation syndrome?
21. Which of the following groups is likely to have the greatest fear of death?
22. Based on a survey of where loved ones died, which of the following would be the place where family members would be LEAST likely to report concern about not having enough emotional support for the patient and not having enough emotional support for the family of the dying patient? In other words, where would they be likely to perceive the most emotional support?
23. The majority of Americans when asked where they would want to die indicate a preference of
24. Dr. Jack Kevorkian assisting in the suicide of a terminally‐ill person is an example of
25. According to Kübler‐Ross, which of the following is the final response in the stages of reactions to the knowledge of death?
26. Research on the survival prospects of women with breast cancer generally shows which of the following responses to the diagnosis to be associated with the POOREST survival rate?
27. Mena received hospice care for her last three months of life in the U.S. Which of the following statements is most likely to be accurate?
28. Which of the following groups is likely to have the LEAST fear of death?
29. According to Kübler‐Ross, which of the following is the first response to being told one is dying?
30. The most common condition patients seek hospice care for is:
31. Death anxiety is highest for

32. In surveys, what percentage of people in the United States said they believed in an afterlife (i.e., they would exist after death with some sort of consciousness)?
33. Studies of grief responses in adults suggest that
34. At what age does Bernice Neugarten think that most adults switch from thinking of time as “time since birth” to thinking of “time ’till death”?
35. The classic response of an individual when told that she has a terminal disease is to say “Why me?” Which stage of response to dying is this thought to represent?
36. Which of the following individuals is likely to have the strongest fear of death?
37. A patient, after learning that she has a terminal disease, says, “I can beat this if I just do everything the doctor says—if I do all the chemotherapy, and all the radiation, and change the way I eat.” This is an example of what stage of response to dying, according to Kübler‐Ross’s theory?
38. Research with AIDS patients has shown that those who _________ die sooner.
39. Leona’s family held a wake in the evening and then a funeral the next day for her mother who died at the age of 62. According to Marshall and Levy, two important functions of rituals are
40. In what stage of adulthood does one typically establish a convoy?
41. Which of the following sequences of changes observed over the adult years appears to be the least maturational or “developmental”?
42. Which of the below is the best predictor of marital satisfaction?
43. The best conclusion to draw from research concerning the midlife crisis is that
44. At what stage in adulthood does one typically experience the greatest physical and cognitive functioning?
45. Why is there little knowledge or research concerning the age group termed “late adulthood”?
46. Choosing a career and maximum gender role differentiation are most likely to go together in which age period?
47. The term now frequently used by gerontologists to describe adults over the age of 75 is
48. As he ages, a professional musician begins to limit his repertoire, practice more before concerts, and change the manner in which he plays. He is:
49. The demarcation point between older adulthood and the late adulthood is determined by
50. In the majority of studies, there is a drop in ____ in young adulthood.
51. Which of the following best describes our current knowledge about the existence of a midlife crisis?
52. Marital and work satisfaction ______ in the years of middle adulthood.
53. At what point of adulthood does one typically experience the best mental health?
54. Which of the following is likely to coincide with the first need for bifocals in an adult following a normative sequence?
55. Which of the following best describes our current conclusions regarding the role of life review or reminiscence in the mental health of the elderly?
56. Which of the following individuals is under the greatest psychological stress?
57. The “general adaptation syndrome” has three phases. In what order do they occur?
58. Which statement best describes gender differences related to PTSD?
59. Research on social support has shown
60. Dr. J is a stress researcher. He thinks that stress doesn’t come from an accumulation of events. Instead, he believes that stress results from a person’s evaluation that the environmental pressure is exceeding his or her coping ability. Dr. J ascribes to the ___________ model of stress.
61. Social support and coping strategies are both examples of
62. Researchers are challenging the concept of “grief work,” the idea that people experiencing trauma need to “let it all out,” because
63. In the diary study that tracked the daily stressors of about 1,500 people, it was found that the proportion of days that people reported experiencing any stressors began to decline after
64. Which of the following would be an example of a “problem‐focused” way of coping with stress?
65. Chronic tightness in the neck and shoulders, as a response to stress, would be an example of which phase of the general adaptation syndrome?
66. According to Selye’s theory of the general adaptation syndrome, what is the final stage of response to stress?
67. The theory that women developed additional stress responses aimed to protect calm and quiet children, to remove them from harm’s way, and to marshal resources to help is called:
68. The beneficial effect of social support on disease rates in the face of stress has been found
69. According to research about stress, which of the following is true?
70. psychologists suggest that the reaction to acute stress is an adaptive mechanism that enabled our primitive ancestors to summon optimal levels of energy.
71. Genetic changes have been found in groups experiencing low socioeconomic status and posttraumatic stress disorder. These finding illustrate:
72. Resilience is defined as
73. According to Yehuda, which gender is most likely to experience a higher incidence of PTSD?
74. Faced with the news that her father’s tumors have grown, an adult says to her friend, “At least we’ve spent more quality time together and express our love for one another more once he got the diagnosis.” This is an example of what form of coping?
75. According to Carver, which of the following would be an example of “denial” coping?
76. Which of the following groups is likely to have the LEAST fear of death?
77. A term used in hospice care that refers to support that is aimed at pain alleviation and comfort maximization with a minimum of life‐prolonging measures is
78. The most common condition patients seek hospice care for is:
79. Which of the following groups of individuals is likely to have the highest level of fear of death?
80. Which of the following statements about death illustrates a euphemism?
81. Studies of patients diagnosed with several types of disease, including AIDS and cancer, suggest that
82. Death anxiety is highest for

83. Which of the following pairs of types of responses is associated with HIGH survival rates for women diagnosed with breast cancer, according to Greer’s research?
84. Which of the following personality characteristics has been found to be correlated (positively or negatively) with fear or anxiety about death?
85. According to Kübler‐Ross, which of the following is the final response in the stages of reactions to the knowledge of death?
86. Linda just lost her husband due to a sudden heart attack. Her state of loss caused by the death is called
87. The primary emphasis of a hospice is
88. A patient, after being told he has terminal cancer, says, “No, that must be someone else. The lab results must have gotten mixed up.” This is an example of what stage of response to dying, according to Kübler‐Ross’s theory?
89. Based on the most recent data, which of the following individuals is more likely to have made out a will?
90. Removing the feeding tube of a person in a persistent vegetative state is a form of
91. Mena received hospice care for her last three months of life in the U.S. Which of the following statements is most likely to be accurate?
92. Which of the following age groups of adults is likely to talk the most about death and dying as well as thinking about it most?
93. In surveys, what percentage of people in the United States said they believed in an afterlife (i.e., they would exist after death with some sort of consciousness)?
94. The majority of Americans when asked where they would want to die indicate a preference of
95. Which of the following best describes our current knowledge about the existence of a midlife crisis?
96. Which of the following is NOT a source of disequilibrium?
97. At what stage in adulthood does one typically experience the greatest physical and cognitive functioning?
98. According to Costa & McCrae (1984), people experience upheaval at what point in life?
99. Which of the following is NOT a personal quality associated with higher life satisfaction?
100. Which of the following sequences of changes observed over the adult years appears to be the least maturational or “developmental”?
101. In what stage of adulthood does one more typically use selective optimization with compensation?
102. Among older adults, high life satisfaction is associated with
103. As he ages, a professional musician begins to limit his repertoire, practice more before concerts, and change the manner in which he plays. He is:
104. The demarcation point between older adulthood and the late adulthood is determined by
105. Which of the below is the best predictor of marital satisfaction?
106. At what point in adulthood would one most likely engage in life review?
107. Which of the following is not an element of Balte’s (1990) selective optimism?
108. Which of the following best describes our current conclusions regarding the role of life review or reminiscence in the mental health of the elderly?
109. Which of the following best describes the findings on the relationship between social involvement and life satisfaction among adults aged 20–39?
110. What term did Cumming and Henry use to describe the shrinkage of social contacts and social roles in old age?

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  1. PSYC 235 Exam 4
  2. PSYC 235 Exam 4 2019