OBST 520 Exam 2

OBST 520 Exam 2 Liberty University

  1. When Isaiah had used the interjection of “ah” he was suggesting an image of:
  2. The faithful city of Zion was filled with:
  3. What nations were compared to flies and bees?
  4. Which of the following nations were prophesied against in Isaiah?
  5. Isaiah condemned Judah’s primary reliance on which nation?
  6. What ruler claimed he trapped Hezekiah like a caged bird?
  7. When Hezekiah heard the bad news he:
  8. The book of Lamentations is composed of:
  9. During the siege of Jerusalem, mothers:
  10. Parents are compared to what in Lamentations?
  11. Daniel possessed the prophecies of:
  12. The Book of Daniel in the Hebrew canon is is included in what section?
  13. The silver arms of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue represents:
  14. In Daniel’s visions, the goat is representative of the:
  15. In Daniel’s prophecy of 70 weeks, the first 69 weeks are divided into a period of:
  16. The event known as the abomination of desolation is referenced in:
  17. In Daniel’s prophecy of seventy weeks, the phrase “time, times, and half a time” represents:
  18. Isaiah begins like a prosecuting attorney in the courtroom.
  19. Isaiah 2:1-4 is very similar in content and language to Micah 4:1-5.
  20. The repetition of a name in Hebrew indicated an important emphasis.
  21. The historical context of Isaiah 7:14 relates to Hezekiah and the Assyrian crisis of 701 BC.
  22. The Day of the Lord represents an intervention of judgment on God’s enemies.
  23. The identity of the Servant in Isaiah 52 and 53 is best identified by Phillip to the Ethiopian eunuch in the book of Acts.
  24. Isaiah 19:24-25 envisions an eschatological reality where God’s people will be identified with both Israel and Gentile participants.
  25. The phrase for God, “Holy One of Israel,” occurs throughout the whole book of Isaiah, but is uncommon outside of Isaiah.
  26. Lamentations portrayed the Lord as an enemy of Zion.
  27. Daniel and his friends had their names changed to represent Persian gods.
  28. The son of God that appeared in the fiery furnace was clearly a revelation of Jesus Christ.
  29. The sovereignty of God is a major theme in the book of Daniel.
  30. Horns in the book of Daniel tend to represent kings and rulers.
  31. Jesus spoke of the abomination of desolation as a past historical event.
  32. Gabriel defeated the Prince of Persia.
  33. The historical events recorded in Job took place during the patriarchal or pre-patriarchal period.
  34. The book of Job is primarily comprised of poetic literary structure.
  35. God helped Job by answering most all of his questions.
  36. Job incurred damage and suffering from both heaven and earth.
  37. The existence of calamities and suffering in life is always evidence of personal sin.
  38. Job’s friends incorrectly believed that health, wealth and prosperity were signs of God’s blessings.
  39. Chapter 28 functions as a transition from the three rounds of dialogue to the three extended monologues by Job, Elihu and the Lord.
  40. Song of Songs was accepted into the Jewish canon without debate.
  41. Song of Songs warns against erotic love within the marital bond.
  42. Song of Songs teaches that sexual intimacy is the physical expression of love, character and friendship.
  43. Which of the following is not a purpose for the writing of Job.
  44. The attack by Satan on Job shows which of the following:
  45. When Job’s friends came to comfort him, they did what in the beginning?
  46. Job believed that he had been abandoned by which of the following:
  47. In the third cycle of debates, Job’s friends tried to do which of the following:
  48. Elihu sought to convince Job of which of the following:
  49. The Lord rebuked which of the following:
  50. The best approach for interpreting the Song of Songs is:
  51. Raisin cakes in Song of Songs were regarded as:
  52. Solomon extolled the beauty of the Shulamite’s:
  53. When Solomon is writing about desire, he is:
  54. At the end of the book of Job, the Lord answers Job’s questions concerning why he was suffering.
  55. In God’s speech to Job, over 70 rhetorical questions are used as a means to respond to Job.
  56. Among the prophetic books of the Old Testament, Isaiah is the most frequently quoted book in the New Testament.
  57. The book of Lamentations is largely (but not entirely) comprised of acrostic poems.
  58. Song of Songs contains clear prophecies concerning Christ’s resurrection.
  59. Isaiah 24–27 is known as
  60. Daniel is largely comprised of a mixture of
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