NBST 680 Exam 2

NBST 680 Exam 2 Liberty University

  1. How does the Old Testament refer to Christ?
  2. What characterizes messianic expectations in the days of Christ?
  3. According to Percer, what context is needed to rightly interpret Christ’s teaching about messiah?
  4. According to Percer, how many messiahs did the Essenes of Qumran expect?
  5. According to Yates, who is the servant in Isaiah in the Old Testament context?
  6. How may interpretive blends function within the New Testament’s use of scripture?
  7. According to Yates, why is psalm 2 considered an indirect messianic psalm?
  8. According to Yates, what is the significance of the details of Psalm 41?
  9. Why does research of the New Testament use of scripture need to compare ancient texts of the Old Testament?
  10. According to Yates, how does Paul understand his role as herald of the gospel in light of Isaiah?
  11. According to Percer, what is the basis of Paul’s messianic interpretations of Isaiah in Philippians 2?
  12. What nearly caused a schism in the early church?
  13. How many times do Paul’s letters quote the Old Testament?
  14. According to Moyise, what sort of Pharisee was Paul?
  15. What does it mean to refer to a citation of scripture as “marked”?
  16. What writings were included in the Vulgate but excluded from the canon by the Reformation?
  17. Why did the Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures get called the Septuagint?
  18. Which part of the Judaic canon was most debated in Paul’s day?
  19. Why does Paul distinguish between man in the image of God and woman in the image of man in 1 Corinthians 11:7?
  20. Which direction did the literary linking of Adam-Christ typology affect Paul’s doctrine?
  21. What contexts may be a combined allusion in Paul’s comment in Romans 8:20 (creation was subjected to futility)?
  22. What is one of the implications of “the first man Adam became a living being and the last Adam a life-giving spirit” in 1 Corinthians 15:45?
  23. What is the traditional view of “emptied himself taking the form of a slave” in Philippians 2:7?
  24. According to Paul, what is the basis of the inclusion of gentiles with the descendants of Abraham in Romans 4?
  25. What is ironic about Paul’s allegory of Abraham’s two sons?
  26. Who else in addition to Paul interpreted Ishmael “playing” in Genesis 21 as persecuting Isaac?
  27. What is the device Paul uses to explain the term for “reckon” of Genesis 15:6 in Romans 4?
  28. What have some deduced by Paul’s framing a citation of scripture as subject in Romans 9:17 (scripture says to Pharaoh)?
  29. Why does Paul make a series of allusions to wilderness troubles in 1 Corinthians 10?
  30. According to Moyise, what are two ways the New Testament’s typological use of scripture differs from allegory?
  31. How do the ten commandments create a challenge to the traditional division between moral and ceremonial law?
  32. According to Moyise what is the clear meaning of “in Christ Jesus” (eis Christon Iesoun) in Galatians 2:16?
  33. According to Ed Sanders how did law function with what he called covenantal nomism?
  34. What does Richard Hays argue to support the claim that Paul’s doctrine of justification refers to the faithfulness of Christ?
  35. What does justification by grace through faith exclude?
  36. What does Paul seem to have in mind by citing Hosea 1:10 (not my people) with 2:23 (my people) in Romans 9:24-25?
  37. In what way did new revelation cause Paul to rethink scripture?
  38. What is the traditional Jewish view of the pilgrimage of the nations in Isaiah 2:2-4?
  39. What does Peter’s use of Hosea 2:23 in 1 Peter 2:10 (once you were not a people) share in common with Paul’s use this context in Romans 9:24-25?
  40. What word does Paul add to his citation of Isaiah 28:16 in Romans 10:11 to demonstrate that the gospel is for the gentiles?
  41. What is the purpose of Paul’s citation of Isaiah 11:10 referring to the root of Jesse in Romans 15:12?
  42. What parts of the Hebrew scriptures does Paul draw from as citations referring to gentiles in Romans 15?
  43. While Paul and Peter both cite Isaiah 28:16 (foundation stone) and Isaiah 8:14 (stone one strikes against), what does only Peter include?
  44. How does Paul expand the sense of “saved” in Joel 2:32 which referred to the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem when he cited it in Romans 10:13?
  45. According to Moyise, what alternative do some offer to Richard Hays’ view of church centered interpretation of Paul’s letters?
  46. Why does Paul cite Leviticus 26:12 (I will walk among them) in 2 Corinthians 6:16?
  47. If the rhetorical question “Who has known the mind of the Lord?” in Isaiah 40:13 expects a negative answer, how does Paul answer it instead?
  48. While the psalmist of Psalm 19 refers to the heavens proclaiming of the glory of God, who does Paul use as the subject of the proclamation?
  49. How many times does Paul explicitly cite Psalms?
  50. What figure of speech characterizes Paul’s use of Psalm 51:4 in Romans 3:4?
  51. What is Paul’s innovation in his use of Psalm 14:1-3 in Romans 3:10-12?
  52. What does Paul seem to be deducing from Psalm 94:14 (he will not abandon his heritage) by his allusion in Romans 11:2?
  53. How does Paul take advantage of the ambiguity of the phrase in Psalm 44:22 “because of you” when he cites it in Romans 8:36-39?
  54. What makes Paul’s use of Psalm 116:10 (I believed and so I spoke) in 2 Corinthians 4:11, 13 work better in the LXX/Greek than in the Hebrew text?
  55. According to Moyise, who does Paul think “I” refers to in his use of Psalm 18:49 in Romans 15:9?
  56. What does the psalmist refer to by “you have put all things under their feet” in Psalm 8:6?
  57. According to Richard Hays, why does Paul allude to Job 13:16 (this will turn out for my deliverance) in Philippians 1:19?
  58. Why does Christopher Stanley argue that Paul used Old Testament quotations themselves but detached from their contexts?
  59. How many expected one(s) does Florilegium (4Q174) speak of arising at the end of time?
  60. How does the Dead Sea Scrolls Habakkuk commentary (1QpHab) apply Habakkuk 2:4 (but the righteous shall live by faith)?
  61. Answer should be two or three paragraphs (up to 300 words). To be eligible for full credit the answer should be clear, interact with the textbook including page numbers or kindle locations, and cite evidence from scripture including verse references.

What are two ways that interpreters have explained the logic of Paul’s use of Deuteronomy 25:4 in 1 Corinthians 9:9-10, including the evidence to support each view? Which view is more convincing and why?


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  1. NBST 680 Exam 2 2020