NBST 520 Exam 4

NBST 520 Exam 4 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. The Prison Letters of Paul were composed while Paul was imprisoned in Corinth.
  2. According to Elwell, there is evidence that Paul, having been released from his imprisonment in Rome, embarked on a fourth missionary journey.
  3. According to Elwell, how God’s people treat the created order is a reflection of their regard for God.
  4. Paul’s famous statement about “putting on the whole armor of God” is found in which Pauline letter?
  5. Paul’s great statement affirming the divine origin of Scripture is found in which of his letters?
  6. According to the presentations, Timothy is the signatory, along with Paul, of six Pauline letters.
  7. Paul’s answer to the Colossian heresy was to emphasize the supremacy of Christ.
  8. According to the presentations, Paul warns Titus about a group he calls “those out of the circumcision,” likely the same, or similar, people Paul encountered at Galatia and Colossae.
  9. According to the presentations, the word Paul used to describe those who would not work, ataktoi,most likely means “disorderly” rather than “lazy.”
  10. According to the presentations, the heresy at work in Colossae was likely a syncretistic religion or philosophy that did not so much reject Jesus as “God, the Son,” as they did to relegate him to merely “one among many.”
  11. Which church had a problem of a group who refused to work because they believed that the parousiahad already occurred?
  12. According to the presentations, the Pastorals deal extensively with two important congregational issues: “orthodoxy” or right belief, and “orthopraxy” or right behavior.
  13. Which of Paul’s letters has been suggested as a “circular letter” composed not for one particular congregation but for circulation among multiple congregations?
  14. According to Elwell, when Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 and 2 Timothy, Timothy was apparently serving as a pastor in the city of Ephesus.
  15. Thessalonica lay along which important Roman road?
  16. According to Elwell, New Testament figures who came from or lived in Colossae include Epaphras, Philemon, Apphia, Archippus, and Onesimus.
  17. According to Elwell, the town of Colossae lay in the Lycus Valley, along with the neighboring towns of Laodicea and Hierapolis.
  18. According to the presentations, the ostensible reason for Paul’s writing Philippians was to thank the church for the gift they sent him while he was in prison.
  19. According to Elwell, in discussing the role of women in the New Testament, Christians today should regard New Testament directives as outmoded if they are out of step with modern times.
  20. According to the presentions, while 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus are ostensibly written to individuals, it is really the congregations they serve that are the real audiences of these letters.

Set 2

  1. According to the presentations, confusion about the timing of the parousia,or the return of Christ, was an important issue with which Paul had to deal in the Thessalonian letters.
  2. According to the presentions, while 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus are ostensibly written to individuals, it is really the congregations they serve that are the real audiences of these letters.
  3. According to Longenecker, in Paul’s day Thessalonica was a free city under Roman rule which meant that it enjoyed some measure of self-government.
  4. According to Lea, which of the following is NOT a possible place of origin for Paul’s Prison Letters?
  5. Which of Paul’s letters has been suggested as a “circular letter” composed not for one particular congregation but for circulation among multiple congregations?
  6. According to Longenecker, in the Pastorals, “elder” and “bishop” likely refer to the same ecclesial office.
  7. According to Lea, the Pastorals do not necessarity conflict with Acts but rather deal with a period in Paul’s life after Acts was written.
  8. Philemon was a slave who fled to Rome and helped Paul in prison.
  9. According to the presentations, the “Colossian Heresy” was comprised of a strange blend of Jewish and Hellenistic ideas and practices.
  10. According to Longenecker, which of Paul’s letters reads as though it is something akin to a “last will and testament?”
  11. Paul’s answer to the Colossian Heresy was to emphasize the supremacy of Christ.
  12. Paul’s famous “hymn” extolling the self-sacrificing “mind of Christ” is found in which of Paul’s Prison Letters?
  13. According to Longenecker, it is possible that a later bishop named Onesimus was none other than Philemon’s one-time slave.
  14. Among the Pastorals, 2 Timothy is the only letter not to include instructions about church offices such as elder, bishop, and deacon.
  15. Which Pauline letter was likely written in an effort to secure the release of a runaway slave?
  16. The great statement about the “inspiration of the Scriptures” is found in which of the Pastorals?
  17. Paul’s famous statement about “putting on the whole armor of God” is found in which Pauline letter?
  18. According to Lea, there is a theory that the letter referred to in Col 4:16 as the letter “from Laodicea” was in fact Philippians.
  19. Paul describes the parousia, or “the day of the LORD,” as coming “like a thief in the night” in which letter.
  20. According to the presentations, the ostensible reason for Paul’s writing Philippians was to thank the church for the gift they sent him while he was in prison.

Set 3

  1. The opponents to Paul in Colossae were an eclectic bunch.  According to your textbooks, which of the following best describes the opponents?
  2. Pauline authorship of Colossians has been disputed by some scholars. Which one of the following subject areas is not a disputed issue?
  3. Titus was ministering in what place when Paul wrote him a letter?
  4. According to Carson and Moo, there is no doubt that Paul was imprisoned at Rome when he wrote Colossians.
  5. 1 Timothy would have been written in the very late 50s A.D.
  6. Philemon was a slave who fled to Rome and helped Paul in prison.
  7. According to the textbooks, it is clear that the proponents of the heresy in Collosae were Judaizers, whether Christian or not.
  8. Philemon was written from the same place as
  9. Paul wrote 1 Timothy when Timothy was in
  10. According to Carson and Moo, some scholars suggest that a fragment found at Qumran (7Q4) may actually be a portion of which epistle?
  11. According to Lea and Black, at least one scholar has suggested that the letter to Philemon may be the letter to Laodecia mentioned in Colossians.
  12. Some scholars think that the theology of the Pastoral Epistles varies too much from other Pauline letters, thus making Pauline authorship of the Pastorals highly unlikely.
  13. The great statement about the “inspiration of the Scriptures” is found in Titus.
  14. Carson and Moo state unequivocally that 2 Timothy 2:9-15 teaches that no woman should ever be allowed to teach any male over 14.
  15. Paul founded the church at Colossae.
  16. Timothy was ministering in what place when Paul wrote him a letter?
  17. In which of the Pastoral Epistles does Paul indicate that he may die soon?
  18. It is inappropriate to interpret the Pastoral Epistles as a text on church administration.
  19. The opponents of Paul in Colossae may have been influenced by some Hellenistic ideas.
  20. In his letter to Philemon, Paul explicitly denounces human slavery as a horrible evil and contrary to God’s plan for humanity.
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