NBST 515 Exam 2

NBST 515 Exam 2 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. The only Gospel to allude to Jesus’ virgin birth was Matthew.
  2. According to Elwell, whose studies suggest the Gospel titles, including each author’s name, were used from the very beginning?
  3. According to the presentations, Mark’s Gospel presents Jesus as the “new Moses” and the church as the “new Israel.”
  4. There is no birth narrative in the Gospel of Mark.
  5. According to the presentations, the word “to save” and its cognates (savior and salvation) occur more frequently in this Gospel than any other.
  6. According to the presentations, Matthew repeatedly uses the Old Testament to confirm events in Jesus’ life as part of God’s plan.
  7. According to the presentations, in which Gospel does Jesus speak in long sermonic discourses rather than in short parables?
  8. According to the presentations, the Latin word for “cross” is cruxand was an obscene word in the ancient world, not spoken in polite company.
  9. The Gospel that introduces Jesus as “the son of David, the son of Abraham” is
  10. Which Gospel contains information about the birth of John the Baptist?
  11. According to the presentations, John employs three Christological images for Jesus in his Gospel: Word of God; Lamb of God; and Son of God.
  12. According to the presentations, which Gospel says that Jesus was praying when he was baptized by John
  13. According to Elwell, which Gospel emphasizes the place of women in Jesus’ ministry?
  14. According to the presentations, only Mark, among the Gospels, uses the word “church.”
  15. According to Elwell, the Gospel that depicts Jesus as a new Moses is
  16. According to Elwell, Mark was
  17. According to Elwell, Matthew wrote his Gospel
  18. According to Elwell, the Gospel writer who may have had contact with Mary, Jesus’ mother, as he was compiling his Gospel was
  19. According to the presentations, God’s personal name, YHWH, is best translated “I Am.”
  20. According to the presentations, which Gospel is arranged into five “books” or “sermons,” similar to the five books of the Pentateuch?

Set 2

  1. The purpose of New Testament textual criticism is to recover the original text of the New Testament from the available evidence.
  2. The Gospel of Thomas shows that collections of Jesus’ sayings, absent any narrative, did circulate in the ancient world.
  3. Scholars define “Q” strictly speaking as material common to Matthew and Luke, but not found in Mark.
  4. According to the PointeCast presentations, the Hasidim or “pious ones,” put aside their differences to fight the Seleucids, but when victory was achieved they began to fragment into various sects.
  5. Of the three events typically used to date the birth of Jesus (Herod’s death, the census of Quirinius, and star in the East), the easiest to document historically is the census of Quirinius.
  6. According to the PointeCast presentations, the Pharisees’ oral law is referred to in the New Testament as “the traditions of the elders.”
  7. What type of criticism focuses on the literary or written materials a particular Gospel writer may have employed?
  8. Which of the following is not one of the four phases of the Jewish worldview:
  9. According to the PointeCast presentations, another name for the sayings source “Q” is the “double tradition.”
  10. The term scholars use to describe a self-contained, individual unit of material in the Gospels is
  11. According to the PointeCast presentations, while some scholars have argued for Markan priority, and some for Matthean priority, no scholars have ever argued for Lukan priority.
  12. Which of the following was normally made from a plant found growing by the Nile in Egypt?
  13. According to the PointeCast presentations, the primary intention of the oral law was to protect the written laws from being violated.
  14. Gentiles who fully converted to Judaism, including submitting to circumcision, were called God-fearers.
  15. According to the PointeCast presentations, the Zealots were likely the “radical wing” of which group:
  16. Which Gospel opens with a description of the ministry of John the Baptist?
  17. According to the PointeCast presentations, the key idea in understanding who the Pharisees were is the concept of “holiness” or “separateness.”
  18. Who coined the term “synoptic” to describe the similarities among the first three Gospels?
  19. There is evidence in the New Testament that New Testament writers viewed the Law and the Prophets of the OT Scriptures as a closed canon.
  20. What type of criticism focuses on the literary and theological contributions of the authors of the Gospels?

Set 3

  1. By the time of Jesus, most people thought of the coming Messiah primarily as a political and military ruler, rather than a spiritual leader.
  2. The story of the “Murder of the Innocents” in which Herod the Great tried to kill the newborn Messiah is told in which Gospel?
  3. The materials used for making books that came from animal skin were called
  4. Which Gospel opens with a description of how the writer went about his work?
  5. According to the PointeCast presentations, the Two-Source Hypothesis and Markan priority is the Synoptic solution favored by most modern scholars.
  6. According to the PointeCast presentations, which of the following groups affirmed only the five books of Moses as Scripture?
  7. At the time of Jesus, there was a widespread expectation that the Messiah would suffer.
  8. According to the PointeCast presentations, the Zealots were likely the “radical wing” of which group:
  9. In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the major theme of Jesus’ ministry is the kingdom of God.
  10. Which of the following was normally made from a plant found growing by the Nile in Egypt?
  11. The purpose of New Testament textual criticism is to recover the original text of the New Testament from the available evidence.
  12. In the ancient world, “kingdom” referred to lordship, rule, reign, or sovereignty, not primarily to a geographical area.
  13. The goal of form critics is to identify the “oral” record before it came to be written down.
  14. The Essenes are never mentioned in the New Testament.
  15. The Griesbach or Two-Gospel Hypothesis holds that Matthew came first, Luke used Matthew, and Mark was last, using both Matthew and Luke.
  16. What type of criticism is primarily concerned with the study of the oral transmission of the Gospel material?
  17. The so-called “Sermon on the Mount” appears in which Gospel?
  18. Which Gospel tells us that Jesus was about thirty when he began his ministry?
  19. Who coined the term “synoptic” to describe the similarities among the first three Gospels?
  20. According to the PointeCast presentations, the primary intention of the oral law was to protect the written laws from being violated.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. NBST 515 Exam 2 2020
  2. NBST 515 Exam 2
  3. NBST 515 Exam 2 Set 2
  4. NBST 515 Quiz 2 2021