HIEU 322 Quiz 6

HIEU 322 Quiz 6 Liberty University

HIEU 322 Quiz: Crisis, Change, and the Division of Empire

Module 6: Week 6

  1. Which of the following is true about the Emperor Gallienus?
  2. This Severan reigned as Roman Emperor from 218 to 222. His rule was marked by offensive behavior and scandal. He declared himself sun-god, and was divorced three times. He also was publically involved in homosexual affairs, and was rumored to dress as a female prostitute. He was despised by both the army and his grandmother, who had both he and his mother killed in March 222. Their bodies were thrown into the Tiber River, and their memories condemned. He was succeeded by his Severan cousin.
  3. This Roman emperor (276-282) not only tried to clear invaders out of the provinces but also attempted to turn those he defeated into allies and manpower for Rome—a practice that would become even more common in the next century.
  4. This Roman emperor succeeded Aurelian in the mid- 270s. In his seventies, he reigned only six months before being assassinated by his own soldiers.
  5. Emperor Diocletian was an accomplished military commander, as well as an organizer, administrator, and statesman. He inspired excellent advisors and generals to assist him loyally in restoring stability to the Empire in the late 3rdcentury A.D.
  6. NOT true about the Roman economy and society in the 3rd century A.D.:
  7. This Roman emperor (379-395) banned the outward expression of pagan worship, and made Christianity the religion of the Empire.
  8. NOT true about Constantine the Great:
  9. This Roman Emperor (249-251) was a staunch defender of the old Roman traditions. He persecuted Christians throughout the empire on the belief that the restoration of the state cults was essential to the preservation of the empire. This was the first time in Roman history where Christians were actively hunted down.
  10. This Roman Emperor reigned from only March to June 193. A former Senator, he actually bid for the position before the Praetorians. The fact that he purchased his office was well-known, and was thus widely unpopular.
  11. This Christian sect ourished in North Africa in the 4th century A.D. The group protested strongly against the election of bishop to Carthage that they felt was too lenient toward those who had betrayed the faith during Diocletian’s persecution. They viewed themselves as independent from the pope in Rome.
  12. Which of the following is a problem during the “Age of Gallienus”?
  13. This Roman Emperor (192-193) was a military man, who after the death of Commodus, emerged as emperor. He reigned, however, for only a few months, and was killed by Praetorians for not paying them enough money.
  14. This Roman Emperor (217-218) was a jurist, and legal advisor to Septimius Severus’s praetorian prefect before becoming the director of traffic on the Via Flaminia and administrator of Sepitimius’s private properites. His most fatal mistake as Emperor was in allowing three Syrian women—a mother and her two adult daughters all related to Septimius’s dead wife—to return to their home in Syria. The two daughters had young sons that the matriarch wanted to see on the throne. From Syria they (and their military allies) conspired against the Emperor. He was killed by their forces in battle near Antioch in 218.
  15. This Roman Emperor (235-238) made the mistake of attempting to conciliate the Senate from afar, remaining on the frontier with his troops, and attempting to act the successful warrior-king (campaigning vigorously on the Rhine-Danube). His absence from Rome was politically unwise, and his war expensive. In 138, he was overthrown by an elderly proconsul from Africa, Gordian I.
  16. This Roman emperor (361-363) proclaimed religious toleration for all, but in practice used his office to advance paganism at the expense of the Church. He was known as “the Apostate.” He was killed in battle fighting the Persian Shapur II.
  17. In the early 260s, Odenathus, the Roman client shiek of this rich and powerful oasis in the Syrian desert, decisively defeated Shapur and the Persians for the Romans. The city was in fact one of the major cities of the 2nd century A.D., with ne wide streets and highways, shady porticoes, stately arches, and magnificent public buildings.
  18. This Roman Emperor (244-249) was an Arabian from southeast of Damascus. A former praetorian prefect, he made peace with Persia, and oversaw the 1,000thanniversary of the city of Rome. He was killed by one of his top commanders in 249.
  19. This old and respected senator emerged as emperor following Gallus’ death in 253. He ruled with his son (Gallienus) as co-emperor until his capture and death at the hands of the Persians in 260.
  20. Which of the following is true about the Battle of Adrianople (378)?
  21. This Roman emperor emerged from the period of murder and civil war (337-353) following Constantine’s death as sole emperor. He continued the centralizing tendencies of Diocletian and Constantine, and reaffirmed Constantine’s ban on pagan sacrifices. Theologically, he espoused a moderate Arian position and promoted doctrinal unity from that perspective.
  22. Which of the following is true regarding the rule of Diocletian, 284-305?
  23. This Roman emperor (282-284) was perhaps killed by a bolt of lightning while campaigning against the Persians.
  24. This religious group described Christ as a second or inferior God, and denied that the Son is of one essence, nature, or substance with God– that He is not like the Father, or equal in dignity, or co-eternal, or within the real sphere of Deity.
  25. This Roman Emperor (193-211) restored stability to Rome following the fall of Commodus. Intellectually energetic and hardworking, this African commander (supposedly part Carthaginian) was also harsh, cruel, vindictive, and arrogant. Upon becoming emperor, he temporarily subdued the Praetorians (stripping them of their weapons and uniforms, and forcing them out of Rome). Though competent, he strove to base the empire again on heredity, and was unable to control the fragmented and troublesome Roman army.
  26. Diocletian surrounded himself with an aura of such power, pomp, and sanctity that any attempt to overthrow him would appear not only treasonous but also sacrilegious.
  27. In 271, this Roman emperor—the successor of Gallienus– began construction of brick wall around the city of Rome. It was 12 miles long, 20 feet high, and 12 feet thick. He is also the emperor who destroyed Palymra in 273.
  28. This Roman Emperor (211-217) killed his brother (Geta) and 20,000 of his followers after taking the throne. Hot-tempered and cruel, he (like his father) enriched the praetorians and the army, with whom he was very popular. He was stabbed to death on the side of the road (supposedly while relieving himself). The prompter of his death was the praetorian prefect, Macrinus, who believed the emperor was about to wrongly indict him for conspiracy.
  29. NOT one of the leading military threats facing the Romans in the 3rd century A.D.:
  30. This Roman emperor (363-364) reigned for only 8 months, during which rescinded his predecessor’s anti-Christian legislation and secured a 30-year peace with the Persians (if on very disadvantageous terms).
  31. In 301, Diocletian issued this economic document, which set a ceiling on the prices of over a thousand different items from wheat and rice to bed linen, ink, and parchment. In it, the Emperor condemned speculators and proteers who robbed the helpless public. Overcharging to soldiers was punishable by death. In the end, this “reform” had a disastrous effect, making it unprofitable for producers to sell goods at the official prices. Therefore, people either refused to produce goods, sold them illegally on black markets, or simply relied on barter.
  32. In 313 A.D. this Roman Emperor issued the Edict of Milan, which legalized the practice of what he considered Christianity. Seventeen years later (330 A.D.), he moved the Roman capital to Byzantium– renamed New Rome or Constantinople.
  33. In 268, this Roman emperor faced the largest invasion of the century—a joint Goth and Heruili endeavor with a great armada at sea, and a massive land army that invaded the Balkans and the Aegean, ravaged Greece, and sacked the cities of Sparta, Argos, and Athens. At Naissus, he successfully intercepted them in one of bloodiest battles of the century. Although he ended the Gothic peril, he was assassinated by his own staff officers who felt he had not devoted enough energy to the defense of the Danube frontier.
  34. Which of the following is NOT true about the crises of the 3rd century A.D.?
  35. This Roman Emperor (222-235) was the last of the Severan line. While attempting to exhalt the Senate and move away from the excesses of his predecessor’s reign, he was nevertheless dislike the legionaries, who believed that the Emperor, a Syrian, was spending too much time (like most of the other Severi) on Persian affairs, and neglecting the frontier in the north, where the Germans were becoming more of a menace. He was killed by legionaries in 235. After his death, the empire plunged into another grim, destructive, and prolonged round of civil war known as “The Age of the Barracks Emperors.”
  36. This 312 battle pitted Constantine against fellow tetrarch Maxentius. It was at this place—a Constantine victory—that Constantine supposedly saw a vision of a flaming cross with the words “In this [cross thou shall] conquer.”
  37. NOT a problem associated with Commodus (180-192):
  38. The reign of this Roman Emperor (251-253) was a disaster, accentuated by plague and famine. Also, he didn’t respond to Persian aggression— including their taking of Antioch—and he did not seek to avenge the death of his predecessor. He was overthrown and killed by a provincial governor, Aemilian, who wanted to deal harshly with the Goths.
  39. Which of the following was a reform of Gallienus?
  40. Diocletian followed in the tradition of Gallienus, and was a staunch defender of religious toleration, and though not a Christian, allowed Christians to worship freely and without persecution.
  41. Why and how was Emperor Commodus killed in 192 A.D.?

Other sets

  1. This Roman Emperor (211-217) killed his brother (Geta) and 20,000 of his followers after taking the throne.  Hot-tempered and cruel, he (like his father) enriched the praetorians and the army, with whom he was very popular.  He was stabbed to death on the side of the road (supposedly while relieving himself).  The prompter of his death was the praetorian prefect, Macrinus, who believed the emperor was about to wrongly indict him for conspiracy.
  2. This Roman Emperor (235-238) made the mistake of attempting to conciliate the Senate from afar, remaining on the frontier with his troops, and attempting to act the successful warrior-king (campaigning vigorously on the Rhine-Danube).  His absence from Rome was politically unwise, and his war expensive.  In 138, he was overthrown by an elderly proconsul from Africa, Gordian I.
  3. This Roman emperor (276-282) not only tried to clear invaders out of the provinces but also attempted to turn those he defeated into allies and manpower for Rome—a practice that would become even more common in the next century.
  4. Which of the following is NOT true about the crises of the 3 rdcentury A.D.?
  5. NOT true about Constantine the Great:
  6. Which of the following was a reform of Gallienus?
  7. Which of the following is true about the Battle of Adrianople (378)?
  8. Diocletian surrounded himself with an aura of such power, pomp, and sanctity that any attempt to overthrow him would appear not only treasonous but also sacrilegious.
  9. This 312 battle pitted Constantine against fellow tetrarch Maxentius.  It was at this place—a Constantine victory—that Constantine supposedly saw a vision of a flaming cross with the words “In this [cross thou shall] conquer.”
  10. NOT one of the leading military threats facing the Romans in the 3 rdcentury A.D.:
  11. Diocletian followed in the tradition of Gallienus, and was a staunch defender of religious toleration, and though not a Christian, allowed Christians to worship freely and without persecution.
  12. In 313 A.D. this Roman Emperor issued the Edict of Milan, which legalized the practice of what he considered Christianity.  Seventeen years later (330 A.D.), he moved the Roman capital to Byzantium– renamed New Rome or Constantinople.
  13. This Roman Emperor (217-218) was a jurist, and legal advisor to Septimius Severus’s praetorian prefect before becoming the director of trafic on the Via Flaminia and administrator of Sepitimius’s private properites.  His most fatal mistake as Emperor was in allowing three Syrian women—a mother and her two adult daughters all related to Septimius’s dead wife—to return to their home in Syria. The two daughters had young sons that the matriarch wanted to see on the throne.  From Syria they (and their military allies) conspired against the Emperor.  He was killed by their forces in battle near Antioch in 218.
  14. This Christian sect flourished in North Africa in the 4 thcentury A.D.  The group protested strongly against the election of bishop to Carthage that they felt was too lenient toward those who had betrayed the faith during Diocletian’s persecution.  They viewed themselves as independent from the pope in Rome.
  15. This Roman Emperor (193-211) restored stability to Rome following the fall of Commodus.  Intellectually energetic and hardworking, this African commander (supposedly part Carthaginian) was also harsh, cruel, vindictive, and arrogant.  Upon becoming emperor, he temporarily subdued the Praetorians (stripping them of their weapons and uniforms, and forcing them out of Rome). Though competent, he strove to base the empire again on heredity, and was unable to control the fragmented and troublesome Roman army.
  16. This Roman Emperor (249-251) was a staunch defender of the old Roman traditions.  He persecuted Christians throughout the empire on the belief that the restoration of the state cults was essential to the preservation of the empire.  This was the first time in Roman history where Christians were actively hunted down.
  17. This Roman emperor (363-364) reigned for only 8 months, during which rescinded his predecessor’s anti-Christian legislation and secured a 30-year peace with the Persians (if on very disadvantageous terms).
  18. In 271, this Roman emperor—the successor of Gallienus– began construction of brick wall around the city of Rome.  It was 12 miles long, 20 feet high, and 12 feet thick.  He is also the emperor who destroyed Palymra in 273.
  19. NOT a problem associated with Commodus (180-192):
  20. Which of the following is a problem during the “Age of Gallienus”?
  21. This Roman emperor (379-395) banned the outward expression of pagan worship, and made Christianity the religion of the Empire.
  22. This Roman Emperor reigned from only March to June 193.  A former Senator, he actually bid for the position before the Praetorians.  The fact that he purchased his office was well-known, and was thus widely unpopular.
  23. Emperor Diocletian was an accomplished military commander, as well as an organizer, administrator, and statesman.  He inspired excellent advisors and generals to assist him loyally in restoring stability to the Empire in the late 3 rd
    century A.D.
  24. The reign of this Roman Emperor (251-253) was a disaster, accentuated by plague and famine.  Also, he didn’t respond to Persian aggression—including their taking of Antioch—and he did not seek to avenge the death of his predecessor.   He was overthrown and killed by a provincial governor, Aemilian, who wanted to deal harshly with the Goths.
  25. This Roman emperor (361-363) proclaimed religious toleration for all, but in practice used his office to advance paganism at the expense of the Church.  He was known as “the Apostate.”  He was killed in battle fighting the Persian Shapur II.
  26. This religious group described Christ as a second or inferior God, and denied that the Son is of one essence, nature, or substance with God– that He is not like the Father, or equal in dignity, or co-eternal, or within the real sphere of Deity.
  27. Which of the following is true about the Emperor Gallienus?
  28. In the early 260s, Odenathus, the Roman client shiek of this rich and powerful oasis in the Syrian desert, decisively defeated Shapur and the Persians for the Romans.  The city was in fact one of the major cities of the 2 ndcentury A.D., with fine wide streets and highways, shady porticoes, stately arches, and magnificent public buildings.
  29. This Roman Emperor (222-235) was the last of the Severan line.  While attempting to exhalt the Senate and move away from the excesses of his predecessor’s reign, he was nevertheless dislike the legionaries, who believed that the Emperor, a Syrian, was spending too much time (like most of the other Severi) on Persian affairs, and neglecting the frontier in the north, where the Germans were becoming more of a menace.  He was killed by legionaries in 235.  After his death, the empire plunged into another grim, destructive, and prolonged round of civil war known as “The Age of the Barracks Emperors.”
  30. This Severan reigned as Roman Emperor from 218 to 222.  His rule was marked by offensive behavior and scandal.  He declared himself sun-god, and was divorced three times.  He also was publically involved in homosexual affairs, and was rumored to dress as a female prostitute.  He was despised by both the army and his grandmother, who had both he and his mother killed in March 222.  Their bodies were thrown into the Tiber River, and their memories condemned.  He was succeeded by his Severan cousin.
  31. In 301, Diocletian issued this economic document, which set a ceiling on the prices of over a thousand different items from wheat and rice to bed linen, ink, and parchment.  In it, the Emperor condemned speculators and profiteers who robbed the helpless public.  Overcharging to soldiers was punishable by death.  In the end, this “reform” had a disastrous effect, making it unprofitable for producers to sell goods at the official prices.  Therefore, people either refused to produce goods, sold them illegally on black markets, or simply relied on barter.
  32. This Roman emperor emerged from the period of murder and civil war (337-353) following Constantine’s death as sole emperor.  He continued the centralizing tendencies of Diocletian and Constantine, and reaffirmed Constantine’s ban on pagan sacrifices.  Theologically, he espoused a moderate Arian position and promoted doctrinal unity from that perspective.
  33. This Roman Emperor (244-249) was an Arabian from southeast of Damascus.  A former praetorian prefect, he made peace with Persia, and oversaw the 1,000 th
    anniversary of the city of Rome. He was killed by one of his top commanders in 249.
  34. In 268, this Roman emperor faced the largest invasion of the century—a joint Goth and Heruili endeavor with a great armada at sea, and a massive land army that invaded the Balkans and the Aegean, ravaged Greece, and sacked the cities of Sparta, Argos, and Athens.  At Naissus, he successfully intercepted them in one of bloodiest battles of the century.  Although he ended the Gothic peril, he was assassinated by his own staff officers who felt he had not devoted enough energy to the defense of the Danube frontier.
  35. This Roman emperor (282-284) was perhaps killed by a bolt of lightning while campaigning against the Persians.
  36. Which of the following is true regarding the rule of Diocletian, 284-305?
  37. This Roman emperor succeeded Aurelian in the mid- 270s.  In his seventies, he reigned only six months before being assassinated by his own soldiers.
  38. This Roman Emperor (192-193) was a military man, who after the death of Commodus, emerged as emperor.  He reigned, however, for only a few months, and was killed by Praetorians for not paying them enough money.
  39. This old and respected senator emerged as emperor following Gallus’ death in 253.  He ruled with his son (Gallienus) as co-emperor until his capture and death at the hands of the Persians in 260.
  40. NOT true about the Roman economy and society in the 3 rdcentury A.D.:
  41. Why and how was Emperor Commodus killed in 192 A.D.?
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