EVAN 525 Midterm

EVAN 525 Midterm Liberty University

EVAN 525 Servant Evangelism Quiz

  1. Surveys show that only _____ to _____ percent of believers consistently share their faith.
  2. when He sees His work grow and develop in our lives. It’s God who gives comfort, peace, contentment, and direction for life.
  3. Through His _______, Jesus demonstrated that every dimension of life was included in the Father’s redemptive concern.
  4. The solution does not start with servant evangelism or any other approach. The solution begins with a renewed love of ____________________.
  5. The solution does not start with servant evangelism or any other approach. The solution begins with a renewed love of ____________________.
  6. In his wisdom God provides many _____________ and _________________ for shaping us into His image and making us useful for His purposes.
  7. Obedience comes for a heart of worship. And God _________________________ as we obey his voice. Obedience to God’s Word is foundational to worshiping God.
  8. The three foundational Principles for servant evangelism include, those participating must be intentionally evangelistic, those participating must ________________________________________ and those participating must be equipped as personal witnesses.
  9. In today’s culture, we must understand that for the most part, the unsaved world will not hear the truth from our lips until they first see the truth of ___________________.
  10. In some cases, when ______________ is ignored, servant evangelism can become watered down and miss the point of reaching people with the Gospel.
  11. There are many good ways to explain the Gospel to others. One of the easiest methods is to use a __________________.
  12. It is a myth to assume that servant evangelism requires ___________________ _________________, thus is not effective in smaller congregations.
  13. Within servant evangelism the first thing we must acknowledge is the _____________ ________________ through prayer.
  14. One way we experience transformation is through __________________________________ ______________________.
  15. Servant evangelism is ________ evangelism, thus it provides an entry-level way to get your congregation involved in outreach.
  16. Servant evangelism is a great _________________, especially for the large percentage of people who will not presently consider long training courses.
  17. Servant Evangelism will improve the way the culture views ____________; and the way the church views __________.
  18. The reason we often perceive a separation between ____________ and _____________is that many Christians and many churches possess a false view of each experience.
  19. God desires a personal relationship with us. The purpose of prayer is to cultivate that relationship as we talk to God, listen to Him, ______________________into conformity with His, and ask for His will and purposes to be accomplished on earth as they are in Heaven.
  20. Your most basic relationship in life is your relationship with God. This ___________ relationship is your most important relationship, and it affects all of the ____________ relationship in your life.
  21. Servant evangelism involves _____________ sharing Christ by modeling biblical servant hood.
  22. Servant evangelism is not a “quick fix” or newfangled” _______ that will necessarily bring immediate growth. The truth is it represents a _______ of leading disinterested or disconnected individuals in society to a place of awareness about Christ, then to a point of salvation through genuine acts of service.
  23. Unsaved people of all cultures largely base what they understand about Christ on our testimony as _________________________in our workplaces, in our school, with our friends, and around our families.
  24. The A, B, C’s of the gospel are, acknowledge and turn from your sin, believe in Christ and ______________________.
  25. Jesus is described as having a three fold ministry of preaching the good news of the kingdom, ___________________, coupled with the undergirding of profound acts of kindness and servant formed the defining characteristics of Christ’s earthly ministry.
  26. _________, ________ and _______ encompassed the basic ministry of Jesus as He made His way to the cross and to His eventual glorification through the resurrection.
  27. Prayer-walking is, praying while walking, intentional praying, praying with vision, ________________________________ and Not and end in itself.
  28. Most people do not care how much you know about ___ until they know you care about ____.
  29. He (Jesus) called us to glorify God with _____________________________________, but our worship isn’t complete unless we also love our neighbor.
  30. It seems that in spite of the ________, most people still face the challenge of overcoming their inertia; actually getting out of the pews and into the fields.
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  1. EVAN 525 Midterm