ETHC 205 Quiz Ethical

ETHC 205 Quiz Ethical Systems and Principles of Christian Ethics

Covers the Learn material from Module 1: Week 1.

  1. According to Magnuson, in Kant’s version of Deontology a good act is one that conforms to a universal moral principle and is done for the sake of duty.
  2. According to Magnuson, the following principle of ethical thinking is very different from the others:
  3. According to Magnuson, Consequentialism is best described as a system derived from:
  4. According to Magnuson, Deontology is best described as a system derived from:
  5. According to Magnuson, _________ said that “The order of things that God has made is there. It is objective, and mankind has a place within it.”
  6. According to Magnuson, all of the following steps are a part of the 7 elements of ethical decision making in the book Moral Choices except:
  7. According to Magnuson, listening to and engaging others means that we affirm each person’s view as legitimate and see it as true for them.
  8. According to Magnuson, teleology and consequentialism are the exact same concept.
  9. According to Magnuson, we should understand particular issues, moral principles and rules, right and wrong, virtues and values, and all other aspects of ethics, in relation to a comprehensive worldview.
  10. According to Magnuson, John Stuart Mill was a proponent of Utilitarianism.
  11. According to Magnuson, all of the following are weaknesses of Virtue Ethics except:
  12. According to Magnuson, _________ are said to be “like the foundation” that help make up a a system of Christian moral reasoning.
  13. A According to Magnuson, the concepts of purpose and virtue should guide our reflection in understanding moral norms.
  14. According to Magnuson, every ethical framework has some element of teleology, some end or purpose that is its aim.
  15. According to Magnuson, all of the following steps are a part of the 7 elements of ethical decision making in the book Moral Choices except:
  16. According to Magnuson, the two types of Utilitarianism are General Utilitarianism and Special Utilitarianism.
  17. According to Magnuson, _________ said that the basic task of moral theology is “to gain the right vision, to assess the main perspectives, and to present those truths and values which should bear upon decisions to be made before God.”
  18. According to Magnuson, all of the following are strengths of Virtue Ethics except:
  19. According to Magnuson, for Consequentialists, acts themselves do not have intrincsic moral value, that is they are not intrinsically good or evil.
  20. According to Magnuson, one of the weaknesses of Virtue Ethics is that rules or laws are sometimes given unwarranted absolute status.
  21. According to Magnuson, _________ are said to be “like pillars of a building” that help make up a system of Christian moral reasoning.
  22. According to Magnuson, Immanuel Kant held to his own form of Deontological Ethics.
  23. According to Magnuson, teleology is concerned with the goals, purposes, or “ends” of human life.
  24. According to Magnuson, the term Pre-reflection signifies that even prior to our reflection on a particular case,we have a worldview through which we interpret what we see.
  25. According to Magnuson, the following statement best describes which ethical system? “pragmatic moral reasoning gets bogged down by unmanageable complexities.”

Set 2

  1. According to Magnuson, all of the following are strengths of Consequentialism except:
  2. According to Magnuson, all of the following are strengths of Virtue Ethics except:
  3. According to Magnuson, the concepts of purpose and virtue should guide our reflection in understanding moral norms.
  4. According to Magnuson, Immanuel Kant held to his own form of Deontological Ethics.
  5. According to Magnuson, _________ are said to be “like the roof” that helps make up a a system of Christian moral reasoning.
  6. According to Magnuson, one of the weaknesses of Virtue Ethics is that rules or laws are sometimes given unwarranted absolute status.
  7. According to Magnuson, Deontology is best described as a system derived from:
  8. According to Magnuson, Immanuel Kant held to his own form of Virtue Ethics.
  9. According to Magnuson, every ethical framework has some element of teleology, some end or purpose that is its aim.
  10. According to Magnuson, it’s ultimately important for us to be concerned with ethics so that we can prove to people what a good person we are.
  11. According to Magnuson, in Kant’s version of Deontology a good act is one that conforms to a universal moral principle and is done for the sake of duty.
  12. According to Magnuson, Oliver O’Donovan asserts that Christian moral reasoning involves the exercise of both reflection and deliberation.
  13. According to Magnuson, the two types of Utilitarianism are General Utilitarianism and Special Utilitarianism.
  14. According to Magnuson, C.S. Lewis’ book, Moral Choices, provides a model for making ethical decisions.
  15. According to Magnuson, the term Pre-reflection signfies that even prior to our reflection on a particular case, we have a worldview through which we interpret what we see.
  16. According to Magnuson, _________ said that “The order of things that God has made is there. It is objective, and mankind has a place within it.”
  17. According to Magnuson, teleology is a form of consequentialism but consequentialism is not a form of teleology.
  18. According to Magnuson, Virtue Ethics is best described as a system derived from:
  19. According to Magnuson, Consequentialism is best described as a system derived from:
  20. According to Magnuson, our increasingly secular world relativizes things that are absolute and absolutizes things that are relative.
  21. According to Magnuson, a weakness of _________ is that a person’s character cannot be judged apart from the fruit of that character, which we observe in the acts that issue from it.
  22. According to Magnuson, teleology and consequentialism are the exact same concept.
  23. According to Magnuson, all of the following steps are a part of the 7 elements of ethical decision making in the book Moral Choices except:
  24. According to Magnuson, all of the following steps are a part of the 7 elements of ethical decision making in the book Moral Choices except:
  25. According to Magnuson, ___________ is a type of Utilitarianism bsed on a person’s self-interest and an act is right that maximizes desireable results for oneself.
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Files Included - Liberty University
  1. ETHC 205 Quiz Ethical Systems
  2. ETHC 2025 Quiz Ethical Systems Set 2
  • Liberty University