EDUC 415 Quiz Types of Questions

EDUC 415 Quiz: Types of Questions

Covers the Textbook material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. When crafting completion items for elementary students, it is best to provide clues by making the length of the blanks proportional to the length of the omitted word.
  2. You would generally expect to increase the validity of your students’ scores on your completion items if you changed them into direct questions.
  3. One ten-point quiz consists only of traditional true- false items. Another ten-point quiz, assessing the same content, consists only of multiple true-false items. How does the reliability of the scores on the two quizzes compare?
  4. In classroom assessment, it is of very little importance if students use their knowledge of flaws in the items to answer them correctly.
  5. What is the most important reason you might want to use a completion variety of fill-in-the-blank item instead of the direct question variety?
  6. The appropriate time to use the response categories “Right” and “Wrong” is when a true-false variety item asks a direct question.
  7. If a student has a good command of a learning objective, you should expect that the student would answer a test item about that objective correctly even if the item were worded rather ambiguously.
  8. What do true-false items assess?
  9. The primary value of true-false items is to assess a student’s ability to judge the correctness of verbal propositions.
  10. It is acceptable if a student can answer a test item correctly by using his or her partial knowledge of the learning objective.
  11. True-false items are able to assess the
  12. When crafting a completion item, it is best to use a statement taken verbatim from the textbook, delete an important word, and replace the word with a blank.
  13. Distractors for best answer items of an objectively scored format should be obtained from
  14. When writing a matching exercise, it is important to ensure that the number of responses is equal to the number of premises.
  15. When crafting tabular items, which of the following should be the last step performed by the teacher?
  16. Which of the two methods of scoring tabular items provides a more reliable result?
  17. When crafting multiple-choice items, it is important to ensure that the distractors are plausible to students who do not know the answer.
  18. Options in a multiple-choice test function better when placed in the middle of the stem rather than at the end of the stem.
  19. A best answer variety multiple choice item is most useful for assessing critical thinking when the
  20. The statement-and-comment format can be used to assess the students’ comprehension of
  21. In writing best answer items, it is inappropriate to include “none of the above” as one of the options.
  22. Which of the following is the most discernible advantage of the greater-less-same format item type over standard multiple-choice items?
  23. What is the function of the “table” in a tabular matching exercise?
  24. Which of the following would you recommend to a history teacher who wants to assess students’ knowledge of the order of events during the American Civil War?
  25. In organizing a set of masterlist items, the set of items is put before the masterlist of options.
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