CRST 290 Quiz Maker of Heaven and Earth

CRST 290 Quiz Maker of Heaven and Earth

Covers the Learn material from Module 2: Week 2.

  1. God provided His own witness to the timing of creation. This means that he is not guilty of:
  2. A straightforward reading of the Bible indicates that creation took place about ________ years ago.
  3. How many days in Genesis 1 discuss the creation of the heavens and its contents (planets, stars, etc.). Exclude Earth from this count.
  4. Which of the following is an example of a miracle that included creating something that looked older than it really was:
  5. To exist, a universe such as ours requires a creator that is:
  6. The use of jussives indicate what kind of statements by God?
  7. One of the great advantages of observational sciences involves:
  8. Creationist D. Russell Humphreys successfully predicted that be magnetic reversals could be “frozen” within what types of rocks?
  9. In a discussion of the creation of the sun, it was mentioned that light from the sun’s surface takes __________ to reach Earth.
  10. Physical constants, like the value for the force of gravity or the strength of atomic forces, can fluctuate significantly. This shows that the universe is ne-tuned for life.
  11. On which day were the heavenly bodies (the sun, moon, stars, and planets) created?
  12. Which passage from the Ten Commandments points to creation in six days as we experience days?
  13. Some radioactive dating methods, like K/Ar (potassium-argon) assume that when lavas first solidify, there is ______ argon. It appears that there is _________ argon when they solidify.
  14. Some appearance of age in creation is reasonable and expected. For example, the shells of sea animals like clams and snails would look like they lived in them their whole life.
  15. The multiverse hypothesis assumes that the different laws of chemistry and physics will allow life to exist in each universe.
  16. Which of the following is NOT one of the features of water that make it possible for life to exist?
  17. Which of the following is evidence that the days of Genesis 1 should be recognized as 24-hour days?
  18. Which passage of scripture reminds us that God has shown Himself and His attributes to all people?
  19. Which time period has no connection to the movement of Earth through space, or of other heavenly bodies with respect to earth?
  20. Historical sciences are most similar to:
  21. Earth is the only planet that has which material necessary for life in great abundance?
  22. Peter writes in II Peter that Jesus’ return and final judgement will really happen because of which past event:
  23. Which of the following is an example of a miracle that included creating something that looked older than it really was:
  24. According to measurements, how long would it take to get the oceans to their present saltiness if they started with no salt? The answer is much less than the age of the planet accepted by most geologists.
  25. According to Dr. Wise, a face-value examination of the creation suggestion that it is millions or billions of years old
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  1. CRST 290 Quiz Maker of Heaven