COUC 510 Exam 3

COUC 510 Exam 3 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. I am trying to train my dog Fido to sit and stay. Every time he sits, I give him a dog cookie. Before I can ask him to stay, Fido wanders off and jumps in the nearby lake. Another explanation for Fido’s behavior could be
  2. Susan wants her boyfriend to kiss her more often. Unfortunately, boyfriend Dan does not approach Susan physically very much. Susan begins to smile and say nice things to Dan every time he comes within 6 inches of her. Pretty soon, Dan is so   close that he touches Susan. She smiles and says very nice things to him. Susan continues to reward Dan’s behavior when he touches her and finally one day he kisses her. She jumps for joy. What technique is she using?
  3. Dave has a shoe phobia. It has gotten so bad that he can’t go to work because he works construction and his boss will not allow him to come to work barefoot. Dave consults with Phil the behavior therapist. Phil discovers that when Dave was young, his dad would beat Dave with his wingtips when he did something wrong. For Dave, shoes are:
  4. Behavior therapy has been criticized for all of the following EXCEPT
  5. James is awakened at night by the barking dog (Hans) who lives next door. James opens his window and yells at the dog, to no avail. James next throws one of his best shoes at the dog, who immediately stops barking and busily chews on the shoe. The dog’s behavior has been
  6. Feminist therapists tend to draw their ideas about human nature and development from
  7. Shanelle is seeing Betty F (the feminist therapist) because she is having panic attacks. In one session, Shanelle talks about her anger because Betty has so much power over her. Which of the following techniques is Betty LEAST likely to use with Shanelle?
  8. One of the difficulties of research on the actual practice or outcome of feminist             therapy is
  9. Shanelle is seeing Betty F (the feminist therapist) because she is having panic attacks. In one session, Shanelle talks about her anger because Betty has so much power over her. Shanelle’s treatment plan for therapy will MOST likely include which of the following goals:
  10. Shanelle is seeing Betty F (the feminist therapist) because she is having panic attacks. Betty and Shanelle analyze the effects that being African American and female have in Shanelle’s life. Betty thinks that Shanelle’s panic attacks are probably associated with
  11. A question that is commonly asked by a solution-focused therapist is: “When the problem is not present, how are things different?” This question is an example of a _______ question.
  12. Jane is a 42-year-old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis – a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who is currently involved in a solution-focused training program. As Mark conducted his intake assessment of Jane, he determined that Jane was experiencing symptoms of depression that were particularly related to her loss of sensation in her feet and lack of coordination. Jane further reported that as her symptoms have progressed, she is aware that when she goes out to run errands or do activities with her children, people generally treat her “differently” than before she became ill. Mark will likely conduct a formal assessment of Jane (e.g., a structured interview, brief measure of intelligence, and paper and pencil personality inventory) for the purpose of:
  13. Solution-focused therapists tend to view resistance as a:
  14. Solution-focused therapists believe that it is preferable to ____ during the initial session with a client:
  15. Jessie sought therapy because he was fired from his last 2 jobs and his wife has threatened to file for divorce unless he attended counseling. During the initial meeting, Jessie told his therapist, Greg, that he isn’t really sure why he needs to come to counseling; after all, his bosses were “just really unreasonable” and his wife “is always nagging” him about not working. Greg is likely to focus on Jessie’s:
  16. A criticism of narrative therapy is that
  17. ________ technique is so important in narrative therapy that Madigan (2011) admits using them 99% of the time in therapy.
  18. When a special person or group of people are invited to participate in therapy conversations, this is called:
  19. In regard to the concept of power, narrative therapists align MOST closely with what other group of therapists?
  20. A unique outcome is
  21. ACT is based on the theoretical foundation of ___________.
  22. Telephone consultations with clients serve what purpose in DBT?
  23. Which of the following is true regarding the philosophy of DBT?
  24. Functional contextualism is distinguished from other approaches by which of the following values?
  25. Which of the following is true regarding the research on mindfulness approaches?

Set 2

  1. The Little Albert case study demonstrated
  2. I am trying to train my dog Fido to sit and stay. Every time he sits, I give him a dog cookie. Before I can ask him to stay, Fido wanders off and jumps in the nearby lake. What has most likely happened here?
  3. The outcomes of Wolpe’s research on relaxation and deconditioning
  4. Negative reinforcers
  5. One of the difficulties of the use of aversive techniques, such as nausea-inducing drugs, is that
  6. According to feminist therapists, women get diagnosed as dysfunctional because:
  7. In feminist therapy, the roles of client and counselor are
  8. Which of the following statements BEST describes feminist therapy?
  9. The foundation underlying feminist therapy asserts that:
  10. One of the difficulties of research on the actual practice or outcome of feminist  therapy is
  11. A miracle client:
  12. Solution-focused therapists tend to believe that
  13. Jane is a 42-year-old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis – a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who is currently involved in a solution-focused training program. As Mark conducted his intake assessment of Jane, he determined that Jane was experiencing symptoms of depression that were particularly related to her loss of sensation in her feet and lack of coordination. Jane further reported that as her symptoms have progressed, she is aware that when she goes out to run errands or do activities with her children, people generally treat her “differently” than before she became ill. Marks asks Jane the question, “If while you were sleeping something happened to make everything better, how would you know that things were better in the morning?” Mark’s question is an example of which of the following solution-focused interventions?
  14. Seidel and Hedley (2008) found the following regarding solution-focused therapy
  15. Jane is a 42-year-old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis – a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who is currently involved in a solution-focused training program. As Mark conducted his intake assessment of Jane, he determined that Jane was experiencing symptoms of depression that were particularly related to her loss of sensation in her feet and lack of coordination. Jane further reported that as her symptoms have progressed, she is aware that when she goes out to run errands or do activities with her children, people generally treat her “differently” than before she became ill.Mark spends many sessions gathering further information about Jane and ends up attributing Jane’s depression and hopelessness to a traumatic event that happened during Jane’s first marriage. Mark presents his conceptualization to his supervisor, who is likely to conclude that:
  16. The narrative therapist is seen as a(n)
  17. Narrative therapists see life as a process of_________
  18. These adjectives refer to the qualities of the stories clients tell
  19. The major technique used in narrative therapy is
  20. In a narrative therapy session, whose language is used?
  21. Melissa tends to isolate and is working in DBT therapy on making a greater connection with the world. She is probably in what stage of therapy?
  22. The construct of ______ in ACT is based on the idea that to function most optimally, we need to be in contact with what is going on around us now, not caught in the past, future, or our own convoluted thoughts.
  23. Dialectical behavior therapy focuses particularly on _______________.
  24. The acronym FEAR in ACT stands for __________.
  25. John has a tendency to blindly take events and experiences as basic truths about himself. He has difficulty with ______, according to ACT?
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  1. COUC 510 Exam 3
  2. COUC 510 Exam 3 Set 2