CEFS 504 Quiz 2

CEFS 504 Quiz 2 Social Justice

  1. According to Hays, Chang, and Chaney (2007), __________ is a reason counselors do not engage in social justice counseling.
  2. All of the following are examples of empowerment EXCEPT
  3. All of the following are considered “personal action steps” that counselors can take as social advocates EXCEPT
  4. __________ are the 3 tiers of the three-tier model of social advocacy.
  5. A key aspect of empowerment involves _______, or the behaviors and attitudes that clients identify as beneficial in coping with stressful situations and adversity.
  6. is the notion that all individuals, regardless of racial makeup, can succeed if they try.
  7. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of White supremacy?
  8. Focusing only on racial dynamics in a counseling relationship refers to
  9. Institutional racism is closely related to and often used interchangeably with
  10. Which of the following is NOT true about White racial identity development with respect to White privilege awareness?
  11. The ability to move between social class levels is referred to as
  12. Counselors can improve their ability to address classism by
  13. Ensuring access to sufficient food is an example of
  14. refers to using a position of class privilege to separate oneself from socioeconomic injustice.
  15. It is possible to move between wealth and poverty, but __________ remains more consistent.
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