CEFS 504 Quiz 1

CEFS 504 Quiz 1

  1. The intrapersonal and interpersonal process in which individuals engage to build a clearer and more complex cultural identity is known as
  2. _________ disabilities represent the majority of disabilities.
  3. Self-disclosure is an example of
  4. Ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, and spirituality are examples of
  5. Developing multicultural counseling competency involves a
  6. may result when counselors cannot convey understanding to culturally and linguistically different clients.
  7. refers to the often unconscious and unearned power, access to resources, advantage, and social position based on cultural group memberships.
  8. When working with culturally diverse clients, it is essential to remember that there are more __________ differences than __________ differences.
  9. During the __________ stage of the Troiden (1989) model of sexual identity development, individuals are most likely to become aware of same-sex attraction.
  10. McCarn and Fassinger’s (1996) model of sexual minority identity formation
  11. The statement, “I don’t tell racist jokes, but I admit I sometimes laugh. I don’t like that I do that” is indicative of the __________ status of Helms’ White Racial Identity Development Model.
  12. The statement, “My identity has changed over time. As I learn more about who I am as a racial being, I choose to define myself differently” is indicative of the __________ status of the People of Color Racial Identity Development Model.
  13. The statement, “I never owned slaves and neither did any of my relatives. I certainly don’t have any privileges because of my race. The bottom line is that if you work hard you get ahead” is indicative of the __________ status of Helms’ White Racial Identity Development Model.
  14. Changes in behavior, cognitions values and beliefs that occur as a cultural minority group comes in contact with the dominant culture is known as
  15. Helms’ People of Color Identity Model includes all of the following statues except
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  1. CEFS 504 Quiz 1