ENGL 201 Age of Reason Quiz

ENGL 201 Quiz The Age of Reason

Covers the Learn material from Module 4: Week 4 — Module 5: Week 5.

  1. Harvard was founded in 1718 in Puritan New Haven to offset rationalism at Yale.
  2. Brought to America at about age 7
  3. Referred to by June Jordan as a “Miracle.”
  4. In this work, Thomas Paine used inspirational language to portray the military situation of the revolutionary war from an optimistic perspective.
  5. Author of the draft of the “The Declaration of Independence.”
  6. Credited as the person who gave America its name: United States of America.
  7. Authored “To the University of Cambridge, in New England.”
  8. Which of the following literary critic referred to Phillis Wheatley as “The best poet of the period”?
  9. An Act that lifted duties on imported tea by India Company.
  10. Isaac Newton suggested that the physical world is a mechanism that operates according to a system of natural laws that can be rationally understood through the application of scientific methods.
  11. Commonly regarded as the greatest propagandist of the American Revolution.
  12. Replaced Locke’s “life, liberty, and property” with “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
  13. First African-American woman to publish a book of poetry.
  14. In 1767, Phyllis Wheatley published her first poem in Rhode Island Newspaper.
  15. Benjamin Franklin authored The Autobiography.
  16. In the “Declaration of Independence,” Jefferson uses a dignified, formal language.
  17. Treatise on religion was intended to be what he called “the theology that is true.”
  18. Which of the following literary critic called Phillis Wheatley “Phillis Miracle”?
  19. Wrote an elegy on the death of Reverend George Whiteeld.
  20. He said “religion indeed has produced a Phillis Wheatley; but it could not produce a poet.”
  21. Anonymously wrote “Silence Dogood”
  22. The book of this author is an example of the rag-to-riches literature that offered an optimistic American ideal.
  23. The clause too, reprobating the enslaving the inhabitants of Africa, was struck out in complaisance to South Carolina and Georgia, who had never attempted to restrain the importation of slaves, and who, on the contrary, still wished to continue it. Our northern brethren also, I believe, felt a little tender under those censures; for though their people had very few slaves themselves, yet they had been pretty considerable carriers of them to others. This statement was written by
  24. Wrote an inspirational essay that Washington read to troops during the American Revolution.
  25. Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography is a deeply personal guide to life for his son and does not address his involvement in the French and Indian War or his diplomatic mission to England.
  26. First act of community betterment was the founding of a public library.
  27. Rationalists did not view human beings as free agents whose minds work as they themselves choose.
  28. The style and subject matter of this writer resembles that of earlier colonial writers such as Michael Wigglesworth and Anne Bradstreet.
  29. Adopted the plain style “to make those who can scarcely read understand.”
  30. Focuses on way to moral perfection and expounds 13 virtues of his self-improvement course.
  31. Thomas Jefferson authored Autobiography.
  32. Viewed America as an Edenic place of new beginnings and regeneration.
  33. Sailed to England to publish the 1st volume of poetry; was received by Benjamin Franklin.
  34. Described Phillis Wheatley’s poetry as “elegant lines . . . the style and manner exhibit a striking proof of … poetical talents….”
  35. One of the reasoning of the “Declaration of Independence” is the notion that civil government is founded on idea of human equality, and not on monarchy and Aristocratic society in England.
  36. American patriots adopted the theory of the source of government beginning with the people, justifying the American Revolution.
  37. In this work, Thomas Paine outlined the rewards of victory and the consequences of defeat.
  38. Described by Martin Day as “The best poet of the period.”
  39. The 13 virtues of self-improvement course that Benjamin Franklin expounded included the fear of God.
  40. This author grew up in a fixed and prejudged position in then society, but with a stroke of a pen, she became a poet and gained prominence and upward social mobility.
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