APOL 520 Exam 1

APOL 520 Exam 1 Liberty

APOL 520 Quiz 1

APOL 520 Quiz 2

Set 1

  1. Which of the following is not a charge brought against Christians by the Romans?
  2. According to Augustine, the existence of God can be demonstrated by indubitable arguments.
  3. Which of the following books was written by Athanasius?
  4. The conversation between Origen and Celsus is focused on:
  5. Justin Martyr’s two Apologies were primarily concerned with:
  6. In light of which of the following OT texts did the earliest preaching view the passion?
  7. Which of the following doctrines did the Athenians find incredulous?
  8. Unlike the earlier apologists, later patristic authors:
  9. In which of the following does Paul appear to distrust and reject philosophy?
  10. What was one difficulty standing in the way of an apologetic use of miracles, according to Augustine?
  11. According to Dulles, the New Testament writers, unlike apologists of the next centuries, do not engage in arguments with unbelievers or vacillating believers as to why one should be a Christian.
  12. According to Athanasius’ painter analogy, Christ is analogous to:
  13. Who was one of Origen’s opponents?
  14. Which of the following is Origen’s Platonic conversation partner?
  15. Which of the following two Gospels constitutes a two-volume work?
  16. To which of these pagan practices does Justin Martyr make reference in his defense of immortality?
  17. Tertullian critiques the pagan idea that the gods:
  18. What is the philosophical concept Irenaeus uses to refer to the fact that God contains everything and there is nothing beyond Him?
  19. The Gospel of John is primarily addressed to unbelievers.
  20. Which need of the early church is met by Luke’s theology of redemptive history?
  21. According to the Evangelists, the miracles:
  22. Dialogue with Trypho the Jew was written by:
  23. The point of departure for Augustine’s apologetic was:
  24. Athanasius’ appreciation of the “signs of the times” was:
  25. According to Dulles, since the Gospels are narrative in form and contain little sustained argumentation, they contain no apologetical ingredients.
  26. What are the shortcomings of Manichaeism and Neoplatonism in their views of divine sovereignty, according to Augustine?
  27. Briefly describe the apologetic use Augustine makes of the sacking of Rome in The City of God.

Set 2

  1. In what passage does Paul refer to the worship of an “unknown God”?
  2. In which of the following does Paul appear to distrust and reject philosophy?
  3. The point of departure for Augustine’s apologetic was:
  4. What was one difficulty standing in the way of an apologetic use of miracles, according to Augustine?
  5. According to Dulles, the New Testament writers, unlike apologists of the next centuries, do not engage in arguments with unbelievers or vacillating believers as to why one should be a Christian.
  6. The Gospel of John was written in order to refute heretics.
  7. What apologetic use does Augustine make of the atrocities during the sacking of Rome?
  8. In which of the Gospels are the miracles studied from the point of view of their symbolic or didactic significance?
  9. Tertullian critiques the pagan idea that the gods:
  10. To which of these pagan practices does Justin Martyr make reference in his defense of immortality?
  11. Which of the following books was written by Athanasius?
  12. According to Paul, what is the ultimate source of all the moral degradation of the pagan world?
  13. According to the Evangelists, the miracles:
  14. Which need of the early church is met by Luke’s theology of redemptive history?
  15. Athanasius’ appreciation of the “signs of the times” was:
  16. Which of the following doctrines did the Athenians find incredulous?
  17. Which of the following is Origen’s Platonic conversation partner?
  18. In which of the Gospels are the miracles presented primarily as works of divine power, evoking wonder and amazement?
  19. Who was one of Origen’s opponents?
  20. Matthew’s apologetical significance consists in:
  21. Which of these shifts has taken place in what Dulles calls the “later traditions” of Luke and John?
  22. Which Roman emperor does Tertullian’s Apology address?
  23. According to Athanasius, in the incarnation:
  24. In light of which of the following OT texts did the earliest preaching view the passion?
  25. Why does Justin Martyr claim that some ancient pagans were Christians, even if they appeared to be atheists?
  26. What are the shortcomings of Manichaeism and Neoplatonism in their views of divine sovereignty, according to Augustine?
  27. Briefly describe the apologetic use Augustine makes of the sacking of Rome in The City of God.
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  1. APOL 520 Exam 1 Set 2
  2. APOL 520 Exam 1