PSYC 575 Quiz Reasoning

PSYC 575 Quiz: Reasoning, Decision Making, and Language Structure & Comprehension

  1. Which region of Anne’s brain will be activated as she sees some inconsistent evidence of a research study she participated in?
  2. If you eat uncooked food, then you will become sick.
  3. Craig and Delia are married. Delia is the mother of Jane. That Delia is older than Jane is a(n) _____ inference.
  4. What type of reasoning processes are slow and deliberate and make heavy demands on working memory?
  5. People show high levels of logical reasoning with:
  6. reasoning is concerned with conclusions that probabilistically follow from the premises.
  7. Based on what you know of the atmosphere hypothesis and given the following premises, which conclusion should participants select?
  8. Training in logic _____ in better performance on the original Wason card- selection task.
  9. When judging meaningful content, _____ regions of the brain are active.
  10. Based on what you know of the atmosphere hypothesis and given the following premises, which conclusion should participants select?
  11. Greene et al. (2001) found that the _____ is activated when one considers an impersonal dilemma.
  12. Which statement is NOT true of Gluck and Bower’s (1988) study on Bayesian behavior?
  13. The medial portion of the anterior prefrontal region is important to:
  14. Evidence suggests that individuals rely on:
  15. You are the mayor of a city. You have received word of an imminent attack that has the potential to destroy the entire town. Your best architect builds a shelter, but he cannot gather enough supplies. He tells you that the shelter cannot accommodate 600 of the town’s 800 citizens. However, if you allow all 800 citizens into the shelter, there is a one-fourth probability that nobody will die, but a three-fourths probability that the supplies will run out and everyone will die. You decide to hold an emergency town meeting to have the townspeople vote on what to do. Based on what you know about framing effects, how should they vote?
  16. You are the mayor of a city. You have received word of an imminent attack that has the potential to destroy the entire town. Your best architect builds a shelter, but he cannot gather enough supplies. He tells you that the shelter can safely accommodate 200 of the town’s 800 citizens. If you allow all 800 citizens into the shelter, there is a one-fourth probability that all will be saved, but a three-fourths probability that the supplies will run out and no one will be saved. You decide to hold an emergency town meeting to have the townspeople vote on what to do. Based on what you know about framing effects, how will they vote?
  17. _____ have the dopamine reward system described in the text.
  18. In the Iowa gambling task, participants with ventromedial prefrontal cortex damage:
  19. The probability of a reward is represented in the activity of the:
  20. A(n) _____ probability is the probability that a hypothesis is true before consideration of the evidence.
  21. When speakers correct themselves, they tend to correct:
  22. The application of linguistic knowledge in speaking or listening is referred to as linguistic:
  23. ambiguities arise when an entire phase or sentence has two or more meanings.
  24. The sentence “He is very interested in cranes” is an example of a _____ ambiguity.
  25. Wernicke’s area is located in the _____ region of the brain.
  26. All the possible sentences in any language are constructed from a _____ number of components.
  27. Broca’s area is located in the _____ region of the brain.
  28. Children might use the word dog to refer to any furry four-legged animal. This is an example of:
  29. By the age of 5.5, Kanzi’s comprehension of spoken English was equivalent to that of a _____-year-old human.
  30. How many hours may a 6-year-old have spent in the language-acquisition process?
  31. The meaning of a sentence is defined in terms of the _____ structure.
  32. Given “The splinter was removed quickly. Shelly’s mom used new tweezers,” the sentence “Shelly’s mom removed the splinter” is an example of a(n):
  33. The sentence “The bass is a dull gray” is an example of a _____ ambiguity.
  34. According to the principle of immediacy of interpretation, we immediately interpret _____ as we encounter them.
  35. The _____ is an indicant of difficulty in syntactic processing as recorded in event-related potentials (ERPs) from the brain.
  36. A participant reads “Lena clapped the kitten to Vick.” The researcher should expect to see _____ recorded in event-related potentials (ERPs) from the brain.
  37. Individuals often need extra time at a _____ boundary to complete semantic processing.
  38. A participant reads “Lena gave the kitten Vick.” The researcher should expect to see _____ recorded in event-related potentials (ERPs) from the brain.
  39. Loftus and Zanni (1975) had participants watch a film of an automobile accident. They found that participants were more likely to report a broken headlight when asked:
  40. Which of the following is NOT a base for resolving the reference of pronouns, as noted by Just and Carpenter (1987)?
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  • Liberty University