PSYC 645 Quiz 3 Disorders of Learning

PSYC 645 Quiz 3: Disorders of Learning and Intellectual Functioning

  1. Which of the following infants is most at-risk of developing a feeding disorder ?
  2. Which of the following sleep-wake disorders is most likely to remain stable over time?
  3. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT regarding the developmental course of sleep-wake cycle in early childhood?
  4. The Lipperts have adopted an infant who is at risk for Reactive Attachment Disorder. Based on the supports they are able to provide in their home which area of development is likely to show improvement first?
  5. Research has identified a link between young children who are uninhibited and less reactive to what types of childhood disorders?
  6. An infant who is timid and shy may be at risk for developing an anxiety disorder. Timidity and shyness are considered which type of risk factor?
  7. Who of the following is more likely to have a co-current sleep-wake disorder ?
  8. Ellen’s parents noticed that even as a young infant she was alert, active and engaged in her environment. The characteristics they noticed could be related to Ellen’s
  9. Which of the following is an attachment disorder described in the DSM-5 ?
  10. Based on one of the primary developmental tasks of infancy, most early psychopathological disorders manifest themselves in what aspect of an infant’s development?
  11. During the Christmas festivities, baby Ellen becomes fussy around her parents and cries loudly when passed to unfamiliar family members. This is an example of Ellen’s:
  12. One of the reasons it is dicult to accurately diagnosis clinical syndromes in very young infants is related to which of the following factors?
  13. According to researchers which of the following is essential in making a diagnosis of an attachment disorder in infancy?
  14. Which of the following intellectual developmental disorders is caused by a microdeletion?
  15. Alex is a 9-year-old who has recently been diagnosed with a specific learning disorder in reading. Which of the following statements is most likely true about Alex?
  16. The plans that are developed for students who qualify for special education services are known as:
  17. According to Siegler, poverty has a negative impact on intellectual development through all EXCEPT which of the following mechanisms?
  18. Which of the following statements best summarizes the Gottfredson’s (1997) premise related to intelligence? Intelligence is primarily reflected in an individuals’ ability to
  19. Schwiesow, a school psychologist, is trained to evaluate young children who may have intellectual developmental disorders. Her standard assessments most likely include all EXCEPT which of the following?
  20. Angela is particularly good at learning new mathematical concepts while her mother excels at applying organizational skills to her career as a CEO. Angela is demonstrating the concept of _______ intelligence while her mother is demonstrating the concept of
  21. It can be inferred from the discussion on intervention in the text that the most effective protocol for treating children with intellectual developmental disorders is:
  22. Jordan’s research focuses on how social communication changes from early childhood to adolescence in children diagnosed with Down syndrome. Her research addresses which of the key issues related to intelligence.
  23. The statement that “genes that influence the development of LDs are generalists” indicates the concept that:
  24. Another name used to describe individuals with mild forms of intellectual disability is _____ intellectual developmental disorder.
  25. Joshua is a 14-year-old child with Down syndrome. If he is like other children with this syndrome, he is likely to follow which course of development?
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  1. PSYC 645 Quiz 3 Disorders of Learning
  • Liberty University