PSYC 645 Quiz Eating Disorders

PSYC 645 Quiz: Eating Disorders

  1. One of the main goals of cognitive behavioral therapy for eating disorders (CBT-E) is to
  2. Characteristics of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder include all of the following EXCEPT:
  3. The most successful intervention programs for adolescents with eating disorders:
  4. It is not unusual for a child to be first diagnosed with anorexia nervosa at age 12 and then bulimia nervosa at age 18. This is known as:
  5. Children growing up in third world countries are less likely to develop eating disorders. One of the factors related to this decreased risk is a result of which of the following?
  6. Which of the following sociocultural factors is the best predictor for development of an eating disorder?
  7. Who of the following is most likely to experience body dissatisfaction?
  8. Which of the following is an example of a common compensatory behavior observed with a diagnosis of bulimia nervosa?
  9. The best age at which to focus preventative measures for eating disorders is
  10. For the last 6 months, about twice a week, David binge-eats an excessive amount of food right before going to bed even though he is not hungry. When eating, David experiences a feeling of lack of control over what he is doing, and then he feels guilty and embarrassed about what he has done. David doesn’t engage in any compensatory behaviors and he doesn’t experience much concern about his body weight or shape. The best diagnosis for David is:
  11. Renee has been restricting her food consumption for over 10 years and was recently hospitalized for the third time in 6 months for severe dehydration and related heart conditions. Given this pattern Renee is at higher than average risk for which of the following?
  12. Insa was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa when she was 13 years old. Based on this diagnosis, Insa is at higher risk for which of the following as an older adolescent?
  13. According to Sherwood and Neumark-Sztainer (2001), the media’s influence on body image is:
  14. Child factors associated with the development of eating disorders include which of the following?
  15. Brooke has been involved in ballet since she was 4 years old, has always earned straight As at school, plays two musical instruments in a competitive youth orchestra, and recently graduated 1st in her class at Harvard. Despite these accomplishments Brooke continues to push herself to set higher goals for herself and fears possible failure in these goals. Brooke’s pattern of behaviors may put her at risk for the development of an eating disorder related to which of the following?
  16. The emergence of eating disorders….
  17. Though not official diagnostic criteria of the eating disorders, which of the following symptoms often are present in people diagnosed with eating disorders?
  18. According to recent studies the strongest predictor for body dissatisfaction for 4th – 6th grade children is
  19. Which of the following statements best captures the current view on the role of families in the development of eating disorders?
  20. Kylie has 35 dolls—all blond and thin. She looks at her own thighs that touch at the top and then marvels at the thigh gap on the dolls. Kylie thinks, “I bet if I stop eating cupcakes, I’ll look as good in high heels as my doll does in hers.” This is an example of which of the following?
  21. In-patient treatment for anorexia nervosa typically focuses initially on which of the following?
  22. Why are group interventions for eating disorders sometimes ineffective?
  23. The authors of the text would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding the development of body image?
  24. One’s perception of his/her physical appearance is referred to as ___________; while one’s degree of pleasure (or displeasure) with his/her physical appearance is referred to as
  25. One of the primary differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa is:
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  1. PSYC 645 Eating Disorders
  • Liberty University