EDCO 790 Quiz 3

EDCO 790 Quiz 3 Trauma Experiences and Counseling Approaches

Module 5: Week 5 – Module 6: Week 6

  1. Following atrocities, “poisonous knowledge” refers to the interaction between
  2. Psychological and stress reactions have developed in soldiers because of all but which one of the following factors
  3. The most common type of hate crime is
  4. Which of the following, regarding counseling students for school violence related issues, is not one of the factors recommended in Levers?
  5. The single leading cause of weather-related deaths is from
  6. Which character trait is referred to the most in the Straub and Monroe presentation?
  7. Card, in Levers, said that gray zones have three dominant features that the inhabitants exhibit which includes all but which of the following
  8. Civilians have been increasingly targeted as a strategy of warfare and political struggle, beginning wit h
  9. Which of the following is not one of the three stages of helping?
  10. Over recorded history, _____ has/have taken more lives than all of Earth’s wars combined.
  11. In his book, On Killing, Lieut. Col. Dave Grossman indicates that there is a significant psychological factor in most human beings (an intense resistance to killing their fellow man) which leads to only a fraction of the troops actually firing on the enemy. Which one of the following is not true
  12. A technique that involves clenching and then releasing muscles is called
  13. Counselors should always assess potential for the presence of , because it will undermine the treatment of PTSD, according to the presenters.
  14. Based on having read the discussion in Levers, what would Hitler’s killing of millions of Jews in World War II be classified as today?
  15. A series of gentle often open-ended inquiries that allow the client to progressively examine the assumptions and interpretations here she is made about the victimization experience is called
  16. The ACE study has linked health risk behavior and disease in adulthood to exposure to all but which one of the following
  17. The number one thing to do when building relationships within the culture is:
  18. Phases of disaster, in psychological terms, includes all but which one of the following
  19. Which biblical example is used by Straub and Monroe when referring to helping those in need?
  20. Central treatment principles espoused by Briere include all except which one of the following?
  21. For individuals with intrusive symptoms, intensive will typically be recommended.
  22. In discussing his basic philosophy of trauma, recovery, and growth, Briere borrows a concept from Rogers, that of
  23. According to Straub and Monroe, accurate assessment of symptoms directs proper
  24. Soldiers of today are more likely to kill during combat than the soldiers in previous years due to
  25. What country is referred to the most in the Straub and Monroe presentation?

Other sets

  1. Over recorded history, _____ has/have taken more lives than all of Earth’s wars combined.
  2. The three C’s in workplace violence include all but which one of the following?
  3. For individuals with intrusive symptoms, intensive will typically be recommended.
  4. In discussing his basic philosophy of trauma, recovery, and growth, Briere borrows concept from Rogers, that of
  5. The concept of “compounded community trauma” was introduced in a study of urban female adolescents. The findings indicated that “normal” life in their community resulted in roughly ______ meeting the criteria for PTSD.
  6. According to Straub and Monroe, accurate assessment of symptoms directs proper
  7. The single leading cause of weather-related deaths is from
  8. Central treatment principles espoused by Briere include all except which one of the following?
  9. Civilians have been increasingly targeted as a strategy of warfare and political struggle, beginning wit h
  10. Which one of the following is not included in the developmental three stage model for intervention in disaster mental health?
  11. A technique that involves clenching and then releasing muscles is called
  12. Which character trait is referred to the most in the Straub and Monroe presentation?
  13. What country is referred to the most in the Straub and Monroe presentation?
  14. In discussing evil, an interesting statement is made in which the author states that the basis of prejudice is
  15. Four key themes emerge while moving from a psychological and legal level to a more sociological and political perspective regarding genocide. Which one of the following is not included?
  16. Which of the following is not one of the three stages of helping?
  17. A series of gentle often open-ended inquiries that allow the client to progressively examine the assumptions and interpretations here she is made about the victimization experience is called
  18. The number one thing to do when building relationships within the culture is:
  19. Based on having read the discussion in Levers, what would Hitler’s killing of millions of Jews in World War II be classified as today?
  20. A criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin is considered.
  21. Which biblical example is used when referring to helping those in need?
  22. Counselors should always assess potential for the presence of , because it will undermine the treatment of PTSD, according to the presenters.
  23. Which of the following, regarding counseling students for school violence related issues, is not one of the factors recommended in Levers?
  24. The term “despair marriages” refers to
  25. Which one of the following is not one of the more commonly discussed forms of interpersonal workplace aggression?

Set 2

  1. Which biblical example is used when referring to helping those in need?
  2. Based on having read the discussion in Levers, what would Hitler’s killing of millions of Jews in World War II be classified as today?
  3. According to Straub and Monroe, accurate assessment of symptoms directs proper
  4. Which character trait is referred to the most in the Straub and Monroe presentation?
  5. Which one of the following is not one of the more commonly discussed forms of interpersonal workplace aggression?
  6. For individuals with intrusive symptoms, intensive will typically be recommended.
  7. Which of the following, regarding counseling students for school violence related issues, is not one of the factors recommended in Levers?
  8. A technique that involves clenching and then releasing muscles is called
  9. A series of gentle often open-ended inquiries that allow the client to progressively examine the assumptions and interpretations here she is made about the victimization experience is called
  10. Which of the following is not one of the three stages of helping?
  11. The single leading cause of weather-related deaths is from
  12. The term “despair marriages” refers to
  13. Four key themes emerge while moving from a psychological and legal level to a more sociological and political perspective regarding genocide. Which one of the following is not included?
  14. Counselors should always assess potential for the presence of , because it will undermine the treatment of PTSD, according to the presenters.
  15. Over recorded history, _____ has/have taken more lives than all of Earth’s wars combined.
  16. The concept of “compounded community trauma” was introduced in a study of urban female adolescents. The findings indicated that “normal” life in their community resulted in roughly ______ meeting the criteria for PTSD.
  17. In discussing evil, an interesting statement is made in which the author states that the basis of prejudice is
  18. The three C’s in workplace violence include all but which one of the following?
  19. What country is referred to the most in the Straub and Monroe presentation?
  20. Which one of the following is not included in the developmental three stage model for intervention in disaster mental health?
  21. Central treatment principles espoused by Briere include all except which one of the following?
  22. A criminal offense committed against a person, property, or society that is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender’s bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin is considered.
  23. In discussing his basic philosophy of trauma, recovery, and growth, Briere borrows concept from Rogers, that of
  24. The number one thing to do when building relationships within the culture is:
  25. Civilians have been increasingly targeted as a strategy of warfare and political struggle, beginning wit h
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  1. EDCO 790 Quiz 3
  2. EDCO 790 Quiz 3 Trauma Experiences
  3. EDCO 790 Trauma Experiences Quiz 3
  • Liberty University