EDCO 790 Quiz 4

EDCO 790 Quiz 4 Trauma Intervention and Work Environment

Covers the Learn material from Module 7: Week 7 – Module 8: Week 8.

  1. Which type of medication can be addictive, according to Dr. Lyles?
  2. Which of the following is not true of Secondary Traumatic Stress?
  3. The assumption that even a trauma victim is competent to make his or her own decisions and give informed consent to treatment is covered under which ethical principle?
  4. Which of the following is not one of the five essential elements in trauma recovery identified by Hobfall et al.
  5. What neurochemical response is common to all addictive substances and explain repeated use in spite of negative consequences?
  6. Briere and Scott recommend integrating mindfulness in trauma therapy in the following ways, EXCEPT
  7. Which of the following “wounded healer” aspects of ethical practice is not true? Counselors must
  8. Which of the following is NOT true of a trauma victim’s transformation to becoming a survivor, according to Levers?
  9. involves facilitating confrontation of feared objects, situations, images, and things that are associated with the traumatic event
  10. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, prescriptions are written for psychotropic drugs
  11. The core principle behind mindfulness therapy is
  12. Which category of medications is most frequently prescribed for patients with PTSD?
  13. Which trauma treatment technique integrates present-focused experiential, neurobiological, cognitive, affective, recall, enactment, and kinesiologic therapies?
  14. Briere and Scott describe psychotropic medications in general as
  15. When treating acute trauma survivors, Briere and Scott suggest the following therapeutic principles are especially critical, EXCEPT
  16. The practice of “adrenaline junkies” may be best explained by
  17. Which of the following is not one of the common signs of stress?
  18. Which treatment approach for acute stress disorder has the most empirical support?
  19. Levers and colleagues describe a paradigm shift in counseling, leading to
  20. Neuroimaging studies of individuals with PTSD show
  21. An increased sense of control is associated with stress reduction, if such efforts
  22. Sapolsky identified a group of people with overactive stress responses who are neither depressed, anxious, nor aggressive and who lead structured and productive lives. They what type of personality?
  23. Sapolsky argues that the relationships among low SES, stress, and poor health is best explained by:
  24. Who coined the term “vicarious traumatization?”
  25. need to be the people who help address trauma and stress, according to Dr. Scalise.

Other sets

  1. The core principle behind mindfulness therapy is
  2. Briere and Scott describe psychotropic medications in general as
  3. Briere and Scott recommend integrating mindfulness in trauma therapy in the following ways, EXCEPT
  4. Sapolsky argues that the relationships among low SES, stress, and poor health is best explained by:
  5. Rudick’s wellness model uses the following metaphor:
  6. Which treatment approach for acute stress disorder has the most empirical support?
  7. Who coined the term “vicarious traumatization?”
  8. What neurochemical response is common to all addictive substances and explain repeated use in spite of negative consequences?
  9. Which trauma treatment technique integrates present-focused experiential, neurobiological, cognitive, affective, recall, enactment, and kinesiologic therapies?
  10. Sapolsky identified a group of people with overactive stress responses who are neither depressed, anxious, nor aggressive and who lead structured and productive lives. They what type of personality?
  11. Levers and colleagues describe a paradigm shift in counseling, leading to
  12. According to Ventura, trauma treatment can be divided into two distinct categories:
  13. involves facilitating confrontation of feared objects, situations, images, and things that are associated with the traumatic event
  14. Neuroimaging studies of individuals with PTSD show
  15. Which category of medications is most frequently prescribed for patients with PTSD?
  16. need to be the people who help address trauma and stress, according to Dr. Scalise.
  17. Which of the following is NOT true of a trauma victim’s transformation to becoming a survivor, according to Tarvydas and Ng?
  18. The practice of “adrenaline junkies” may be best explained by
  19. The concept of the “wounded healer” encompasses the following, EXCEPT
  20. Secondary Traumatic Stress is
  21. When treating acute trauma survivors, Briere and Scott suggest the following therapeutic principles are especially critical, EXCEPT
  22. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, of all prescriptions are written for psychotropic drugs
  23. An increased sense of control is associated with stress reduction, if such efforts
  24. The assumption that even a trauma victim is competent to make his or her own decisions and give informed consent to treatment is covered under which ethical principle?
  25. Which type of medication can be addictive, according to Dr. Lyles?

Set 2

  1. Who coined the term “vicarious traumatization?”
  2. According to Ventura, trauma treatment can be divided into two distinct categories:
  3. Secondary Traumatic Stress is
  4. Which type of medication can be addictive, according to Dr. Lyles?
  5. __involves facilitating confrontation of feared objects, situations, images, and things that are associated with the traumatic event
  6. Briere and Scott recommend integrating mindfulness in trauma therapy in the following ways, EXCEPT
  7. An increased sense of control is associated with stress reduction, if such efforts
  8. The practice of “adrenaline junkies” may be best explained by
  9. The assumption that even a trauma victim is competent to make his or her own decisions and give informed consent to treatment is covered under which ethical principle?
  10. What neurochemical response is common to all addictive substances and explain repeated use in spite of negative consequences?
  11. Levers and colleagues describe a paradigm shift in counseling, leading to
  12. Briere and Scott describe psychotropic medications in general as
  13. Neuroimaging studies of individuals with PTSD show
  14. Which category of medications is most frequently prescribed for patients with PTSD?
  15. Sapolsky identified a group of people with overactive stress responses who are neither depressed, anxious, nor aggressive and who lead structured and productive lives. They what type of personality?
  16. Which of the following is NOT true of a trauma victim’s transformation to becoming a survivor, according to Tarvydas and Ng?
  17. The core principle behind mindfulness therapy is
  18. Which treatment approach for acute stress disorder has the most empirical support?
  19. Which trauma treatment technique integrates present-focused experiential, neurobiological, cognitive, affective, recall, enactment, and kinesiologic therapies?
  20. When treating acute trauma survivors, Briere and Scott suggest the following therapeutic principles are especially critical, EXCEPT
  21. Sapolsky argues that the relationships among low SES, stress, and poor health is best explained by:
  22. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, prescriptions are written for psychotropic drugs
  23. The concept of the “wounded healer” encompasses the following, EXCEPT
  24. need to be the people who help address trauma and stress, according to Dr. Scalise.
  25. Rudick’s wellness model uses the following metaphor:
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  1. EDCO 790 Quiz 4
  2. EDCO 790 Quiz 4 2023
  3. EDCO 790 Trauma Intervention Quiz 4
  • Liberty University