SOWK 300 Exam 1

SOWK 300 Exam 1 Liberty University

Set 1

  1. When Jack eats a dozen cookies and gets sick, his parents laugh and say, “I guess you will learn”. Which type of parenting style is this?
  2. Jack (4-year-old) believes that it is his fault that his father left the family. This incident reflects what kind of reasoning?
  3. How much paid leave does the United States offer its parents when they have a child?
  4. A trajectory is:
  5. Disjoint agency is defined as agency that:
  6. Attachment is the ability to:
  7. Which of the following are challenges that gay and lesbian parents might face?
  8. A theory of Erikson based on the task of finding one’s place in the world through self-certainty versus apathy is called:
  9. Which level of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development suggest that moral reasoning is based on social contracts and cooperation?
  10. Which of the following is a typical biological change in late (18-20) adolescence?
  11. The ability of an infant to move and manipulate her or his action is called:
  12. According to Ainsworth’s theory of attachment, when a child is reluctant to explore the playroom and clings to the mother, it is considered to be which of the following types of attachment?
  13. A turning point is:
  14. A major theme of the life course perspective which suggests that individual and family development must be understood in a past context is:
  15. Tools which newborns have for survival that are involuntary responses to simple stimuli are called:
  16. During which of the following stages of pregnancy is smoking considered to impact critical brain development and contribute to subsequent behavioral problems?
  17. Schools that provide school-linked health and social services are called:
  18. A life event is:
  19. The capacities that people have and the skills they use to adapt to changing biological and environmental demands is:
  20. When an infant’s toes spread when the soles of the feet are stroked this is called:
  21. A major theme of the life course perspective which suggests that experiences with one life transition have an impact on subsequent transitions and events and may either guard the life course trajectory or put it at risk is:
  22. Which of the following genes will only be expressed if the responsible gene is present on each chromosome of the relevant pair?
  23. A major theme of the life course perspective which suggests that human lives are interdependent, and the family is the primary arena for experiencing and interpreting wider historical, cultural, and social phenomena is:
  24. The behaviors that are expected of people of a specific age in a given society at a particular point in time is referred to as:
  25. Most 3 year olds can:
  26. A cohort is:
  27. Adolescents more likely to report depression, hopelessness, and suicidal thinking are:
  28. When an infant thrusts outward when released in midair, as if attempting to regain support, it is called:
  29. Which of the following is a social environmental protective factor?
  30. What poses the most significant threat to health child development?
  31. A type of toddler play where they create and construct objects is called:
  32. Fine motor skills, the ability to move and manipulate objects:
  33. A person’s level of biological development and physical health, as measured by the functioning of the various organ systems indicates:
  34. Which level of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development suggests that moral reasoning is based on the approval of authorities?
  35. Which of the following is a parental/family childhood protective factor?
  36. A phase of middle childhood in which children develop the capacity to cooperate and create, as espoused by Erikson, is called the:
  37. The current position of the American Academy of Pediatrics on toilet training is:
  38. Policies and laws that regulate timing of social role transitions is referred to as:
  39. A 15-year old daughter’s ceremony, in Latino families, is called:
  40. By ____ weeks, the fetus is considered viable in many hospitals.
  41. A perspective which looks at how chronological age, relationships, common life transitions, and social change shape people’s lives from birth to death is known as:
  42. Infants weighing less than 3 pounds 3 ounces are termed:
  43. Which of the following is not one of the three types of temperament?
  44. Which of the following approaches proposes that moral behavior is shaped by environmental reinforcements and punishments?
  45. A sequence of significant events, experiences, and transitions in a person’s life from birth to death is known as:
  46. Age-graded roles and behaviors expected by society is:
  47. During which of the following stages of pregnancy is the fetus considered to be viable?
  48. Bioethical questions of concern to social workers include:
  49. Self-efficacy is defined as:
  50. Which of the following is not one of the three conclusions reported by the Society for Research on Adolescence regarding adolescents and their relationships with their families:

Set 2

  1. The development of a self or identity that is unique and separate is called:
  2. Tools which newborns have for survival that are involuntary responses to simple stimuli are called:
  3. To ease separation from a caregiver, toddlers often make use of a:
  4. Which level of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development suggests that moral reasoning is based on whether behavior is rewarded or punished?
  5. Disjoint agency is defined as agency that:
  6. Young children in their second year of development are generally referred to as:
  7. Which of the following is a child/individual risk factor?
  8. A part of identity, as suggested by Rosenberg, that is made up physical traits and contribute a great deal to sense of self is called:
  9. The recognition of many types of family structures is called:
  10. Age-graded roles and behaviors expected by society is:
  11. The story of Phoung and her family’s experience resettling in southern California after spending two years in a refugee camp highlights:
  12. By ____ weeks, the fetus is considered viable in many hospitals.
  13. A cohort is:
  14. Fine motor skills, the ability to move and manipulate objects:
  15. Most 5 year olds can:
  16. Which of the following is not one of the three conclusions reported by the Society for Research on Adolescence regarding adolescents and their relationships with their families:
  17. Privilege can be described from a life course perspective as:
  18. Bioethical questions of concern to social workers include:
  19. According to the book, which of the following institutions continues to play a pivotal role in reinforcing segregation and deculturalizing various groups of children?
  20. Policies and laws that regulate timing of social role transitions is referred to as:
  21. When infants turn in the direction of any stimulus when their cheek is touched it is called:
  22. Which of the following is a child/individual protective factor?
  23. Which of the following terms represents the fertilized egg?
  24. How much paid leave does the United States offer its parents when they have a child?
  25. In terms of play, what kind of play activities increase during middle childhood?
  26. A theory of Marcia based on the task of developing one of the following identity statuses: identity diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, or identity achievement is called:
  27. “Unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance” is:
  28. In the story of Emma Suarez, her roles and responsibilities changed after she gave birth to Maria. This change in roles and statuses is called a:
  29. Which of the following is NOT a common emotional gain during middle childhood?
  30. The important themes of development during early childhood include:
  31. The population pyramid helps us:
  32. Terri and Ron are fighting over who gets to play with the new train station. Which type of aggression is this?
  33. Which of the following are challenges that gay and lesbian parents might face?
  34. In early childhood, the two hemispheres of the brain begin to operate slightly differently, which allows for a wider range of activity. Which of the following defines this process?
  35. Studies show that women who use doulas experience:
  36. Which of the following is a parental/family childhood protective factor?
  37. An average pregnancy lasts how many days when calculated from fertilization age?
  38. Fair distribution of goods and resources in society is:
  39. A plan which charts a course for ensuring that each child with a disability achieves as much as possible in the academic realm is called a(n):
  40. Which of the following is a social/environmental childhood risk factor?
  41. An off-time transition means that it:
  42. ____________ and ___________ women have twice the infertility rate but use infertility services significantly less.
  43. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, children can run the pictures in a movie (metaphor) backward and forward to better understand how they blend to form a specific meaning. Which of the following represents this stage of development?
  44. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, infants can look at only one frame of the movie (metaphor) at a time. Which of the following represents this stage of development?
  45. Which of the following genes will only be expressed if the responsible gene is present on each chromosome of the relevant pair?
  46. A sequence of significant events, experiences, and transitions in a person’s life from birth to death is known as:
  47. By the fourth year of life, children are usually speaking:
  48. The current position of a person in the ongoing search for meaning and morally fulfilling relationships is:
  49. A phase of middle childhood in which reasoning becomes more logical but remains at concrete levels, as espoused by Piaget, is called the:
  50. Sam (5-year-old) smells chicken at his grandmother’s house and comments that she must be having a party. She indicates that she is not, but Sam thinks another party is going to occur because the last time he smelled chicken she had a party. This incident reflects what kind of reasoning?
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  1. SOWK 300 Exam 1 Set 2
  2. SOWK 300 Exam 1