RLGN 104 Quiz 1 Christian Apologetics

RLGN 104 Quiz Christian Apologetics

  1. In describing “truth”, Powell states:
  2. When Jesus presented the gospel most people accepted it the first time they heard it.
  3. The word worldview is derived from two German words meaning “world” and “perception.”
  4. According to Dr. Lee Strobel, historical truth is not relevant or important to Christianity.
  5. According to Powell, Christianity can be understood as an “antidote” rather than a lifestyle choice or part of a well-balanced religious view.
  6. When Jesus spoke as “one who had authority”:
  7. Christian faith is simply a personal preference, a function of how one was raised, and a worldview that is only supported by emotional considerations.
  8. Hermeneutics is the method of interpreting the Bible.
  9. When Jesus healed the crazed man who lived in a graveyard near Decapolis the people of the city:
  10. A translation of the Bible is most accurate when translated by one, highly educated, highly qualified individual.
  11. Upon returning to the Decapolis region a second time after healing the crazed man who had been cutting himself with rocks, Jesus:
  12. One of the first tasks of Christian apologetics is to provide information.
  13. Studying worldviews helps us better _______.
  14. Apologetics for some is not discovered or understood until after they make a profession of faith. However, apologetics is important for all Christians to engage the culture.
  15. Preaching “the Word” only refers to the Old Testament since the writing of II Timothy 4:2 was before the New Testament was completed.
  16. According to Powell, the majority of Christian apologetics takes place in academic classrooms.
  17. Which of the following is not characteristic of the Bible?
  18. The Greek word for “preach” is a first century word meaning “to proclaim” and implies passion produced by one’s belief.
  19. The church fathers showed that they understood the importance of Jesus’ historicity when they crafted the _______________ Creed
  20. The Christian worldview is verified by appealing to a wide and compelling variety of converging arguments.

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  1. A translation of the Bible is most accurate when translated by one, highly educated, highly qualified individual.
  2. When Jesus presented the gospel most people accepted it the first time they heard it.
  3. The word worldview is derived from two German words meaning “world” and “perception.”
  4. According to Powell, the majority of Christian apologetics takes place in academic classrooms.
  5. According to Powell, “reason” is not the enemy of “faith”.
  6. Ignatius was the Bishop of what ancient city?
  7. Which of the following is not characteristic of the Bible?
  8. The Christian worldview is verified by appealing to a wide and compelling variety of converging arguments.
  9. Studying worldviews helps us better _______.
  10. Christian faith is simply a personal preference, a function of how one was raised, and a worldview that is only supported by emotional considerations.
  11. A Biblical Worldview is a perspective or viewpoint based upon the teachings of the Bible.
  12. When presenting the gospel to people Christians should be:
  13. The Greek word for “preach” is a first century word meaning “to proclaim” and implies passion produced by one’s belief.
  14. When Jesus healed the crazed man who lived in a graveyard near Decapolis the people of the city:
  15. Because of the respect that people had for the Apostle Paul his message of Jesus Christ was accepted by almost everyone who heard him.
  16. When Jesus spoke as “one who had authority”:
  17. According to Powell, Christianity can be understood as an “antidote” rather than a lifestyle choice or part of a well-balanced religious view.
  18. The story of Ignatius is significant in that he was willing to go to his death proclaiming…
  19. Upon returning to the Decapolis region a second time after healing the crazed man who had been cutting himself with rocks, Jesus:
  20. One of the first tasks of Christian apologetics is to provide information.

Other sets

  1. Ignatius was the Bishop of what ancient city?
  2. A Biblical Worldview is a perspective or viewpoint based upon the teachings of the Bible.
  3. The Christian worldview is verified by appealing to a wide and compelling variety of converging arguments.
  4. The church fathers showed that they understood the importance of Jesus’ historicity when they crafted the Creed
  5. When Jesus presented the gospel most people accepted it the “rst time they heard it.
  6. According to Powell, Christianity can be understood as an “antidote” rather than a lifestyle choice or part of a well-balanced religious view.
  7. Christian faith is simply a personal preference, a function of how one was raised, and a worldview that is only supported by emotional considerations.
  8. Apologetics for some is not discovered or understood until after they make a profession of faith. However, apologetics is important for all Christians to engage the culture.
  9. According to Powell, the majority of Christian apologetics takes place in academic classrooms.
  10. According to Dr. Lee Strobel, historical truth is not relevant or important to Christianity.
  11. Studying worldviews helps us better .
  12. The story of Ignatius is significant in that he was willing to go to his death proclaiming…
  13. Hermeneutics is the method of interpreting the Bible.
  14. Preaching “the Word” only refers to the Old Testament since the writing of II Timothy 4:2 was before the New Testament was completed.
  15. A translation of the Bible is most accurate when translated by one, highly educated, highly qualified individual.
  16. Upon returning to the Decapolis region a second time after healing the crazed man who had been cutting himself with rocks, Jesus:
  17. According to Powell, “reason” is not the enemy of “faith”.
  18. In describing “truth”, Powell states:
  19. Which of the following is not characteristic of the Bible?
  20. When Jesus healed the crazed man who lived in a graveyard near Decapolis the people of the city:
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  1. RLGN 104 Quiz 1 2021
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  3. RLGN 104 Quiz_1_Christian_Apologetics
  4. RLGN 104 Quiz Christian Apologetics