PSYC 565 Quiz 1

PSYC 565 Quiz 1

PSYC 565 Quiz: Introduction to Learning, Neuroscience of Learning, Habituation & Sensitization, and Classical Conditioning

Modules 1 – 2: Weeks 1 – 2

  1. _____ is a record of one’s past experiences.
  2. Whose book described a Utopian society in which socially desirable behaviors would be maintained through behaviorist training techniques?
  3. René Descartes:
  4. Which of these scientists is responsible for the number of digits in a standard phone number without the area code?
  5. Who proposed the extreme form of behaviorism known as radical behaviorism?
  6. Which statement is TRUE about subject bias?
  7. Who proposed the law of effect?
  8. If one is driven to work by a friend each day, one will probably learn the route and be able to use it later on, even though there is no reward for using it. This is an example of:
  9. Who would argue that the complex idea of “dog” is comprised of a combination of simpler ideas such as “furry,” “bark,” and “friendly”?
  10. In functional neuroimaging, a difference image is used for determining:
  11. Neurotransmitters that affect activity in entire brain areas, rather than just at a single synapse, are called:
  12. Which statement is TRUE?
  13. What is the name of the narrow gap across which neurons pass chemical messages to each other?
  14. While sitting at a baseball game, Ed feels something crawling up his leg. He is able to realize it before he gets stung. Which part of the cerebral cortex is responsible for this realization?
  15. _____ is the ability of synapses to changes as a result of experience.
  16. Highly superior autobiographical memory (HSAM) is the ability to recall:
  17. According to the Bell–Magendie law of neural specialization:
  18. Which brain structure is involved in helping one learn the coordinated movements necessary for learning to ride a bike?
  19. Repeated exposures to high stress levels during development can increase chances for depression later in life and also put children at risk of developing anxiety disorders such as:
  20. The hippocampus:
  21. Which theory does NOT provide an adequate account of short-term habituation and sensitization effects?
  22. Familiarity can be defined as:
  23. Rats that are exposed to circles and triangles for a month can learn to discriminate between these two shapes more quickly than rats not exposed to the shapes. This finding demonstrates:
  24. According to dual process theory, when stimuli are highly arousing:
  25. Neophobia refers to:
  26. Robert Post found that after an initial stressful event triggered a disorder such as depression, increasingly minor stressful events could trigger additional bouts of depression. This reasoning indicates that:
  27. In which situation would one habituate the MOST?
  28. A regular drug user can have an elevated reaction to his usual drug if he takes that drug in a new environment. In this example, the familiar environment in which the drug is normally taken is a:
  29. With repeated administration of a drug, an organism will require larger and larger doses of the drug in order to achieve the same effect. This is known as:
  30. When a conditioned compensatory response occurs, the:
  31. A theory of learning in which all of the cues that occur during a trial and all of the changes that result are considered a single event is known as:
  32. A nucleus of cells in the lower part of the brainstem with connections to the cerebellum and interpositus nucleus is the:
  33. Which factor has been implicated in implementing the Rescorla– Wagner error-correction mechanism?
  34. Suppose a child grows up hearing his parents making negative comments about cats, and eventually the child comes to have negative feelings about cats. What is the conditioned stimulus?
  35. Which statement is considered to be FALSE about a successful model?
  36. The eyeblink CR seems to:
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  1. PSYC 565 Quiz 1 Set 2
  2. PSYC 565 Quiz 1
  • Liberty University